Rise of Rurik

Chapter 673 Attack on Isotarva

"Rise of Rurik ()"!

Only a dozen or more fled the battlefield, paddling desperately in the twilight with dire news.

The Karelian outpost was breached, and the fugitives saw the tragic killing of their companions. As for how many people managed to escape, they did not dare to have any illusions.

The lakeside adjacent to Isotalwa is not too small. It will take some time to reach the exit of the lake by boat. After night falls, the exhausted fugitives took a detour in the night before they found the camp using the bonfire array as a reference.

If there is no war, tonight is another peaceful night.

However, it is true that heaven is not beautiful, the sky is hazy, and most of the stars and moonlight are covered. It is not enough to rain heavily in a few days, but a weak northerly wind blows in the world, and the temperature drops a lot.

Although it is August, autumn clothes are already thick around Ladoga Lake. Karelia's Great Horde has recently mobilized for war, but the morale of the army is not soaring.

Ordinary herdsmen are very supportive of competing for living space with their western neighbors, but the details of the new enemies are still unclear. It seems that they are very powerful, and the herdsmen would rather continue to accumulate strength.

The calm for the past few days makes people lazy. Sentinels have been placed in the forest and the estuary, and the alarm has not come. Does it mean that the unnamed enemy is just occupying the bear altar?

Essailas, who was guarding the big camp, was already falling asleep surrounded by slave girls. The pressure of the war over the past few days forced him to rely on physical catharsis to suppress his head that was about to burst with anxiety.

Because that's the Bear Altar! The loss of the altar has caused the regular autumn meetings of the tribes to be postponed or rescheduled.

The weary losers landed, first encountering some night fishermen, followed by startled Candlelight night fishermen shouting from the shore.

Some people who were sleeping in the tents were awakened, and they were no longer sleepy when they heard the news of the enemy's invasion.

Someone broke into the big tent of Asailas like a madman, knowing that this was an arrogance, but the situation was urgent, and the messenger could not care about his own life.

"Something has happened! The enemy has reached the estuary!"

The messenger shouted for a while, and Azailas finally awoke. He pushed the female slave away and cursed: "Where's the lowly animal, get out of here!"

"Sir!" The messenger didn't care too much, and rushed forward, trembling: "You... your two sons have already died in battle. Thousands of attackers are entering the lake in large boats.

Our outpost... is done! "

Asailas suddenly lost his temper. He only felt that the world was absurd, and asked again: "You are so bold. Do you know what you are going to say?"

"My lord." The messenger immediately sat down and rammed his right fist against his chest. "The enemy who attacked the bear altar has come. Your two sons have already died in battle, and almost all of the four hundred brothers in the post are dead! Sir, listen to me. Listening to the voices outside, the people who have escaped are already telling everything. People are terrified."

"Ridiculous, this is ridiculous."

Asailas struggled to his feet, and he put on his leather jacket and walked out of the tent to find a large crowd of panicked people walking with torches. He tried to control the situation, but how could the panic of such a large tribe be easily suppressed?

Seeing the garrison leader stand up, the frightened herdsmen gathered one after another, begging for a good solution.

What is a good policy? Where is the best way to defend against the enemy?

He first called the battalion commander who had escaped, and aggressively interrogated the tears.

This time, he got more frightening news than ever.

The huge number of mound-like ships floating on the river is amazing? Enemies have blue flags on a white background, even their clothes? The enemy still has sharp arrows that make Karelian hunters a joke.

Could it be that even an ambush of 400 people could not inflict heavy damage on the enemy, so Aiko died in battle?

At least they died like men, but the bad news made Asailas blushed, and in his fury he vowed to fight the invaders to the end!

Thousands of people waited outside the war, and the bonfires and torches lit to illuminate the dark world.

The people were not sleepy, and the roar of discussions made them more fearful and anxious.

Asailas finally reappeared, and for a moment the scene fell silent.

Thousands of eyes looked at his shadow and listened to his violent words.

"Brothers! The raiders who desecrated the shrine have come, and the decisive battle is earlier than we expected. It was the most ferocious pack of bears, or the fierce pack of wolves. Our outpost was breached, and they are about to attack our camp! He attacked They will kill us all! Kill all the men, take all the women, they will kill the old and the children, and they will take our deer. We have nowhere to go, and I will fight them to the end!"

The people with wide eyes shivered, and they didn't know which god they had angered to provoke such punishment.

Is it really impossible to evacuate the family?

Essailas claimed the loss of the sacred bear altar, and the entire Isotalwa was to blame. The man who runs away is the traitor who betrays the ancestors and gods, and will be executed immediately.

But women and children must immediately evacuate the deer!

Essailas felt he had made the best decision in the crisis. It is impossible for him to escape with his clan, after all, only the real chief has the right to issue this order. It can be imagined that the chief will not retreat without a fight. As the chief's younger brother, if he can't keep the camp, then come and see him. Besides, the two cowardly sons could still die for the tribe, and for their courage, they would rather die for the tribe.

But if women and children are killed by soldiers, it is also the most serious disaster. Many men are killed in battle, and the women who have successfully escaped can continue to have children. Although the population has dropped sharply, the tribe can recover quickly.

Men who are hesitant have to stay, and more men are determined to stay for a decisive battle.

The Karelian Great Horde started an evacuation movement, with wives crying goodbye to their husbands and children saying goodbye to their fathers, giving them very limited time. Women and children wake the sleeping deer and force them to start moving north.

There are still women who are determined to stay, who would rather die in battle with their husbands.

Also includes a large group of old people who have decided to die for the tribe and will do everything in their power to kill an enemy...

Essailas was moved to tears. He never thought that he did not actually practice violence in the end, and that the people really took up arms and stood up because of their honor.

He promised all his slaves, men and women, that they would fight with sharpened sticks, and when they defeated the invaders, they would be free and become free herdsmen.

It's a pity that the night in August is not long, and Isotarva has made the correct preparations under the leadership of the rational leader, and their actions are already too late!

On the other hand, the Rus army, which had won the first battle, had dared to clean up the battlefield before the sun went down.

The corpses of the enemy were lightly tapped, and the captives were hanged after the trial.

The entire Rus army landed overnight, and the enemy's weapons were confiscated. Through a large number of bone arrow clusters, and even the casualties of his own, Rurik judged the level of the enemy's army - the same level as the Tavastians.

Rurik didn't want to expose himself, his subordinates had already chased him to the lakeside, and he especially ordered his subordinates to prohibit lighting bonfires by the lakeside.

The Rus army leaned against the river and lit a large number of bonfires on the battlefield in the forest.

This can only cover up their presence to a limited extent, as the clouds above are illuminated by a multitude of bonfires.

The Karelians are not mere fools, do they believe in the enemy's invasion after listening to the words of the fleeing returnees?

Look at the southern sky, it's lit up. Who can deny that there is no large army hidden there, despite the forest cover?

The enemy's corpse was removed, and the corpse of one's own side was temporarily placed. Wounded soldiers were washed with spirits, then violently sutured with twine, and finally tied with sackcloth.

There were brothers casualties, and the Rus soldiers were furious. The enemy dared to launch a sneak attack, only the Rus army has the right to sneak attack.

At a big bonfire, Rurik gathered all the flag captains and centurions.

He walked among the brothers and talked about the fleet tactics to be implemented. There were no sonorous words, but only specific tactical arrangements.

Everyone basically listened and listened to the end.

"That's the arrangement, what else do you suggest?" Rurik asked.

Everyone looked at each other, the flames illuminated everyone's expressions, and it was clear that people were all supportive.

"Since that's the case, let's arrange it like this..."

Arik suddenly raised his head: "Brother, are we really going to let those women and cubs go?"

"Yes. This time it should be spared."

"Why? Those cubs will grow up to take revenge, and they must be cut down."

"Maybe so. However, I don't believe you would be afraid of a group of grown-up cubs. Brother, you were too violent before, you were really killing people."

"Am I doing something wrong?" Arik asked rhetorically.

Rurik knew he would say that, but he had a point. "It could be wrong or right. I'm going to conquer Karelia, so I can't kill indiscriminately. I want them to submit, we want a group of slaves. I've already figured it out, now that I've hit their lair, those who give up resisting Everyone was arrested."

"I'm afraid your kindness will raise a group of jackals." Arik shook his head.

"It doesn't matter." Rurik turned to the crowd again, "Isn't it maddening to be ambushed and attacked? You should also understand that the enemy is not an idiot. Be careful, I don't want any of you to be injured in tomorrow's battle. Remember, a soul cannot go to Valhalla to die in stupidity."

The first flag team composed of pure old Rus people wanted to kill, and the other flag teams were more willing to rob women.

Rurik had no time to restrain the troops, and everyone fell asleep. When the sky turned gray and blue, people woke up one after another, ate dry food and boarded the boat.

The third flag team composed of Balmers blew walrus ivory horns one after another, and the sound of leather drums set off solemnity.

The fleet of long snakes entered the lake one after another, and a gust of north wind hit, and the coolness made Rurik feel chilled.

The north wind will reduce the range of the arrows, and the biggest advantage is that the sailing ships can sail freely.

"Let's sail!" Rurik commanded, looking up.

The Avrolla showed her huge jib, deliberately at an angle to the ship's centerline, and she began to sail against the wind.

All sail cruisers, sail destroyers, and armed cargo ships formed a linear array, slamming against the other side of the lake like a wall.

Behind it, there are as many as forty longboats, the first and third, a group of veterans of the Second Banner, and even a group of heavily armored mercenaries from Rurik, they are Ross Literally marines.

Rurik deliberately looked up at the enemy, trying to imagine this advance as a beach landing in Normandy, imagining that the enemy had already prepared for the beachhead.

Coincidentally, Normandy was formed after Danish immigrants colonized an area of ​​the Frankish kingdom and accepted imperial security.

On the decks of large ships stood a large number of warriors with crossbow and footbow. They stood so densely together that some heavy weapons seemed cramped to manipulate the space.

Before the outbreak of the war, Rurik fantasized about a land battle with the enemy, so as to show the advantages of his own heavy weapons.

Rurik could now have a hunch that the enemy would be waiting in the big camp where they had been completely exposed. After all, the captured enemies said they were better prepared for a decisive battle. It seems that heavy weapons can only be used on ships, which is a good thing.

The on-board torsion slingshots of the trolleys prepared for the land battle were put on the ships again, and the bull catapults were basically evenly distributed among the ships.

The decks at the bow and stern are mainly placed with heavy weapons, and the middle deck is densely filled with people with bows and crossbows.

This time, the Suomi and Veps will shoot arrows at the enemy. Their overall poor bows cannot create a long killing range, so it is no problem to land as a cover.

The sky slowly rose, and the Rus army rushed towards Isotalwa as a whole.

Many women and children have just left with their children and deer, and they have not gone far.

A large number of men stayed up all night, and many people said that the decisive battle was not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and there would be a big battle within a few days.

The men of Karelia dare not have any more illusions, because those optimistic fantasies have been completely shattered by the fast approaching group of shadows after dawn!

The man by the lake saw the big ship and the weird triangular sail. Although the distance is approaching, the huge blue pattern on the sail is clearly visible!

The totem of the Rus is two interlaced blue stripes, which symbolize the oars.

Ross means oar, this fleet that once crossed the ocean to expedition to Britain, appeared impressively in the small lake of Isotarva in the north of Lake Ladoga.

This kind of incident completely subverted the cognition of most Karelians. This is the first time they saw the true face of the invader. Strangely, many people did not feel fear, but felt that the big ship must not be mortal. made.

"Maybe they are the apostles of the Lake God. We didn't worship God properly, which led to God's punishment?" Some priests made a plausible guess.

Asailas is not so stupid. Even if he really blasphemed God and was punished, it would be more than it should be. The approaching attackers are either God's Apostles or vile Gentiles!

He yelled at the camp and called men with spears, axes and shields to the lake to assemble.

Those terrifying ships ruined the Karelian people's idea of ​​water battle. They assembled by the lake, and soon assembled a black army. Their roars caused the world to rumble, as if they could scare off the enemy with their might.

But this is the most classic Viking provocation in the eyes of all the Viking troops of the Rus army.

"They are provoking you. I think they have assembled a lot of people, and they are courting death!" Yevlo yelled at Rurik in the strong wind.

Rurik squinted his eyes and looked solemn. The gilded leather helmet had covered most of his face, and the whole person was also covered with bronze reinforced chain mail, which made the whole person appear golden and noble. This kind of defense is indeed overdone.

Rurik remained calm and ordered: "Get your brothers ready for battle. Your flag bearer is on standby immediately."

"Yes, my lord."

More than three thousand Karelians had assembled by the lake, shivering in the coolness of the morning wind. They are not cold, they are fear, excitement, hesitation, and all kinds of emotions are mixed together. The vast majority of people carry their own bows, and when it comes to the rate of long-range weapons and equipment, Karelia's big tent tribes are really strong, and even over the top. Unfortunately, their wooden bows are so bad, even if the bear hunt is mostly auxiliary, the fatal blow comes from the spear.

Spears and bows, the Karelian army has the most equipment, desperately shooting arrows and cooperating with spearmen to stab them, this is the magic weapon for their victory in battle. Cheap.

However, the Ross fleet suddenly dropped the spear, and Rurik intuitively determined that the flagship had entered the proper position.

With the sails adjusted to a suitable angle and the inertia of the ship, the flagship quickly reached the port side to confront the enemy. The Avlora entered the battle array, and soon, the battleships were all in place.

Standing on the deck, Rurik could basically see the opponent's hair and face clearly. The distance between the two sides seemed to be 150 meters, which was enough.

The flagship communicated with the ships through the semaphore, which conveyed the meaning of Rurik himself. The enemy was very strangely standing still, but they listed a dense formation. This formation would naturally take advantage of the group fight. However, in the face of the intensive attack of long-range weapons, wouldn't it be courting death? !

Rurik felt that he had quietly stumbled upon a huge opportunity, and the semaphore told the ships one last message: pay attention to the semaphore and fire freely.

A black flag was quickly rising to the top of the flagpole. After all kinds of weapons were charged, the shooters stared at the flagship.

When the black flag reached the top, the ships launched shelling in a very tacit understanding...

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