The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 49 Let’s play Quidditch

After getting the broom, Tom didn't have a long time to adjust. He got the broom on Sunday, and next Saturday, Tom will participate in the first Quidditch match in his life, which is Ravenclaw. Against Hufflepuff. This is also the first Quidditch match at Hogwarts this school year. The second one will be the contest between Gryffindor and Slytherin next Saturday.

Ravenclaw House has benefited from the arrangement of the event. As long as it beats Hufflepuff, it can be at the top of the standings. Slytherin or Gryffindor, no matter who wins, can only be ranked second.

However, although it didn't take long to get used to the modified broom, Tom had been training with the Ravenclaw Quidditch team for several weeks, and he was already proficient in cooperating with the team. Captain Rich didn't regard him as a secret weapon, he just stopped others from seeing his training status.

Joining the Quidditch team in his first year was a shock, but there was one person who was even more shocked, and that was Harry. Tom's position was that of the Chaser, while Harry was the Seeker, which caused most of the other people's attention to be drawn away from him. After all, there are two teams, one has introduced a talented mid laner, and the other has introduced a talented assistant, so the mid laner must have received more attention.

Oliver Wood also wanted to use Harry as the "secret weapon" of the Gryffindor team, but the news could not be concealed at all. All kinds of news spread in the school, some people said that Harry played extremely well, and some said that Harry was a great player. People said that Gryffindor House had prepared a mattress to run with him under it to prevent him from falling. When Tom heard this statement, he really couldn't stand it. He really said this. A wizard? Muggles don’t use this kind of rescue anymore!

What’s the difference between falling fifty feet to the ground and falling onto a mattress? Please open "Standard Spells·Elementary", turn to the page of "Levitation Spells", and review it carefully.

To be honest, Quidditch training has not affected his daily life very much. Captain Richie is more Buddhist and just insists on practicing every Wednesday. The amount of training is not bad. Tom himself is not too worried about the homework left by the teacher. Besides, with Hermione's help, life is still very regular.

But I heard that things were going wrong in Gryffindor House, and Wood forced his players to practice Quidditch every minute. For example, if the Gryffindor team's training volume is at the level of LOL Korea, then Ravenclaw's training is by European and American standards. So Harry's life is miserable. He has to find a way to complete a lot of homework and practice Quidditch. Tom met him several times in the auditorium, and he looked quite haggard.

It was a cold Saturday morning, and the mountains around the school looked gray, with their tops covered with snow. The surface of the Black Lake was frozen, and there was frost on the windows. The fireplace in the restaurant was burning brightly, and the church-sized auditorium was as warm as spring, and there was an alluring smell of grilled sausages.

Whenever Tom looks at the cold world outside, he will think: If the little wizards at Hogwarts in the Middle Ages had this living standard, then Hogwarts would probably be the mythical paradise, right?

If you think about it carefully, the territory of the powerful countries in Europe, America and eastern Asia in modern society has already caught up with the Promised Land in the Bible, right? No matter how beautiful it is in the Bible, it is nothing more than a "land flowing with milk and honey." Does this have any appeal to modern people? Milk and honey are no longer luxuries.

Tom devoured sausages, ham, bacon and toast.

"You should eat less, we have to play a game later..." Hermione coaxed from the side.

Tom didn't want to either. Although the thing went into his mouth, it didn't go into his stomach! That bird snake is becoming more and more edible. If it hadn't been able to change its size freely, it would have been stuck in the tooth cavity.

So Tom could only eat three large bowls with tears in his eyes. Roger and Qiu Zhang, who were watching on the side, were amazed: It seems that the newcomers have a good mentality and the food is so delicious. Roger Davis is also the team's chaser and is recognized as the successor to Alessandro Ricci - Ricci is about to graduate. Autumn Zhang is the team's seeker. She is very beautiful, about the same height as Tom, with long, waterfall-like black hair and freckles on her nose.

But Tom also noticed something bad: if Bird Snake's appetite increased, would it still be his turn to eat? And it’s not a problem to keep it in your mouth all the time! Birds and snakes are not Pixiu!

There were not many people in the auditorium now, so Tom took advantage of no one's attention, so he secretly brought an empty teapot over and put a chicken wing in it. Then, he opened his mouth, put the spout of the pot and his mouth together, and the bird and snake slipped out with a hiss and got into the teapot. Tom quickly closed the lid and stuffed the teapot into his backpack.

It can be seen from the expressions of Roger and Qiu Zhang that the game that will start in an hour does not put much pressure on them. When Tom and Hermione walked out of the Great Hall together, they met Harry and Ron, followed by Neville Longbottom. The three were discussing something seriously, and Tom overheard a conversation between them.

"Snape still refused to return the book to me, but I saw him applying medicine to Filch. His leg seemed to have been bitten by some wild animal."

"Hey! Remember the day Malfoy tricked us into a duel? Maybe it was in the corridor on the fourth floor..."

"Go to Hagrid again..., last time Harry..., that big dog... Dumbledore... the thing in Gringotts..."

The three Harrys gradually moved away, and their conversations gradually became fainter. Tom and Hermione exchanged a look. Tom noticed that it looked like they were not the only ones who had strayed into that corridor.

Hermione had noticed before that there was a trap door at the foot of the big dog, but she didn't know what was hidden under the door. Now she got the key information: there was something hidden by Dumbledore behind the door.

"So why did Professor Snape break into that corridor? Is this related to the troll on Halloween?" Hermione began to think. Before, she was unable to make normal reasoning due to lack of information, but now she can reason I sorted out the information I had on hand.

"Perhaps Professor Snape is testing the level strength for Dumbledore." Tom wanted to alleviate Snape's suspicion a little.

"Then why didn't you go to the campus hospital when you were injured?" Hermione still couldn't figure out the joints involved. "But it is true that although Professor Snape is not a good person, he will never steal something that Dumbledore has carefully collected. .”

In Hermione's eyes, every teacher is a good person, even Snape. Of course, as long as you take a few classes with Snape, no matter how touching his stories are, you won't have a good impression of him.

"Okay, instead of thinking about these things, let's focus on today's game," Tom changed the topic, "The Hufflepuff team is a weak persimmon, but we are not strong either..."

The level of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team is, at best, the second tier of Hogwarts, and at worst, it's the bottom tier of Hogwarts. At present, Slytherin ranks first in terms of paper strength, followed by Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are at the bottom.

Hermione was indeed attracted by this topic, and she began to analyze the strength of the Hufflepuff team for Tom.

"...So generally speaking, they have no strengths or weaknesses. They are a very strong team. You have to work hard!" Until Tom walked to the team locker room, Hermione was still analyzing the opponents for him, but she did not Unable to go in, she could only wave goodbye to Tom with some reluctance: she felt that she hadn't finished speaking yet!

2333 words, this number of words is incredible

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