Survival In The Wilderness My Luck Is 100 Million Points

Chapter 566 Vasily's Actions To Deal With Durian


Vasily rarely went out, and basically hid at home to be lazy.

Getting him to do some work is really harder than going to the sky.

Some contestants joked that their pigs were better than Vasily.

And now, Vasily is actually going out?

"This guy is trying to follow Sean secretly. He can guess that Sean is hiding food outside."

"Hey, why do I suddenly feel like I'm catching a mistress?"

"yue! Don't say that, if you want to knock CP, you can't come here. Vasily has become a rat crossing the street. This is not right."

"Sean has been gone for a while, can Vasily keep up, and he still wants to play tracking?"

"See no, Vasily went in the wrong direction and didn't keep up with Sean."

"He didn't seem to want to follow Sean in the first place, what does this guy want to do?"


The audience in the live broadcast room started to discuss.

The discerning person has seen it, and it seems that Vasily is not trying to follow Sean.

He walked slowly, his eyes kept looking around, as if searching for something.

What is this for?

Many viewers are very curious, and some people make some inferences.

"I suspect Vasily is looking for something poisonous, poison Sean!"

"He has murderous intentions? Doesn't he know that this is a live broadcast?"

"Really or not, isn't Sean dangerous?"

"Vasily still has the guts?"

"Damn, everyone's little trains are cuter than him."

"Come out a poisonous snake and kill Vasily!"

The audience all scolded Vasily.

At this time, Sean had already come to his cave, took out the pork, and cooked soup for breakfast.

In addition to pork, the reserves in the cave have increased.

Those were all Sean's harvests yesterday, and they were also processed by him and stored here.

This is a small vault.

Sean pondered while eating.

With what he knew about Vasily, Vasily would definitely not be able to help but want to take revenge on him.

So be careful, or this guy will do some crazy things.

On the other hand, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi also did everything they needed to do.

This chain of events includes touring the family property, tending the animals, making breakfast, and eating breakfast.

Every morning I wake up and do these things first, which takes about an hour.

Therefore, some viewers also joked that they were actually watching the replay.

"Okay, let's start today's work."

After breakfast, Ye Han said.

Today's work, he has also arranged properly.

First, deal with the durian!

I brought back so many durians yesterday, and I haven't had time to deal with them yet, so I have to get this done quickly.

If it is delayed for a day or two, a lot of durians may rot and the hard work will be in vain.

Just do what you say, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi work together.

Ye Han is in charge of opening the durian, and Su Xiaoqi is in charge of taking out the pulp.

Soon, the pot beside the two was filled with durian pulp.

There are also many durians that are bad and have bugs in them, which are not edible.

But it can be eaten by chickens and ducks.

The durians with bugs are all given to chickens and ducks.

It is worth mentioning that ducks have started laying eggs recently, and they usually lay an egg every one or two days, which is not bad.

The duck also temporarily survived.

Chickens are very stable, having an egg in a day or two.

This also gave Su Xiaoqi an idea to make cakes!

In fact, only eggs can be used to make delicious cakes. This method can be found on the Internet. Many short video bloggers have done it, and it has caused a craze, and many people have imitated it.

Su Xiaoqi has such an idea now that she can save eggs and make a cake to eat.

Now that the family has saved three eggs, it is almost enough. Wouldn't it be more perfect if durian was added?

As time passed, all the durians were peeled and the pulp was taken out.

The ground is full of durian husks, and the air is filled with the unique taste of durian.

How to say, smelly, sweet, very contradictory.

The chickens and ducks in the family are feasting, not only eating durian, but also eating the bugs that grow inside the durian.

These worms eat durian pulp, which is fat and big, and now they are all eaten by chickens and ducks.

"Good guy, in fact, it's all peeled into flesh, so there's not much left."

"More volume, still husks and pits."

Ye Han looked at it and said.

Now all the pulp of the durian came out and filled the three pots.

The next step is to remove the core.

This is simple, the two of them worked together and took out the core of the durian, leaving only the pulp.

As for the fruit core, in fact, a search on the Internet can find a lot of usefulness.

Before going to the island, Su Xiaoqi checked it out, and she still remembers it now.

"Boss, I checked on the Internet before, and using durian pits to dry and make soup can nourish the kidneys!"

Su Xiaoqi looked at Ye Han with a wicked smile.

Ye Han snorted and looked at Su Xiaoqi.

What is this girl trying to do?

I still need to supplement my kidneys?

"Xiao Qi, what are you looking forward to?"

"As soon as the word "tonifying kidney" is uttered, it will immediately attract a large number of men to pay, but your boss and I are not among them."

Ye Han looked at Su Xiaoqi meaningfully and said.

Durian flesh is actually very nourishing, Ye Han is feeling quite angry right now.

Su Xiaoqi still dared to tease him?

But in what Ye Han said, there is a very reasonable sentence.

That is, as long as you add a kidney, you can make men pay.

For example, the best ones sold at barbecue stalls are generally leeks, oysters, and kidneys.

"Oh, boss, so much durian meat!"

"You take a break and leave it to me to deal with it!"

"Part of the fruit is dried, and part of it can be used to make candied fruit. I will make a durian cake for you at noon, how about it!"

Su Xiaoqi quickly changed the subject, her back was sweating.

It's so immortal, what are you talking about tonifying the kidneys!

Ye Han must be panicking now, but he can't be given a chance!

That kind of thing, no matter how you say it, you have to wait until the game is almost over, or the game is completely over!

"Hehe, then you can do it."

Ye Han sneered and found a shady place by the kitchen door to sit down.

Bamboo chair sitting, in fact, that is the case.

Ye Han was wondering whether to get a reclining chair, get a fan, lie there and enjoy the coolness, and then drink tea or something.

The standard configuration of a proper retired old man!

And Su Xiaoqi was busy, taking part of the pulp and drying it directly.

The last thing you get is dried fruit like dried cashews, which can be eaten as a snack at ordinary times.

Then take a part of the pulp and enter the kitchen to start busy.

Make durian preserves.

This is difficult because the pulp of durian is too loose and not easy to shape.

Su Xiaoqi just tried it, she couldn't guarantee whether it could be done.

But as for the final highlight, the durian cake, there should be no problem.

Use eggs to make cakes, and then add the pulp of durian as a filling, which is foolproof.

The smell of durian being heated has begun to waft from the kitchen, and those who didn't know it thought it was cooking shit.

Ye Han sat at the door, feeling as if he had been stealing for half a day.

However, he was still planning his future arrangements, and he was not completely idle.

At the same time, at the detective cat's house, he finally brought Xuanling home.

And Zhang Yun has already set off. He is on his way. Calculate the time. In one hour, Zhang Yun will arrive!

[The author has something to say]

Five, good night everyone.

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