Rise of Rurik

Chapter 677 New Rose Fort under the Autumn Rain

"Rise of Rurik ()"!

An autumn rain brought a chill, and it was said that the aggression was like fire. This rain forcibly extinguished the fire in the hearts of the Ross soldiers.

They originally thought of chasing after the victory and rushing to achieve a major victory before the winter, but the whole world became muddy, and everyone in the wet and cold world quickly lost their fighting spirit.

Everyone is full of desire for the expedition to Karelia, hoping to grab a lot of deer in the first battle. How can this war have such an anticlimactic result?

Do not! It didn't get too bad.

Less than a day after the battle at the lake was over, the sky was cloudy, and it started raining within three days.

When the army had basically finished cleaning the battlefield and dug out everything that was available, the bleak autumn rain began.

Both Suomi and Veps say that once the autumn rain falls, it will be fifteen days if less than five days, and no one should expect it to end hastily.

The people of Rus who have some knowledge of the eastern land and this big lake are deeply concerned. The world fully soaked by the rain will become muddy. Even if they are chasing the enemy, who would be willing to go north in the mud? Unless the world freezes.

Over the years, the most traditional Rus have changed their inherent perceptions. Winter does not mean dormancy, it is a new opportunity and an alternative war season.

Where do the escaped Karelians go back? Is it the North? Are there any other Karelian tribes in the north?

The servants of the Veps pointed out the maze and turned all the guesses into reality.

Because, those people will not flee, they will flee to the winter grazing point to accumulate strength.

Now that the enemy will spend the winter in a definite location, the Rus army, forced by the bad weather to miss the opponent and the spoils, is no longer discouraged.

The army began to retreat, and various captured booty began to be shipped to the ship.

Especially the captured women, who were tightly controlled by the Suomi servant army, and the Vips servant army also got a small number of female prisoners. Not guilty of tying the elbows of the captives with ropes, they were slaves in the Karelian community, but their status has now improved. The days are still to pass, and when I move to the territory of the Western Suomi people, maybe I can finally live like a normal woman...

The Ross fleet formed a serpent formation and gradually retreated from the small lake. Rurik announced that he would abandon the conquered lakeside camp. No one objected to this decision.

Why would Ross abandon a newly conquered territory? Rather than giving up, the move is an escape.

Before the rain fell, the Rus army had already burned their fallen soldiers, and Rurik publicly announced that the souls of the dead had gone to Valhalla along with the blue smoke.

Both the Suomi and the Veps suffered losses, and the overall loss was not small. Based on their beliefs, they buried the dead on the spot, hoping that their souls would enter the underground sea of ​​souls.

Only the corpses of the enemy were still lying about.

The Rus army could not afford to collect the corpses of thousands of Karelians who died in battle. The deceased and the smashed tents were grouped together. The corpses had turned gray and the blood had turned black. The corpse will rot and stink, it will become food for the jackal, and finally it will turn into a pile of bones. It is full of resentment and ominousness, and in the bleak autumn rain, many people claim to have heard the wails of grievances at night.

It was really the cry of a night owl on a rainy night. Ordinary soldiers couldn't care too much, but Rurik simply didn't want to continue to freeze in the rain, and the whole army began to retreat.

The fleet returned to Bear Festival and arrived at the only outpost of the Duchy of Ross on the north bank of Lake Ladoga in the rain.

There are only more than 20 old Ross veterans who want to stay. They take a fancy to the local fishery resources and call it an excellent post for Ross.

It's not far from Suomi's hometown, and more than 100 people from Suomi decided to stay. This is not only "guarding the frontier for Rus", but also to fish in Lake Ladoga with the Rus, and to vent his grievances. This place is a religious center for the Karelian people! What a joy it would be for the oppressed Suomis to one day build their own houses on the territory of their former enemies.

It's a good thing that someone is willing to spend the winter in Xiongji Town, because a batch of trophy reindeer can't be taken away for a while, and they have to stay here to continue grazing.

This time, the fleet will give priority to bringing more than 300 deer aboard. According to the plan, most of the deer herd will be brought to Novi Rosberg on the Neva River by moving ants. This should be done before the lake freezes as much as possible. .

The existence of Bear Sacrifice Town itself is a mockery of all Karelians. She is likely to attract the opponent's crazy attack, which is exactly what the Principality of Ross wants to see. What is a rout? If there is a bait to lure the enemy's main force, and annihilate them all in one go, the problem can be solved once and for all.

Those who stayed were men and women, and some of the female captives would live with their new men as fishermen. They will continue to build Xiongji Town, and at least build a fortress that can be held by everyone in case of unexpected events.

In the continuous autumn rain, the Ross fleet continued southward along the lake shoreline, and the Veps returned to their hometown with a batch of spoils. They set out on the expedition, and they finally tasted the taste of victory this time after they had not yet won. The old iron tools regarded as waste by the Rus are regarded as treasures by the Veps. A batch of axes, spearheads and iron arrow clusters will quickly improve the lives of the Veps. Life will definitely get better, because even though Earl Telavis is a teenager, he is trustworthy, and he promised to bring a batch of good things to the village in late autumn. That would be the advanced equipment of many Rus Principalities, as well as the ambition of a teenager.

The autumn rain made Lake Ladoga, which should have entered a dry season, swelled, and the flow of the Neva River increased slightly. In the rain the fleet returned to their rendezvous, and ships large and small were moored in port.

The army of the expedition gathered again in New Rose Fort. Viking troops such as the Rus and Balmers entered the city, and the Suomi servant army camped outside the city. The relationship between master and servant was very thorough here.

The rammed earth road can withstand a short period of rain. However, this autumn rain lasted for half a month. The Harvest Square that Rurik saw before growing and drying the valley has become muddy now.

The continuous rain made the residents of the city feel negative, and the cool air even diluted the joy of the harvest. The people and the army stayed in their houses, and no one wanted to go out if there was nothing important.

At least the Harvest Square was rammed with stones to make it solid enough for threshing, growing, and drying. Even if it was muddy, the situation wasn't too bad.

But other paths in the city are uneven. The Nevsky Prospekt built along the Neva River, and the ring road that encircles the entire city wall, these paths have been rammed and laid with a layer of gravel brought from Kotlin Island, which is walked after the continuous rain Don't worry about muddy boots.

The situation of the vertical and horizontal roads in the city is worse, and here are the pools of water, which satisfied all the bad impressions Rurik had of the village roads.

Returning Rurik was most worried about the granary in the center of the city. Even if the road was muddy, he was led by Governor Conusson to make a very careful inspection.

It was a morning that was still raining in autumn, and the whole world was cloudy.

Although there are no umbrellas that open and close easily, local residents have made movable sheds out of leather and wooden slats. The four guards held the shed together, Rurik stood in it, and met the governor Conusson, who had rushed in, in front of the ducal palace.

"You are late."

"My lord, if I hadn't seen the light outdoors, I would have thought it was still night." Konuson defended, and then he immediately said: "It has been some time since the army entered the city, and I know that many people will leave, but The weather is horrible."

"Oh? Are you driving me away?"

Konuson was taken aback and hurriedly explained: "I don't dare. I heard that the old duke will spend the winter in Novgorod this year. The two chiefs of the principality are sitting in the west and the east, and Novelrosburg is absolutely safe. ."

"It doesn't matter. Many people in the army are indeed leaving, but let me remind you that I will leave with a batch of wheat. This damn rain directly disrupted the rhythm of the expedition. I warn you, if the wheat gets wet, you will Punished. Very severe punishment!"

"Yes! I don't dare to neglect, I dare to guarantee with honor that even the continuous heavy rain will not let the wheat get wet."

Rurik shrugged. "Hopefully. But your roads aren't well built. Look at this Harvest Square... Pray, pray that the rain will end before the mud gets worse."

Conuson smiled awkwardly: "I will continue to send people to ram it in the future."

"Of course you have to ram it, but all the roads in the square and the city will be replaced by stone or concrete roads. Don't think you have a lot of ability, only I can do this at the moment. Your greatest responsibility now and in the future is to Be optimistic about the granary and put an end to fires. Let me tell you, the granary here is related to the lives of our Rus people! If something goes wrong, even if you have a hundred heads, it is not enough for your brothers to chop!"

Rurik was serious about what he said. Although Konusson didn't know much about it, since the duke said that, there must be a reason for it. Just do your own thing.

Of course, the only thing about managing the granary is that he can indeed pat his chest and say that he has not let everyone down, and he will not in the future.

This inspection is not a pretense. These fence-style wood carvings in the Novgorod style have made the granary that was already located in the highlands of the city even higher. The wheat was either a tax or a tribute from Novgorod, especially this year's output from the destroyed pine needle estate.

The sacks are stacked like bricks and stones like a city wall, and each sack is stuffed with 200 pounds of oat grains, so that the sacks fill all the granaries, and the warehouses that used to be empty are now basically filled.

On the surface, the food seems to be normal, but the air is fragrant with soil, and the air here is a little humid.

Rurik suddenly drew his sword and stabbed at the "grain wall" in front of him.

There are bloodletting grooves on both sides of the short sword. Because Ross has advanced forged steel sword technology, the sword highlights the effectiveness of assassination and less slashing. The blade is narrow and the bloodletting groove is deep, which has the effect of a grain spy.

The short sword was drawn, and the bloodletting tank was full of oat grains that had been completely hulled.

Rurik touched it with his hands, especially chewing granules.

"Very well, the depths of the sack are dry. You did your job."

Konusong's face did not change, after all, this matter could not be extrapolated. He flattered again: "Congratulations, sir, we have a bumper harvest this year, and our food has never been purer and more abundant..."

What the Governor said was flattery and true.

Rurik checked all the granaries, and this time he felt a deep sense of security that hit the soul.

Food is the life of the people and the root of the Rus Principality.

Fenced wooden buildings can be largely insulated from flooding. The roofs are made of leather, and then attached to thatch and shingles. They will be no problem in three or four years. However, the permanent granary still has to be transferred to the masonry building, the roof can be made of leather to make a waterproof layer, and the tiles made of clay must be available.

New Roseburg must once again set off a construction boom. The buildings in key parts of the city will be improved first, and the top priority is to build a better road system, so the biggest problem is who will provide the construction funds. The so-called corvée that forced the people to build can be done. If the people are paid enough food, they will work happily. In this way, the importance of granaries and food is above all else.

Rurik was very satisfied with the inspection of the granary, and he could have deeper thoughts on this matter.

The rain continued to fall outside, and the Duke's palace was still very lively.

The first wife Svetlana is here, the sisters Carlota and Ella are here, and the ten maids are here.

These thirteen people have a common identity - the wife of the Duke.

Although they were in an orderly manner, everyone hoped that Duke Rurik would favor them. Only now, Svetlana is the only one who has the right to be intimate with Lord Rurik at will.

Tonight was a surprise!

No matter how rich and powerful, a person's sleeping place is but a narrow bed.

Ella and her ten sisters were ordered to arrive at New Roseburg for almost a month, and after the Duke ordered a natural mission, he led his troops north to fight.

The Duke has been back for many days, and Sister Svitalana was ordered to leave. I got this opportunity tonight, is it...

She was apprehensive and nervous because in Roseburg she had gone through a coming-of-age ceremony in Viking tradition.

She knelt down in front of Rurik, shyly removed her woolen tunic, and was stopped when she was about to get the soft linen lining again.

"My lord, I... don't I deserve to be a woman..."

"I guess what you want to do, the time is not ripe. It's still a little cold in the room, put on your wool sweater." Rurik ordered with a smile.

"I'm you and my sister, she clearly..."

"You..." Rurik rubbed his head and looked into her eyes: "Ella Hestoria. The name I gave you did not mean that you would simply be the daughter of a nobleman. Have children and inherit Duke Ostara, it is enough to have your sister, you do not need to be shackled to your hometown. I will make you a scribe, and I will soon take you to investigate the state of the fields in Novgorod. I will give you enough time, and now do my debriefing by my side.”

"Just like that? You...you can say it in the hall." She said with a pout of confusion.

"That's fine, don't you want to be alone with me?"

"I...I think. I even!"

"I will satisfy you in the future. Ella, I like you very much, as well as your wisdom. What I instruct you to do is related to the future of the Duchy of Ross. Only you can do the measurement of fields."

Ella still didn't understand. She had already made a series of measuring tools during this time, and declared in front of Rurik that the accuracy of the measuring tools, especially the rope ruler, was qualified.

Among the many female family members, Ella was designated by Rurik to supplement mathematical knowledge. In fact, all the female family members have learned the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and basic algebraic operations with numbers up to nine digits. They can be familiar with multiplication formulas. Amazing mental arithmetic ability. Ella is not, Rurik is already instilling her knowledge of extreme thinking and calculus.

Is it just the coexistence of the Grand Duke and the Concubine tonight? Rurik listened to her debriefing in the bed, and took the opportunity to instill some abstract mathematical knowledge in her, regardless of whether she understood it was too advanced or not. . Because Ella was appointed as the first scribe by Rurik, she must become the founder of the entire civil service system of the Duchy of Ross.

That night, Rurik passed the dictation and verified that Ella's area calculation ability for irregular shapes could be perfectly used in the calculation of farmland area.

Rurik is full of infinite wisdom, he has grown very fast, and now he has everything a strong man should have. Ella hugged this man tightly, feeling that being a clerk was a good thing, so although her status was not as good as Svetlana, at least she could stay by his side and do things for him all the time.

Ella was very relieved. In the early morning, she left the Duke's bedroom with a smile, and happened to be pulled aside by Carlotta who was waiting early.

The older sister pushed the younger sister into a hidden corner.

"Ella, he... did he do it?" Carlotta asked cautiously and bluntly.


"No?! Didn't I tell you? You dare not?!"

"Sister." Ella frowned and complained, "I asked you to arrange it, but the lord said I was too young."

"Ridiculous. Rurik is like an April bull, um..." Carlotta looked at her sister's rather flat chest again. "Maybe he's right, you're not as attractive as I am for the time being."

As if being mocked, Ella puffed up her cheeks: "Rurik said that I'm very important, and there are some things that only I can do."

"Is it asking you to measure the fields? Well, you do it well. The revival of the family can't depend on me alone. It's strange, I have done it with him so many times, how can it be... Ella, listen to me carefully. You and me A boy must be born to succeed the Duke, and if I can't you must."

She still didn't quite understand her sister's troubles, she hurriedly turned her head away from her shyness and snorted twice without saying any more.

There is nothing more important than the revival of Ostara, and Carlotta has this on his mind, and she will bear a boy who will be the beginning of the revival. But……

Carlotta began to wonder if she had been deprived of her ability to reproduce by God. She dared not give up. If she was in such a tragedy, wouldn't her sister also be cursed by God? She didn't want to give up, and even persuaded her sister to take the initiative immediately.

The sisters' little Jiujiu Rurik didn't know it at all, or didn't have the heart to figure it out.

What is Rurik thinking about writing? The anticlimactic expedition to Karelia was forcibly stopped in this way. The time was September, the muddy autumn rainy season in the Eastern European world, so most of the Sorgon sailing fleets in the past chose to return in October.

"Oops, I'm in the German army in September 1941. Damn mud makes it difficult for my army to move forward, and I have to wait until Lake Ladoga is frozen to fight again..."

Fortunately, the hateful autumn rain finally stopped, and there was no meaning to repeat it for a short time.

When the rain stopped completely, it was the twentieth day of September in the Julian calendar.

After this long rain the world has become too cool, and early risers can see the white fog they spit out when they breathe. The chimneys of many buildings have been smoking frequently, and as soon as the rain stopped, someone took an axe to chop wood outside the city, which was used as fuel for the fireplace in the room.

Late autumn has come to Eastern Europe, and Nova Rose is only warm at noon and afternoon, when the sun is shining.

What do you do first after the rain stops?

The army that was forced to rest heard the sound of the horns one after another, and the army began to gather in the restored dry Harvest Square to accept the review of the Duke and all the residents of New Roseburg.

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