The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 98 The journey starts from platform 9

Peggy Grossman watched her father fold various things bit by bit and then stuff them neatly into the suitcase. Meanwhile, she was playing with her wand.

"Sweet Bear, would you like to bring you a jar of chocolate powder?" Mr. Grossman was holding a jar of chocolate powder, a little hard to make a decision.

"No, Dad, Senior Tom said that the food at Hogwarts is very good, and there is always a shortage of hot chocolate."

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be used to other brands?" Mr. Grossman showed a simple smile, but after seeing the already full box, he gave up the idea of ​​stuffing a can of chocolate powder into it.

The woman traveled thousands of miles and her father was worried.

Mr. Grossman wished he could move his entire home to his daughter.

He stuffed all the beautiful clothes his daughter bought in Diagon Alley, and even put two sets of pillows and quilts. Of course, there is also Sweet Bear's favorite stuffed bear doll - this is a gift from her mother. It is very old today, but Peggy, who loves to be clean, has never thought of throwing it away.

In addition, there are a lot of books, cauldrons, parchment and other school supplies...

All kinds of bits and pieces were added together to fill two 28-inch large boxes.

While Mr. Grossman was busy, Peggy took out a handkerchief and gently wiped her wand. She could always recall Tom's evaluation of her wand: Elderberry is the rarest wand wood. Use elder wands. Trickier than with other wands. They have powerful magical powers, but they disdain to accompany their masters who are no better than others. Most of the wizards who hold elder wands are famous around the world.

As for the phoenix feather, this is the rarest type of wand core. Wands with phoenix feathers are always the most picky when choosing their owners, because the phoenix itself is one of the most independent and detached creatures in the world.

Of course, Tom also hid some key parts, such as the fact that the elder wand has a reputation for bringing misfortune.

And to be honest, Tom felt that the two materials, elderberry and phoenix feathers, were very incompatible, and he didn’t know what Mr. Ollivander had originally thought of making such an incongruous wand.

Mr. Grossman stuffed the last few things inside, then worked hard to close the box and zip it up. At this time, Peggy was already a little bored. She waved her wand gracefully: "Wingardim Leviosa!"

The pen on the table floated steadily.

The Ministry of Magic is very tolerant of young wizards who have just entered school after they get their wands and before school starts. They can use magic unscrupulously at home - which is different from what the young wizards can do. Something to do with the outrageous curse. Hermione learned a lot of spells at home after getting the wand, and she didn't see any warning letters from the Ministry of Magic.

Mr. Grossman looked at his daughter and smiled very happily - his biggest wish was that his daughter could grow up healthily.

"Get along well with your classmates in school. If you encounter any problems, you can come to you, Senior Tom. Dad, I can tell at a glance that he is reliable. As the old saying goes, rely on your parents at home and rely on--"

"Friend!" Peggy showed a helpless expression, "I've heard this ten thousand times, Dad! It's not good to bother the seniors all the time."

"Also, we need to have a good relationship with our roommates."

"Okay, I will get along well with them." Peggy's smile was as pure and innocent as an angel's.

"The last thing is to eat in moderation, live regularly, eat and drink soup——"

"Optimistic and cheerful!" Peggy said that these sixteen words of mantra really made her ears get calloused.

"By the way, dad, please take care of my medal while I'm away."

"Okay, I'll ask a nanny to come over and clean it on time."

"Nanny?" Peggy put down her wand.

"Yeah, I usually don't have much time, and my little sweet bear is so good and has won so many medals, how can I get through it?"

"Forget it then." Peggy said expressionlessly, "No need to hire a nanny, their hands and feet are not clean. I will come back to clean during the holidays. Just in time I can show you the cleaning spell I learned!" She added laughed.

"Give others a little more trust." Mr. Grossman sighed, but still promised his daughter that he would not just find a nanny to go home to.

At this time, a cat meowed outside the window.

"Ha! It's that little guy!" Mr. Grossman stood up, took out a piece of salmon from the refrigerator, and threw it out of the window.

"Since then it has come every day. I also gave it some food that was about to expire in the refrigerator."

"That's it, it's pretty good. But it's a little noisy."

There was a brief silence in the room, Mr. Grossman continued to pack things, and Peggy sat on the stool in a daze.

Mr. Grossman packed up his things and then rubbed his daughter's hair, "Go to bed early, sweet bear, good night! I'll give you a basket of hugs~"

"Then I'll give you a basket of kisses~" Peggy responded with a smile.

"A basket of kisses."

"A basket of kisses!"

"A basket of kisses~"

Early the next morning, Peggy and her father rushed to the airport by car. They first flew to London, and then drove to King's Cross Station. Due to careful planning, the entire route was planned by Mr. Grossman's secretary. They arrived at the train station smoothly and on time, with plenty of time.

They also met Tom and Hermione at the station. With Tom's help, they saved themselves the trouble of finding the platform.

It was also time to set off, but Harry was in a lot of trouble. Everyone was always lost and in a panic. Mr. Weasley tripped over a chicken while moving boxes and almost broke his neck - that night The Weasleys' dinner was chicken stew with potatoes. Not long after they set off, Fred remembered that he had left his Pulley firework at home. By the time they set off again, everyone was very angry.

The house leaked and it rained all night, and Mr. Weasley took the wrong route...

Even though they were almost late, Mrs. Weasley was unwilling to let Arthur turn on airplane mode, so they had no choice but to accept the reality of the traffic jam. In the end, they arrived at King's Cross Station just shy of eleven o'clock.

A group of people hurried into the station.

At the same time, the guard outside Platform 9 also discovered a special situation: it seemed that a magical animal had sneaked into the station, and he hurried to expel it. In just a few minutes, the outer wall of Platform 9 was left unsupervised. .

The Weasley family rushed through the wall, and finally only Harry and Ron were left.

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