Rise of Rurik

Chapter 672 The unexpected outpost

"Rise of Rurik ()"!

A hundred scouts were defeated, and Asailas of Isotalwa was furious.

Those who got away with it all complained that the enemy occupying the bear altar was very powerful, and the so-called brothers tried to challenge but were quickly defeated.

Essailas felt that these were all bullshit, and looked at the people who fled back with a look of horror and grievance. He believed that they had encountered a strong enemy, but the things he described were still too nonsense.

Those who escaped were whipped, and Asailas vented his anger, showing his power to the people, and even deterring the restless hearts of the people.

Those who were beaten to pieces had to report their specific experiences later. Asailas personally interrogated them in a secret tent, and although things still surprised him, he got some important information.

Who is the attacker? Investigators have not been named.

But they all talked about the enemy having a special flag with blue stripes on the white cloth.

The enemy's arrows are extremely sharp, and the enemy's archers seem to be skilled archers.

The enemy is also good at building walls and logging, and has built some tall wooden buildings.

The words they said were quite similar, which was obviously not collusion but something else.

As for the strength of the enemy's troops, some said 200, some said 300, and some pointed out that there must be at least 500 people with tears in their eyes. The latter basically guessed the answer.

Five hundred alien warriors with amazing combat power? Kill all the locals by suddenly hitting the bear altar?

Essailas has sent a messenger to contact the elder brother who is the chief. As a left-behind, he wants to guard the tribe, and his biggest task is to ensure stability.

stable? The world is not peaceful at all.

In the end, the Karelians practice the chief succession system of the brother and the brother. Ask yourself, Asailas is ready to take the throne after the death of the eldest brother. Because of brotherhood, he will not take the initiative to help the eldest brother. .

The current situation is unusual, the enemy is not as simple as destroying the bear altar?

As far as possible news, the attackers are clearly building a settlement on the ruins of the Bear Altar. They came prepared, and the next step was to attack Isotalwa!

Are the Karelian Horde tribes ready? It's too late to prepare now.

Two young men were called into the camp of Asailas, these were his two sons.

Both young people learned of the investigators' fiasco. Many people felt terrified, and some herdsmen's families were quietly fleeing. This situation made the two brothers also fear.

The son's fear was written on his face.

Asailas directly ordered: "You must make merits before you have the chance to inherit the throne. I want you to lead 200 archers each and set up a camp at the exit of the lake. If the attackers drive away the convenient waterway to challenge, you will to ambush them."

The eldest son was instantly shocked: "Father, why me?"

"Are you disobeying me?!"

"Father, is this asking us to die? Where will my brother and I have a chance to inherit the position of chief, it should be our cousin."

"Shut up." Essailas scolded the eldest son for his lack of ambition, and sternly said: "What if your cousin dies? You are so cowardly, what will happen to your future? Herdsmen need brave leaders, I You two are cowards."

He thought that the method of provoking the anger of his two sons, so he came forward.

But seeing the two of them calling themselves cowardly, the younger son shouted even more with a hilarious smile: "Father, why bother? The world is vast, we drive the deer to a safe place to continue our lives, we really have to guard the lake and the enemy's death. knock?"

"You! You bastard." The furious Asailas stood up and kicked his second son down. He simply threatened: "If you refuse, don't be my son. Your wives, concubines, and slaves I am now. Take it away. I'll send you into exile, and you'll have nothing!"

Is this threat real? The two were shocked and shivered. They had only seen their father's order to whip his subordinates, and they couldn't help but believe it.

"The enemy has humiliated the altar, and the next step is to attack us. Escape? How far can you escape? I will give you elite shooters, who will surely be able to restrain the enemy. Besides, I will assemble the army now, and ten of us will beat one of them, and then Can you lose?"

If you continue to be cowardly, I am afraid that the father will turn his face now. The two brothers had to look at each other and make some discussions, and decided to carry out this order.

The vast majority of Karelia's Great Horde people are proud of their identities, and if there is a large-scale evacuation, the Great Horde will no longer be qualified to be the leader of the whole of Karelia.

Asailas issued a summoning order, and the men of the tribe came forward with their weapons.

They are all soldiers, or they have never had a distinction between soldiers and people. Ten-year-old children and even fifty-year-old old men are counted as warriors. The elite troops of the Great Horde Tribe followed the Chief on a long expedition, and they still summoned 5,000 soldiers!

They are soldiers, not like soldiers.

After they learned the terrible news, most of their simple plans were to avoid it for the time being. After all, even if it was a big event like retaking the Bear Altar, they had to wait for the troops of various tribes to gather before taking action. This is not a loss of honor.

The entire big tent tribe completed the army assembly in a few days. In a sense, they were just waiting for the rabbit. Unfortunately, this large tribe of more than 10,000 people did not want a war.

They were passively defending, and two camps quickly appeared at the exit of the lake, where the elite shooters gathered.

Undoubtedly wise, Asailas sensed the danger and did everything in his power to be on the alert before it arrived.

Because he can't afford to lose! The loss of the bear altar also disgraced him.

The army has assembled, and the unknown enemy had better not take the initiative to attack. He hoped that the eldest brother would return quickly with his elite troops, and the messengers from the Xiaojing and Dongjing tribes would bring the local troops to help out.

As long as everything will be fine in winter, even if the enemy is very strong, the Karelian army will be able to successfully retake the bear altar after the large army has assembled.

Of course, he didn't want his two sons to die, but to build two outposts. Since the enemy is likely to enter Isotarwa Lake by water, these two outposts are the most critical.

In addition, there are hundreds of hunters in the forest, so once the enemy appears on the road, they can make an ambush first, and the hunters can reliably and quickly bring the news back.

Essailas has done everything a left-behind leader can do, and conservative tactics seem to be the safest.

However, the main force of the Russ army started a full-scale main attack the day after the landing. The attack was to seek a decisive battle. There was no difference between the main attack and the feint. Rurik just wanted to end the battle as soon as possible and directly destroy the exposed settlement.

Both sides have investigated each other, but the battle-hardened Rus soldiers have done better.

It's just that the outposts built by the two sons of Essailas have only been built in the past few days. It can be said that they just set up a camp on the river bank at the exit of the lake, and the main force of the Rus army was killed.

There is a time difference between the two sides, and Rurik doesn't care about this, which is the arrogance of the monarch.

What is the name of the river? Since it is near Xiongji Town, it is simply called Xiongji River.

The wind direction in early autumn is always changeable, and although the river is relatively spacious, the center depth is more than two stikas. It flows quietly in the forest, and the tall red pine forest blocks most of the wind. The sailing of the sailing warships of the Rus Army is seriously affected. hinder.

Fortunately, a large number of traditional rowing longboats were in the army, and the longboats towed large sailboats. After the army left a few people to watch the military camp of Bear Festival Town and a large number of deer, the absolute main force of Ross took the waterway and rushed to the destination.

Although it is slow, the overall speed of the fleet that has been transformed into a long snake formation is not slow.

Occasionally, there are crisp birdsong in the surrounding environment, and many squirrels are jumping among the treetops. People on the boat can see that their eyes are straight. It is not a squirrel, but a group of fluffy silver coins that can run and jump.

Everyone generally relaxed their vigilance. After sailing for a morning, the forest was still empty and unpopular. This generation is clearly a no-man’s land, so why guard against enemy attacks?

Rurik shouted a few words. The so-called crossbow-wielding warriors and carpenters were assembled on the decks of the major ships. The torsion slingshots on both sides of the deck removed the protective tarpaulins, and then anointed the torque mechanism to stand by.

Everyone did these things with ease. People who have won too many battles don't feel any danger in the future. They are very proud.

Rurik didn't really care, he even wanted to relax. Dad's words are very pure, you are obviously strong and shouldn't be overly cautious.

Why fear Karelia? The battle will be launched as early as tomorrow, and the army will be destroyed and won.

In the forest in the distance, the sentinel in animal skin was shocked to find that a mighty fleet was sailing! That's a lot of paddle boats, and a huge boat of amazing size!

This is the river that leads to the altar of the bear from Isotarva and is the most convenient route for the Karelian Horde tribes to reach Lake Ladoga.

The sentinel did not reveal his tracks, but they had already exposed it, but the original style fox fur hat showed that the sentinel himself was a fox who had been running away.

Ross soldiers whistled and chatted. Even if there was no war, everyone saw a large number of squirrels running around along the way, and they coveted this lake and woodland.

After the crusade against the Karelians, many people shouted that they must find time to catch some squirrels in Bear Festival Town, and they can make a fortune just by selling leather.

The two sons of Asailas were informed that the disaster had indeed come!

The sentinel swore that he saw the blue-striped flag on a white background, and the two of them who couldn't believe it now had to be convinced that the villain who attacked the bear altar had killed him.

They are cowards, who do not cherish their own lives.

However, now the situation has completely changed.

The sun is about to set, and Iso Talva is a peaceful lake and mountains. It should have been a lazy and peaceful evening, but the battle broke out suddenly.

The two brothers and their bow-handling hunters gathered by the lake on both sides. They relied on big trees for cover or climbed among the yellow-green bushes. Bone cluster arrows are placed on the bow handle, and hunters can shoot arrows well, but they just have to fight against strong enemies, how can they not be cautious?

Through the gaps in the leaves, the enemy ship finally appeared. At this moment, the Karelians finally saw the true face of the Ross Army, as well as the amazing phantom of the Avrolla.

Rurik stood proudly on the deck, tired from sailing all day. It is said that they are approaching the exit of the river and entering the new lake. After nearly a day's sailing, the people paddling are very tired. It is necessary for the army to camp by the lake. Everything should come as planned.

What a sudden attack!

The Karelians in ambush suddenly emerged from their hiding place under the orders of the two commanders.

They shoot arrows with bows, and the arrows hit the unprepared Rus.

The arrows hit the shields on both sides of the longship and hit the oak hull of the Avrolla. Between the distance and the slight distance, the power of the arrow has been reduced a little.

However, those are all bone arrow clusters, even if they are sharpened, they are bones after all.

The arrows hit the iron helmets of the Ross warriors, and some unlucky ones were shot through the temples because they did not wear helmets.

Some people were shot blind in the eyes and hit the brain tissue to death, and some unlucky people were shot in the aorta of the neck and their blood spurted suddenly.

Others were hit in the upper body covered with tattoos, and the barbed bone arrows were pierced into the flesh.

The Russ were screaming and being attacked, Rurik simply fell down on a brisk walk, and the wooden railings on the side of the ship became the best shield.

The Rus paid casualties for their arrogance, but insignificant casualties.

Many people were injured, and they were not badly injured. How could they take off their helmets and armor if they were too hot for rowing? Anyone with armor can easily shield these inferior arrows.

There was an ambush of four hundred Karelians who shot and killed only five Rus fighters.

Of course, the young and old warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles are after all flesh and blood, and the bad arrows hit their vital points.

The Karelian shooters were all exposed, and they seemed to be emboldened by howling.

They showed their figures and continued to shoot arrows, but unfortunately the Russ were already prepared.

Rurik got down on the deck and shouted: "Counterattack! Break down! The whole army fights back!"

The Avrora, at the head of the line, was the worst hit, and Rurik saw that even the furrowed mast had an arrow on it.

The flagship broke down and stopped, and all subsequent ships stopped.

The torsion slingshot began to counterattack, and its torsion mechanism was inflated to the role of the anti-ship shield. The shooter quickly charged up, and launched precise shots when the strength was not satisfied. This was enough.

The cast iron projectile smashed the enemy's chest directly, and his ribs were torn apart on the spot, and his internal organs collapsed and died.

The warriors holding the crossbow dodged the enemy's two rounds of shooting, wearing a tin helmet and sticking out their head, holding a crossbow to describe the shooting, or even the general shooting.

In the beginning, the Karelians took advantage of the sneak attack, and the lead ship of their main attack team was also very clever.

It's a pity that their weapons are a joke. How can some hunting wooden bows and inferior arrows block the fleet?

The Rus people started the most violent counterattack. The long boat dragging the big ship hooked its back and continued to paddle. The side of the boat had just landed, and the armored warriors did not care about picking up the round shields hanging on the sides. Many people only held a sword. Jump ashore and start chasing.

Arik bravely went ashore, enraged by the enemy's sneak attack, and roaring like a bear, his orders were self-evident.

The crossbow was aiming and shooting, and the sharp-cone arrow cluster with the faster initial velocity directly penetrated the opponent's leather jacket, not to mention the heavy arrows of the most powerful steel-armed crossbow were also killing.

The Rus and Balmers landed, and the purest Vikings began a pure Viking slaughter.

The Karelian archer, wounded by an arrow, was stabbed to death and his head chopped off with an axe.

The Russ army ruthlessly pursued and killed, and it was also a re-enactment of the tactics of roundabout encirclement.

Three groups of Karelian warriors were surrounded, almost all killed by the sword in extreme panic.

Among them were the two sons of Asailas, who were killed as ordinary enemies, and their heads were chopped out of shape with a large axe.

The Ross Army was attacked, and some brothers died in the attack. This is a great shame!

The soldiers deliberately vented their anger. They chopped down the corpses of the enemy, completely forgetting the exhaustion of paddling all day, and released the pressure they had accumulated for many days in the violent catharsis.

Rurik tried his best to shout, but his weak roar was drowned out by the roars of thousands of landing soldiers.

It was Arik who kept his last rationality while washing his face with blood. More than a dozen enemies who were about to be hacked to death were all stunned. He ordered his subordinates to stop, which made the Ross Army catch the tongue.

The battle began abruptly, settling in the post-killing zone of the cyclone fury.

Most of the 400 Karelian shooters were killed, and the chasing Rus army rushed directly into its camp, and they rushed directly to the lake in a frenzied pursuit, until a small group of Karelians fled for their lives in a few canoes.

Has the Ross Army temporarily lost its pursuit of those left alone? Several accurate crossbow snipers shot at least three people into the water. The drowning people separated and called for help, their companions just wanted to escape as soon as possible, and were eventually engulfed by the lake...

The brave Karelian archer died, as did the cowardly two generals.

The Rus defeated this group of obstructive enemies and won the first battle, but things became complicated.

Rurik felt a little remorseful that he should be cautious, and it was too late to be cautious now.

His so-called prudence is naturally not timid, because the huge camp of the enemy is on the other side of the lake, and the lit bonfires explain everything.

The final battle is tomorrow! If night battles were suitable, Rurik would not hesitate to pursue the victory.

Since the enemy has strong resistance, the brothers will remain absolutely vigilant if they suffer once? even furious.

Rurik decided to arrange his fleet well, and seeing the enemy as a strong enemy like the old Gotland army was no longer just a talk. The army will still be dignified and coercive, and will rely on rigorous formations to give full play to its military advantages to strike across the lake.

Before that, Rurik had learned that someone had heard his killing order.

More than a dozen captives were beaten with blood, and some even groaned, and they experienced the humiliation of Ross warriors.

Although uncomfortable, Rurik praised his cousin for taking prisoners and personally interrogating these brave and reckless enemies...

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