Rise of Rurik

Chapter 568: The Battle of the Backwater

Chapter 568 The Battle of the Backwater

Several seasoned Ross warriors were chatting and laughing around the bonfire grilling fish, and a messenger who had received Rurik's message hurried over.

"Brother, come to our fire to rub a fish?" One person teased happily.

The messenger sat down hastily, the fire shining on his cautious and serious face.

"Brothers, the enemy is in the forest. The sentinels in the forest have sent back news. Lord Rurik told you that even if you are sleeping, the shield must be hung on the arm, and the right hand must hold a sword or an axe."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was surprised by Mo Yan.

Someone asked: "Is the news reliable?"

"Very reliable." The messenger was impatient again: "My lord expects that they will launch an attack tomorrow, and asks our brothers to guard the camp and let them die. Anyway, we attack that fortress, and the decisive battle is only a day or two. I'll tell the rest of the brothers."

After the messenger finished speaking, he ran to another campfire, and then looked at the few people in this campfire. They smelled the smell of grilled fish, and it was not so fragrant.

By arranging messengers, Rurik informed everyone that the "enemy was imminent".

On the surface, the Rus army was surrounded by the enemy?

This is indeed the case.

In spring, Oulu Lake is injected with too much ice and snow melt water, and the Oulu River, its runoff into the sea, also enters the flood season.

The river became very fast, and the force was enough to push the big boulders away, so it was a thankless thing for the water to rely on the human power to row the oar upstream. Based on this situation, Rurik could only carry out the crusade by traveling by land, and the Russ were forced to lose a certain degree of mobility.

All Viking forces have a common advantage - mobility over the average enemy.

This mobility comes from brisk ships. Although there are no ships at hand, the defense of the Rus can greatly compensate for this loss.

The Rus' camp was backed by the flooded Oulu River. Under Rurik's adjustment, the camp became a semicircle macroscopically.

The shield holders of the Rus and Balmers were all densely deployed on the periphery. It is said that once the enemy launches a surprise attack, the soldiers get up quickly, and the shields are stacked on each other to build a shield wall.

Commanding an army with a huge force, the commander's fine-tuned operations often turn into superfluous micro-manipulations.

Rurik didn't feel that he had come up with a surprise and complicated deployment, and his subordinates could do everything.

In terms of building a shield wall, the Ross people, Balmerks, and Melalen Lake people at hand are all good at it.

Rossby was much richer many years ago, especially the massive smelting of iron, coupled with the seizures of previous wars, Rurik's army could have more than 800 men in chainmail.

They slept in armor, and when they heard the wind and grass, they got up and fought with their swords.

A group of archers and crossbowmen were arranged among them, but more archers were called to Rurik's side.

In cold weapon warfare, only the intensive use of archers can exert great tactical effectiveness. The shooters arranged in the front line are to create chaos for the enemy, and the shooters in the rear are arranged in a matrix, the amount of change is changed to qualitative change, and the power is extremely amazing.

Even the children from Rurikala, or even the girl warriors of the "Valkyrie Legion" under the command of Carlotta, were not the first to participate in battle.

There were no cowards in the entire team, just a large group of veterans who remained calm in the face of piles of fallen corpses.

Many people are even very arrogant, thinking that the enemy who dares to charge the camp is to die early. Such a person slept peacefully, but most of the Russ at most took a nap this night.

Outside the couch, there are also a group of coveted enemies. How many people can really sleep without heart?

A tense atmosphere pervaded the camp, and even though many people did not get much rest, thanks to this atmosphere, the tense and vigilant warriors ignored their exhaustion for a while.

The Ross army made deployments overnight, and under the bonfire lay an armored soldier who could get up at any time and fight fiercely.

On the other hand, the Tavastians still felt that they had seized the initiative in the war and had superior troops.

The warriors in ambush in the forest leaned against the tree to sleep, and waited for the morning fog to rise after dawn, and launched an offensive while taking advantage of their weapons.


The rushing river, that is the sound of the flood! Even the gods are helping the valiant Tavastia, the brothers rush up and drive the Rus into the river, and the gods will help the warriors to annihilate these enemies.

Although Vatyaara was a little nervous, when he suddenly had a little doubt, he took this set of ideas to convince himself.

For a while, he felt that he was sure to win, just waiting for the morning birdsong to break the calm.

However, the birds have long seen a human war, and the wandering birds have long run away, and even the nearby squirrels are hiding.

The morning mist filled the forest, and Vatyara woke up feeling wet.

The fog is not so thick, it is dawn, and the visibility in the dark blue world is not high.

"Haha, God is helping me!"

There was no time to eat, and he led the cleaning to wake up all the sleeping warriors.

Young, old, and even young, the warriors of Tavastia stand against the tree with mixed feelings.

There were no pre-war lectures, no impassioned speeches, not even a few words in command of Vatyara.

it is more than words!

The short spears kept moving forward, nervousness, fear, excitement, all of which became impractical.

The warriors of Tavastia, led by their commander Vatyaara, marched in the morning mist forest with 1,200 people, and officially launched a tribal alliance with more than 1,000 troops that had not been seen in ten years. Armed advance!

Young and old know all too well that the chances are short-lived based on the Tavastians, and when the sun shines on the land, the morning fog will quickly engage. If the army delays, the advantage of the raid is lost. Although it was an array battle (that is, a group fight), the madmen of Tavastia were also confident, but at least the raid tactics could win quickly.

In the morning mist, the warriors covered in animal skins were advancing. They tried their best not to talk to each other, and the sound of crushing dry pine branches was still inevitable. The sound of one person stepping on a branch can be ignored, but the same is true for a thousand people, unless the Russ are deaf, or know nothing about hunting to ignore this strange sound.

When it comes to hunting, the skills of the Rus are only better than those of the Tavastians!

The soldiers who had been arranged by Rurik for a vigil, when they noticed that the sky was turning blue, became vigilant, and when they noticed a strange hum (too many people stepping on the branches) in addition to the sound of water, they began to frantically The extinguished bonfires scurried about, brutally awakening the resting warriors.

Rurik slept lightly in the sackcloth tent.

Yevro broke in suddenly and stomped hard in front of Rurik.

"Has it started?" Rurik suddenly sat upright with his heart beating wildly.

"My lord. They are here. Everything is exactly as you expected, and the decisive battle begins."

Rurik covered his heart and frowned: "It's finally started. Help me get up and fight!"

This morning fog is far from reaching the point where you can't see your fingers, but the Ross army, which has the main color of white, also has camouflage in the fog.

The Rus and Balmers, the Jianyongs had their shields against their chests, and the steel swords and spearheads formed a shield wall to the outside world.

They fought their last battle and built an arc-shaped array with the baggage cart as the core.

They spontaneously formed a shield wall composed of three layers of people, most of the archers lined up in a matrix at the back, and the trebuchets were also ready to launch.

However, the torsion slingshots and a few crouching crossbowmen placed at the shield wall were ready to take advantage of the chaos to harvest their lives.

Soon, the Tavastians walked out of the woodland, and they stepped on the flat land of the riverbank, and any hiding was meaningless.

"Brothers! Roar! Frighten the enemy!"

Vatyara roared loudly, causing all the charging people to roar.

This roar really made the Ross people feel a little scared. After all, the fog still concealed the strength of the enemy to a great extent, and no one knew how many enemies rushed over.

Rurik believed that the enemy's strength was only a thousand men, and the Rus army had an advantage in this regard.

He was guarded by armoured, bloodthirsty veterans, in the safest rear of the array.

It was here that a crossbow was aimed at the front at an angle of about 30°.

Boys and girls, elite mercenaries, Kewen longbowmen, suddenly launched a salvo under Rurik's order!

This is not an ordinary salvo, it is a salvo of nearly 400 arrows!

Light conventional bows and heavy crossbow arrows, they crossed a low and flat parabola, which was then covered by the fog, and plunged into the relatively dense Tavastiya array of the teams that were attacking the pigs.

People can't see the arrow, only the dense swish makes them aware of the fear.

An innumerable number of Tavastians fell to the ground with arrows, and the warriors on the run realized that their opponents seemed to be prepared, and the bow-bearers fired their arrows in confusion.

Arrows landed in the Ruth people's array, and three unlucky warriors were cut through their skins. Fortunately, the well-prepared chainmail still blocked further damage to the body from the enemy's clumsy arrow clusters.

Rurik didn't care about it at all, or had no time to care about it.

"Trebuchet! Now!"

He roared hoarsely again, deliberately charging a third of the ten bull trebuchets, and threw the pebbles obtained on the spot.

As for what damage was done, no one could see under the fog.

However, Ross and Balmerk sword and shield players who were on the front line had already vaguely seen the dark shadow suddenly emerging from the fog in front of them.

Someone was yelling in Norse that the enemy was coming, all half-bowed with their shields in front of them, their sword-holding hands clenched even tighter.

It was at this critical moment that the crossbowmen and torsion slingshots placed in the front row attacked at the same time.

The Tavastians, who still did not see the face of the enemy, were struck head-on.

Those who charged were directly pierced through the chest by the projectile of the torsion slingshot, and their heads were chopped off. The accuracy of the crossbow was immediate, forcing the hitter to fall to the ground.

The crossbowmen hurriedly climbed back to the formation, and at this moment, the contact battle between the two armies broke out.

The Tavastians paid some casualties and finally saw the faces of the Rus. They were all white, standing like a famous snowman!

Many people feel that this is a strong enemy, and some people want to calm down, but the torrent of war urges them to collide.

The Tavastians rushed frantically, hitting the shield wall of the Rus like bulls, but unfortunately, they were not bulls.

At the moment of contact, the sword and the spear stabbed at random, and the axe and the halberd (even if the spear was equipped with an axe) slashed bravely.

The Rus's round shields were stacked on top of each other, and the Balmers had the exact same tactics. The Rus are simply using the Roman tortoise shell, it seems that this is retro? To be fair, Rurik knew that this formation was still a cost-effective tactic to deal with messy armed gangsters after many years.

Even if they worship Odin, a group of shirtless berserkers will emerge during the fight. Even if most Vikings are so poor that they don't even have reliable clothes, they must have a shield that can protect most of their torso.

The Tavastians slashed wildly at the shields of the Rus, and the effect was really bad. When the fighting develops for a period of time, they feel more and more difficult.

In terms of physique and strength, the Ross and Balmerks are considered to be the "Northern Germanic people", with a stronger physique than the Franks and Saxons, while the Tavastians, immigrants from North Asia, are inherently shorter ( In this era, the direct ancestors of Finland were almost not integrated into the Slavic and Germanic ancestry).

The screams of killing came one after another, and there were metal collisions everywhere.

It is impossible for the Russ to have no casualties, but with the protection of shields and armor, the wounded suffered almost all internal injuries, especially bruises on their arms and shoulders.

The battle continued, and when Vatyara realized that his raid could not break the enemy's line at all, the plan to drive the enemy to the river of floods to drown was in vain, and the sun shone on the battlefield by the river!

The chance to belong to Tavastia is almost gone!

Some wounded soldiers were pulled to the rear, and Rurik still had no time to take care of these wounded soldiers. He continued to order his long-range shooters to continue to cause confusion for the enemy.

Because of the enemies who threw javelins, Rurik saw at a glance that these guys were also throwing Roman javelins.

A hapless Ruth warrior suddenly died under such a javelin, and Rurik had to fight back with a bow and arrow.

"Damn morning fog! Let it go away! I lost my weapon advantage, damn it!"

Of course the casualties of war are inevitable, and the Russ people are flesh and blood no matter how tough they are. Every soldier was important, Rurik didn't want to kill a single subordinate, the reality was that the Rus were suffering inevitable casualties.

Looking at the front line again, when the sun shines, the Ross people start a defensive counterattack.

Biyonni, Arik, and Heliger, the three of them took their subordinates to push back the enemy.

The energy of the Tavastians was almost exhausted. After paying the terrible price of about 200 dead corpses, all the rest kept a certain distance from the Rus.

When the man also killed the red eye, he temporarily held the axe to break through the shield wall of the Rus people, and then was stabbed to death by the chaotic sword.

Originally a Russ with blue stripes and white robes, almost all the soldiers in the first row were bloody. It was the blood of the enemy, and even the wood of the shield was penetrated by the blood of the enemy.

It seems that the collapse is only for a moment, and the Tavastians who do not want to be cowards know that the raid not only fails, but the possibility of defeating the enemy in one fell swoop is not high.

The world became clearer and clearer, and golden light sprinkled on this beach.

Someone or a measure is needed to break down the enemy's psychology.

Rurik couldn't care less, the fog was dissipating at an extremely fast speed, and the man who was manipulating the catapult on the trolley could already see the position of the enemy's line with precision and estimate their distance.

With this good opportunity, more than 300 bowmen at the rear were gathered again.

"150 stikas! Take arrows!"

"get ready!"


Long arrows, short arrows, and stones fell from the sky, and together they formed a striking surface with a width of about fifty meters and a length of about forty meters.

At a distance of about 150 meters, the Russ suddenly launched an intensive attack in such a range, especially when the enemy seemed to be tired, the surprise attack broke the morale of the Tavastian.

With this blow, more than 30 people fell to the ground and did not get up, and many people were so panicked that they did not pull out the arrows stuck in their bodies, and threw their axes and ran away.

Vat Yala was not dead, but the old face was cut by the arrow cluster, and the whole person was bloody and extremely penetrating.

As the commander-in-chief, she knew that staying here would be courting death, and she could still hold on to the fortress at the rear.

"Brothers, we withdraw! If we don't leave, we will die!"

However, his cry was drowned in the Viking battle cry of the Rus and Balmers.


The Rus and Balmers, led by their flag captains and commanders, suddenly disperse the rock-solid shield wall, and the defensive counterattack begins now!

Countless polar bears covered in blood rushed over, first slashing at the wounded to the end, and then starting a deadly pursuit!

Avalanche! The attacking Rus people are like the avalanche itself, once they are submerged, they will die!

The Tavastians had no regard for each other, and they had to flee after throwing away their armor and armor, only to flee back to the fort and make a long-term plan.

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