Survival In The Wilderness My Luck Is 100 Million Points

Chapter 567 I Will Say Something Different

Ye Han's live broadcast room was still lively, and a large number of viewers gathered together to chat and gossip, and they were all very happy.

In the kitchen, Su Xiaoqi was busy.

The first thing she started making was durian preserves.

To be honest, this thing doesn't seem to be very easy to do. Su Xiaoqi's first attempt ended in failure.

The final result is something similar to durian rock candied haws, that is, the pulp of durian is covered with a layer of sugar shell.

Although the taste is not bad, it is far from what Su Xiaoqi imagined.

"It can only be said that durian is a special ingredient."

"There are durian products on the market, and there are just a few over and over again, durian candy, durian ice cream, freeze-dried durian."

"If it's other fruits, it's easy to succeed. I can only blame the durian, not Xiaoqi."

"Xiao Qi is very wise, she has given up making this durian preserve."

"The next step is to make durian cakes, I am most looking forward to this."

"Speaking of which, I have tried it myself at home. The cake made with only eggs failed in the end. It was mushy and hard. My dog ​​didn't eat it."

"What Xiao Qi can do will definitely be successful. This is not difficult for her."

The audience is talking.

Su Xiaoqi took out the failed durian rock candied haws for Ye Han to eat, and she ate some herself.

"It tastes good!"


Ye Han complimented while eating.

This is not a lie to comfort Su Xiaoqi, but the truth.

The outside is a layer of crunchy brown sugar, wrapped in soft durian pulp.

Appropriate heating makes the unique taste of durian pulp more stimulated, Ye Han is very enjoyable to eat.

At the same time, it also gave some new inspiration to some ice-sugar gourd vendors.

There is a saying that everything can be candied haws.

Some people use radishes, peppers, spicy strips, apples, and even ginger to make candied haws.

But there seems to be no durian use yet, this is a business opportunity!

It has been proven many times that following in the footsteps of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, you can definitely make money.

It's up to you, durian ice candied haws!

Immediately, some action groups began to contact the source of durian, and some people even went to the supermarket to buy durian on the spot, and then started to make durian ice candy haws.

The world's martial arts, that is only fast and not broken!

Whoever gets this thing out first will make money first.

At this time, Su Xiaoqi had already started making durian cakes.

Three eggs are ready, then durian pulp, brown sugar powder.

The secret to making this cake is to separate the yolks and whites.

For some beginners, this step alone is very troublesome.

But in Su Xiaoqi's hand, she seemed to be able to do magic. With three or two strokes, the egg yolk and egg white were perfectly separated and placed in two pots respectively.

The next step is the hardest because it requires high speed.

Generally, electric egg beaters are used in pastry shops to complete this step, which is not only fast, but also very convenient.

But now where does Su Xiaoqi have something to do?

Only by hand!

In the kitchen, Su Xiaoqi vigorously stirred the egg yolks in the pot, using high speed to beat.

On the other side, at the cat detective's house.

Zhang Yun is finally here!

Detective Cat went out to meet Zhang Yun in person, which made Zhang Yun flattered.

Zhang Yun believes that he is just a Chinese medicine doctor, but people like Detective Cat are heroes who win glory for the country.

It was his honor to be invited by Detective Cat. He was very nervous now, for fear that he would not be able to help.

In his mind, the cat detective was an idol.

"You have worked hard all the way, because the situation on my side is special and there is no way to bring the patient there."

"I can only ask you to come here once."

The cat detective said to Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun waved his hands again and again. "Not hard, not troublesome, not at all."

"I'm afraid I can't help myself, I will do my best!"

Zhang Yun said.

While talking, Detective Cat took him to the room where Xuanling was placed.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary room.

But when he really walked in, Zhang Yun's eyes flashed, he almost thought he had passed through!

The interior layout of this room is really advanced!

There are some medical equipment that Zhang Yun can recognize, all of which are very expensive, and the minimum is several million.

Not to mention there are some devices he doesn't know, which are definitely more expensive.

The cat detective is really rich!

Zhang Yun is a Chinese medicine practitioner, but he naturally has some understanding of Western medicine.

The cost of this room is probably tens of millions!

But now is not the time to be surprised, Zhang Yun's eyes have already turned to a figure on the hospital bed, that is Xuan Ling.

In the live broadcast of the cat detective vs Zeus, people all over the world have seen Xuanling.

However, most people don't know anything about Xuanling's subsequent situation, and there is basically no discussion on the Internet. This is all high-level power, helping the cat detective.

Detective Cat naturally doesn't want everyone to discuss Xuanling all the time.

Looking at Xuanling, Detective Cat's eyes became sad.

This woman, he didn't feel anything at all.

He has always believed that women only affect the speed of his thinking.

Until Xuanling walked into his world.

At that time, Xuanling was completely able to do it. If she killed the cat detective, she would be fine.

But she would rather wipe out her two personalities than hurt the cat detective!

Detective Cat seemed to have Xuanling's voice and smile again in front of his eyes. He grabbed him and asked this question. At first, Detective Cat felt very annoying, but now he wants to hear Xuanling's words so much.

"Then I'll start."

Zhang Yun took a deep breath and said.

Detective Cat came back to his senses, nodded, and followed Zhang Yun to the side of the hospital bed.

Next, Zhang Yun showed the qualities of a strong Chinese medicine practitioner.

The question in Wang Wen Qiqi is definitely impossible to do, Xuan Ling is in a state of brain death.

But for the rest, Zhang Yun used his whole body to solve the problem.

During the whole process, Zhang Yun's brows were always furrowed, and the detective cat didn't dare to breathe.

In the end, Zhang Yun tried a few more needles.

Then he closed the needle and sighed.

"How's it going?"

the cat detective asked hastily.

Zhang Yun looked at Detective Cat's expectant eyes, and then looked at Xuan Ling.

"Go out and talk."

Zhang Yun said.

The cat detective nodded, and the two walked out of the room and came to the cat detective's study.

"I'll be honest, the patient's condition is very rare and I've never been exposed to it before."

"You should have heard a lot of words like this, so I won't say more."

Zhang Yun opened his mouth, causing Detective Cat's eyes to dim instantly.

Indeed, he had heard the doctor say this many times.

This time, he was really whimsical, Zhang Yun should have no way, he was helpless.

The hope of the cat detective was once again dashed.

However, what Zhang Yun said next caused Detective Cat to raise his brows.

"I'll say something different."

Is there any difference?

[The author has something to say]

Thank you [Little Lime acridine] for the wonderful pen and flowers, thank you [Seven Cat Lovers] for the Chinese New Year red envelopes, thank you [Muzi] for the flowers, and thank you [Seven Cat Book Friends_011751101574] for the reward ! Thank you to these four readers for their great support!

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