The Black Technology Chat Group of the Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 446 Investigation of the German Trade Union

Peter Parker: "Can I learn the second gear? @Mr.L, the group owner, is there a second gear for spiders?"

Mr. L: "No, you can study it yourself. For example, the venom parasite from last time."

Peter Parker: "That alien parasite affects my spiritual consciousness and can't be used."

The Red Queen said at this time: "After my research on the venom parasite, I have been able to suppress it for a short time with a mutated biochemical virus."

Peter Parker was pleasantly surprised: "Really? Does that allow me to borrow the power of Venom?"

Red Queen: "(Expression: Just kidding.) This is the result of the experiment three months ago. Now that the venom parasite has devoured the biochemical virus and evolved, the bloodthirsty and gluttony traits are more obvious."

Peter Parker: "..."

Reed Richards spoke again: "I have a question for you, about how to conduct long-term space travel."

Lu Zixin asked, "Are you going to travel to space? You can ask Optimus Prime, he often travels space."

Reed Richards said: "It's not me, but other people who need space travel. The coordinate positioning of the planet and the space jump are very troublesome things."

Mr. Fantastic in this parallel universe has not yet reached the level of being able to use black technology to travel through time and space. It is difficult for him to travel alone in the long-distance space.

He called Optimus Prime, and soon Optimus Prime appeared, and sent a red envelope directly to Reed Richards, saying: "I have recorded all the methods of cyberspace space transition and cosmic coordinate positioning. Inside, if you need energy columns, I can give you a few as well."

Reed Richards thanked: "Thank you, the energy column is not needed. My improved aerospace version of the Kun-style fighter has enough energy in it for one flight."

Optimus Prime: "The energy column can be used as an energy reserve. In the vast universe, losing energy is equivalent to losing life. Not only the energy for departure, but also the energy for returning."

Reed Richards: "In this plan, as long as the departure is enough, there is no need to consider returning. Maybe that big green man is not suitable for staying on earth."

Peter Parker: "The Hulk?"

Reed Richards: "That's right."

Peter Parker was surprised: "What are you going to do to him? He's not bad."

Reed Richards: "Yeah, you're right, he's not bad. But he can't control himself, and his presence is a threat to a lot of humanity on Earth."

"We gave him enough time and he still couldn't control his emotions. So with the unanimous consent of the Illuminati, we decided to send it to another planet. A planet more suitable for the Green Giant, maybe he would live there better."

The Illuminati, an organization independent of the Avengers, has fewer members. It is worth mentioning that Tony Stark is also one of the core members of the Illuminati, but it is not known whether the Illuminati exists in both parallel planes.

Lu Zixin did not express any opinion on this, but was thinking about when he would be able to have a space navigation machine. From machinery to energy, it is estimated that there is still a long way to go.


In the global automotive market, with the authorization and sale of fully autonomous driving technology by the former driverless R\u0026D company, there are more and more types of fully autonomous vehicles. Some companies have also mastered the core of some fully automated driving technologies through imitation.

But unfortunately, the intelligent technology of quantum computers is still in the hands of Hongxin Group, and they are powerless to shake it.

In addition to unmanned driving, new energy vehicles of Pengyun Automobile brand are also appearing on the road more and more, and some countries have also introduced and sold them. It is growing rapidly and has become a famous automobile brand.

And the news that Pengyun Automobile is developing maglev vehicles and building a road for maglev smart vehicles is also spreading among those large enterprises and countries, which has a great impact.

Germany, Europe's largest economy, the world's largest trading nation, and nearly half of the world's famous car brands are here. Germany's machinery manufacturing and processing industries are also among the top in the world.

Here, a meeting was held recently by the German automobile industry and the German Association. The theme of the meeting is related to the automobile revolution that is taking place in China.

In a modern conference center, Hornby, a labor representative for the German union, briefs members on the latest investigative report.

The meeting included important representatives of German workers' unions, officials from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, auto industry tycoons and big capitalists.

Hornby held a document and read it word for word: "According to a joint survey by the German Workers' Union and the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering in Germany, in our country there are more than 84 jobs related to the automotive industry. Ten thousand!"

"210,000 of them are related to the production of automotive powertrains and parts. However, we have noticed that the large-scale emergence of new energy vehicles and fully autonomous vehicles has caused some workers in internal combustion engine manufacturing and transmission manufacturing to face the risk of unemployment. . There are also car driving, chemical energy and so on, involving more than 200,000 workers who may lose their jobs!”

"Everyone, this is going to be a very serious issue! We are an industrial country, industry is our backbone, and workers are the cornerstone of that backbone. If they lose their jobs, then our society will face turmoil and a new economic crisis is coming! "

"It is undeniable that the field of new energy vehicles and unmanned driving will create new technical jobs for the society. But these are far from making up for the current vacancies of unemployed jobs."

"More importantly, in the field of new energy vehicles, the United States, Korea, the island country and Huaxia have become our strong competitors in the world auto market. These jobs may not be provided to our German workers, but for the benefit of other countries!"

"So I put forward proposals on behalf of all German labor unions, hoping that the national industry and economic management departments will adjust their strategies in time to deal with the coming wave of unemployment, and politicians will formulate comprehensive industrial and reemployment policies."

"And our industrial practitioners should also adjust the regulations on technology and product export and cooperation, and not give up experience and technology to our competitors. Instead, under the impact of new energy vehicles, we should stabilize our industrial position and protect The domestic auto industry, protecting workers’ interests and the country’s economic development.”

Hornby read this, and all the attendees frowned and looked serious. They came to the meeting because everyone recognized the problem. This is not a trivial matter, but an important issue related to the development of the industry and the national economy, which must be taken seriously and resolved.

In the adjustment state, restore the update as soon as possible.

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