Rise of Rurik

Chapter 676 Weeping to the north in the cold autumn rain

"Rise of Rurik ()"!

In this era, strong men are the foundation for a regime to survive. The Karelians have three major tribes, of which the big tent tribe, Isotarva, is dominated by the largest population.

The big tent tribe is arrogant because of the large number of people, and because of the large number of people, they have to take the initiative to expand, and find the most plentiful grassland for reindeer grazing in the forest and snow field.

The glory of the past was suddenly lost with a tragic defeat. Although as many as 10,000 people still managed to escape the large camp by the lake, the military capability of the tribe has been fatally hit. Nearly 4,000 men died in battle. The tribe was almost destroyed.

Are they about to collapse?

The young women fled with their children. They had to take care of a large herd of deer, and the escape was too hasty. The group did not escape too far. Fortunately, they had the cover of the forest, and their existence had not been detected by the Rus army.

If Rurik seized the time and ordered the troops to pursue them with all their strength, regardless of priority, the Rus army would probably be able to chase down the fugitives and get plenty of results.

He didn't do this, and he wouldn't let the whole army take risks when the enemy's situation was unclear and the geographical situation was unclear.

The invaders did not continue to advance, and the fleeing Karelian women did not know whether they had fought a war, and if so, what was the situation of the war.

Finally, the hundreds of men who were defeated walked across the forest in despair, and on a cloudy night, they saw a bonfire formation under the mound in the distance.

Will that be the enemy? The frightened men were so frightened that they would rather wait until the daytime, when they could see the brownish-gray shadows of winter there, and judged that it was a huge herd of deer, and then they walked boldly with confidence.

The new camp of the Karelian women is 30 kilometers away from the destroyed Isotarva camp. This may not seem far, but when there is no road, they are running wild with their children and belongings. , according to the plan, they will go straight to the winter meadows in the north.

Even if the Rus army did not start a war, the Karelian Horde tribes would still start to migrate. Winter is not far away, and winter grazing, which is related to the breeding of reindeer herds next year, must be started in advance in autumn. Even for domesticated reindeer, migration is an instinct engraved in their genes. The spontaneous migration of reindeer has been broken by human domestication. Are they actually migrating under the leadership of their Karelian masters? But turn around and say that the Karelian people who rely heavily on reindeer farming are also forced to migrate every year by their domesticated livestock.

Unless they have a steady supply of enough high-energy feed, winter grazing will become redundant.

Animal husbandry is an alienated agriculture,

Herds of reindeer are like "fields to walk around".

Ross needs to control a large number of livestock to supplement his growing crop farming, and Ross's demand for furs of various colors will only increase year by year. Then the Karelians, who have an amazing number of reindeer, either sacrifice their animals and surrender, or die.

Rurik did not engrave such a strategy on the plank, but he did wage war with a large army for this purpose.

The Karelian women who evacuated with the herd of deer were not stupid. When the loser of their own tribe suddenly appeared, the news of the heartbreak instantly spread throughout the entire camp, and there was a moment of mourning...

What to do next? What is the intruder trying to do?

They saved others and knew the enemy's purpose: to kill men, kidnap women and children, and kill all deer.

The Karelian Confederation of Tribals used such tactics against the Tavastians, and they were such a source of a group of slaves evacuated by the women.

Isotalwa has disintegrated, and what is even worse is that an autumn rain has finally fallen.

In the bleak environment, more than 10,000 people from the big tent tribe drove a total of 200,000 reindeer, large and small, and dragged wooden carts to the winter grassland. Lost a lot of materials for setting up tents, thousands of people can only rely on the dense pine needles of the Korean pine forest to shelter from the rain, the rain shelter effect is negligible, the woods are full of shivering rain shelters, and the plague has begun to appear.

Some people catch a cold and cough desperately, while others die directly from hypothermia.

The rain has lasted for three days, and in these three short days, as many as one hundred infants died, adding another sadness to this troubled tribe.

Even the older priests were in a precarious condition due to weakness and disease, and finally even the priests died on a rainy night...

People dug pits in the mud and buried the dead, large and small, praying that their souls would enter the sea of ​​ancestral spirits' souls, and would no longer suffer in this mortal world.

Some women, with dead husbands and dead children, are rushing to the northern winter pastures in the desolation and dampness, and their own conditions are precarious, too weak to die. More than 50 women searched for vines, cloth strips, and even tendons to bind supplies, and used them as ropes to bind their necks and end their lives quietly.

The rain lasted for eight days! When the sun finally reappeared, the once huge Horde tribe lost as many as a thousand people during the rainy season.

The bow drill, the only fire-making tool that can be used in the muddy environment, cannot complete the ignition. When the jerky they carry is eaten, they can only kill the deer, eat the fresh venison and drink the deer blood.

Young children can only eat raw meat like adults, they complain that the meat is not delicious, and the mother says it is all because of the actions of the intruder.

Some children ignorantly ask when their father will come back, will they go back to the big camp next year?

The more the child asked, the more the mother cried.

The mother can only squeeze the child's face and order him to take revenge when he grows up...

This fleeing team did not simply go to the winter pasture. When the material problem encountered a big problem, they took the initiative to go to the small tent tribe, hoping to get the help of traditional allies.

Even though the situation is tragic, a miracle has happened!

A team came from afar, frightened people gathered to guard the herd of reindeer, men dragged their tired bodies with spears, and watched a group of people from the west vigilantly.

Soon the alert was lifted, and the person who came was not the enemy, but the chief of everyone, Valheba!

A thousand of the strongest warriors of the Karelian Horde tribe were on the smoothest path to return, and the entanglement with the Suomis caused the warchief Valheba to delay some time. They left the lakes in the west again, and it was a group of people carrying their more than one hundred canoes overland through the flat forest area, and then found a stream in the goddamn rain and ran to their hometown.

They advance in twisty waterways, drifting in heavy rain, and people not only have to struggle to control the boat from being overturned by the turbulence, but also fight against the cold. They were very surprised to see a crowd not far away, and they were shocked when they probed a little.

The family was finally reunited, and this reunion nearly broke the minds of the soldiers fighting on the front line.

Varheba is the chief of the tribe and the chief warchief of the whole of Karelia.

He was also a man, the husband of his wife, the father of his children, the elder brother of his relatives.

Both the younger brother and the nephew died for the clan, and the entire clan's strong and young men were lost. Now there are less than 2,000 men who can use weapons.

The large camp by the lake collapsed, his wives and concubines disappeared, and the young sons were either slaughtered or died on the muddy road to escape.

Valheba looked up at the sun and cursed, then hugged his head and cried, and suddenly his whole body fell to the ground with a humming in his head.

What a brutal blow this is?

Thousands of people ran away in grief for so many days, the appearance of the warchief was a miracle, the low morale had just picked up, and now the warchief fell, and there were rumors that the chief died in grief.

Not really, but the situation is not much better.

Valheba was suffering from a high fever, and lying in the temporary tent, he completely cut off his original plan to return to the lakeside tent to defend against the enemy.

The original plan was completely meaningless, the big account tribe was over, at least he personally felt that he had no hope of making an offer.

What he needed most was the truth, so when he was dying, his eldest son sat beside him, and a few fugitive men who came to fight in person came into the tent to explain the situation.

Five people came, and they saw the warchief blushing, or falling to the ground in shame or grief, and weeping.

"You...don't cry. Tell me, what happened to Isotarva? What the hell was the attack...why did you lose...so badly!"

The last sentence was really stressed, and everyone saw that the chief actually spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Yeah, why did it fail so badly? In any case, it is incomprehensible from Valherba's three views.

Even if they were to fight in person, those who fled had little idea of ​​how they were defeated.

Someone explained: "Asailas sent men to guard the mouth of the river, but the enemy ships were as big as mounds, and their masts were as high as the pine trees here. Those ships fired deadly javelins, and our arrows could not hit them, and our men were killed by They are easy to kill. A horde of giants of iron jumped from their suits, and the enemy could not be killed. Spears and arrows could kill deer, but they were of no use."

Such a statement is too absurd, but in fact this is the Viking army of the Rus in the eyes of the Karelian warriors.

But in the eyes of the Suomis, the Rus army is like this. When the Ross fleet suddenly appeared, their tentative attack was easily smashed, and the leader Uko, who knew the times, surrendered immediately, relying on acting as a submissive hound and the magical "internal aid" of Yevluo, in exchange for Su Peace of the Omi under Rus.

Then another said: "I saw the Tavastians. There are many of them, and they followed the iron giants to kill us."

"Tavastia?!" Squinting Valherba sat up vigorously, just about to say that life was another mouthful of old blood.

"Father." His son immediately supported him.

"Don't help me, let him continue."

"Yes." The man continued: "It must be the Tavastians. They must have traded their souls with the mysterious iron giants. We all know that only Tavastia hates us the most in this world. It was their strategy to sell their souls for the army of the evil god. How can we defeat the army of the gods? Everyone at the bear altar was killed, and our camp at Isotalwa was full of slain clansmen."

Someone quickly explained this statement: "Lord Azairas must have noticed this situation, and then made the women flee with the deer. We fought to the end, how to be the opponent of the magic weapon, we successfully found other People, please forgive us."

The Tavastians sold their souls and signed a contract with the evil god in exchange for the "Iron Giants" to destroy the Great Horde tribe.

Valherba felt that this was believable, and even thought it was the only reasonable explanation.

But his son Cascove thought it was absurd.

"The army of the evil gods defeated us? The Tavastians don't have this ability yet. Father, this world must be very huge, maybe a powerful enemy from outside the territory is eyeing us..."

"We didn't see the Tavastians at all in the west, they disappeared! Many people must have sacrificed their souls." Varheba ordered his son to shut up first, and then sighed.

The tent fell into a dead silence, and finally, Valherba, the chief, spoke, and he thought a lot.

"If it's a new enemy from outside the realm, we might kill them. If it's the army of the evil gods, the evil gods won't continue to help the Tavastians when they don't have more sacrifices." He I don't know the truth, but this dialectical speculation has really found psychological comfort for the confused and frightened people of the Dahu tribe.

"We may not be able to defeat the evil god's army, so let's evacuate first. If it is actually a new enemy, we can still win if we recharge our batteries. Son!"

"Father." Cascove hurriedly turned his face away.

"I'm going to die... Now I'll give you the whole clan. You are not afraid of evil gods or any enemies, that's why everyone thinks you are the next leader. Now the clan is in such a disaster, but the only men left to fight There are more than 1,000 people, we still have 10,000 women and children to rely on for their protection, and more than 100,000 reindeer... You, you must not recklessly seek enemies and seek revenge."

"I will."

Seeing that his son's attitude was not firm, Varheba suddenly raised his arm, clenched his son's elbow, and said while spitting blood: "At least for a few years! No revenge! Bear Altar."

His hands were full of blood spitting out from his father, and Cascuwei's eyes widened in horror, "I don't dare to disobey."

"You are the leader now, take my saber and take all the clansmen to the small tent tribe. You go and marry the daughter of the leader over there, and you must unite all the Karelians! This is a disaster for all of us , you have to fight to the end with the others!"

After speaking, Valherba has already passed out...

That night, the chief of the Karelian alliance fell into a coma due to a high fever. The blood he vomited was actually stomach bleeding. This was a secret he hid from his tribe. Now he has suffered a series of blows. The stomach bleeding and the serious fever are finally going to end. his life. Blood clogged his windpipe, and Valhalla died of asphyxiation in a coma.

The chief died of illness, and the people who were talking about it early in the morning heard the bad news.

Those whose tears had dried up were now only left to howl, mourning not only the death of the chief, but the tragic fate of themselves and their tribe.

Such a cruel sight did not frighten Cascove, he stood high above a crown of antlers decorated with gold, which symbolized the status of the leader, raised the broad-bladed iron sword of the great leader left by his father, and declared that he would immediately succession.

"Clansmen! My father's soul has gone to the ancestral spirit! I am your leader now, and the leader of all Karelians. We are building a new camp in the winter pastures! Women! Give birth! Men Guard our women so that they can give birth safely! Guard our children so that they can grow up safely! In ten years, we will be able to recover.

I will take you to a closer alliance with the small tent tribe, I will marry their women, and I am still the chief leader recognized by all tribes. I will definitely lead you to take back the brothers and take back the glory we lost! "

What they need most is hope, and Cascuway gives them hope. He is not a naturally brave leader, current events make people, and he must lead his people to re-energize immediately after the catastrophe.

He was not the bravest warrior on the battlefield, and now he must be the first warrior of the Great Horde, even in acting.

Varheba ended his life. He was already infected with an old disease. From the western lakes and lakes, he played a large fertile land to become a new paradise in Karelia, which was his biggest hope for the rest of his life. He died and his dreams came to nothing.

There is no honorable burial, a muddy pit is his tomb, and there is no grave, no tombstone, no sign of any kind. This is Varheba's last wish to his successor. If his family suffered a devastating blow, he should not deserve a funeral, and he should be punished by burial as a guilty person.

The reindeer flattened the earth, and the whole tribe began to run north in the new rain, enduring the cold and weeping.

History is following the general trend at this moment. Rurik expelled the Karelians a generation earlier, essentially occupying the entire lakeside area of ​​Lake Ladoga.

This is not an escape for the Karelians, but a strategic contraction that they have to do for future counteroffensives.

Kaskuwei became the new chief. He categorically did not believe the words of those people. The "iron giants of the evil gods" were all bullshit of those who were frightened and fooled. It was to excuse the ego of those who escaped from the battlefield. It must be a new enemy. ! The so-called conclusive claims are absurd, because in the West, the Suomi prisoners were caught saying that the Tavasthians were slaughtered by the Rus army.

Ross? The enemy should be Ross!

The more he thought about it, the more reliable Cascuvi felt, and finally he began to explain the results of his "investigation" to the people on the move.

That is not the "Apostle of the Evil God", but the Rus, a group of robbers who came from far away, the robbers who made the Suomis surrender, and the robbers who killed the entire Tavastia clan.

The enemy is man! Humans can be killed, and as long as everyone is retrained and virtuous, victory will belong to Karelia.

Cascuway has already guessed the truth closely, but the entire immigrant group is still entangled that they were defeated by the army of the evil god.

It wasn't until the priest who spread the news of the "evil god" was directly killed by Cascowei, and threatened to kill anyone who dared to believe it again, which forced everyone to shut up.

Finally, they braved the new rain to arrive at the winter pasture, the traditional winter pasture of the Dajing tribe, which is not far from the White Sea. This is already an extremely remote area, accompanied by cold moments, the Dajing tribe has lost half of the people and 20% of the reindeer, and finally escaped to this place to start a new life.

Many believe that they have finally escaped the land of right and wrong...

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