The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 99 This is really cool

"Harry, let's spend it together, there's only one minute left." Ron looked at Harry and said nervously.

"I think I saw Lockhart..." Harry's eyes narrowed, and he seemed to see a figure that gave him a headache. But he had no time to think, because the train was about to leave.

So he and Ron crouched together and pushed the car firmly towards the wall. Behind them, a blond man wearing a blue suit with a sad face looked at his watch and also ran towards the wall in a panic.

They rushed to the wall, and then - "Bang!" Their carts hit the wall firmly and bounced back. Their suitcases flew up and hit the ground. Harry fell on his back and hit a person behind him.

"Ouch!" The whole platform 9 was in a state of panic.

This movement also attracted the station staff, but luckily Harry fooled them. But the key problem wasn't dealing with the staff, it was that they found themselves unable to get through the platform walls! But now even if they can get through, they can't move. Because there were a dozen Muggles staring at them, at least 90% of them because of Hedwig.

After the box was knocked over, Hedwig kept screaming angrily. With such an angry bird, he was very eye-catching wherever he went. If they disappeared instantly at this time, it would definitely cause an uproar and cause an extremely serious leak.

But Harry and Ron's eyes were dazzled when they saw a familiar figure running past them, and then hit the wall straight away.

"It's really Professor Lockhart..." Ron's face fell, but something suddenly occurred to him, "No, he should be able to solve this problem!"

The man in the blue suit was indeed Lockhart. He originally planned to take the train to Hogwarts - where he could interact with fans, but the rumor he heard at Flourish and Blotts was too scary. This kept him struggling: Should he dovetail with Dumbledore?

This emotion kept him wandering outside the station. Eventually he made up his mind to go to Hogwarts. If the sky falls, there will be someone tall to support it. Hogwarts still has the reliable Professor Dumbledore. When the time comes, just let him solve everything.

As a result, reality gave him a blow: the wall of the platform indicated that this road was blocked.

Lockhart was completely frozen. Of course he heard Ron's words, but he didn't know what to do. He was so panicked: he didn't understand what happened at all. Since graduation, he hasn't used this passage for a long time - and he didn't hear that the entrance to platform 9 has been changed?

However, when he saw the onlookers, he suddenly had an idea and hurriedly walked to Harry and Ron and motioned for them to leave.

"Let's get out of here first. There are too many Muggles here and we can't go in anymore - although it is a piece of cake for me to solve the problem of this wall, I can't do it because it will violate the Statute of Secrecy. Lockhart said sternly to the two of them.

Harry didn't want to pay attention to Lockhart. He glanced at the time and found to his despair that it was past eleven o'clock and the train had already left.

"Let's go back to the car first—"

"Yes, car, we can drive to Hogwarts -" Ron's eyes lit up when he heard the word car.

Harry instinctively felt that this was the worst option of all. He was about to refuse, but Lockhart beside him interrupted: "Fly? Fly to Hogwarts in a car? Merlin, that's real. It’s so coooooooL!”

"Don't worry, kids, let's set sail and fly directly to Hogwarts!"

With Lockhart's support, Ron's morale was greatly boosted, and he immediately pushed the car and ran outside the train station. Although he had a mediocre impression of Lockhart, Lockhart was full of aura at this time, and he was also an idol-like existence to him.

Lockhart was still chattering: "This is really news material for the front page... Ah no, I mean you don't have to worry. In real emergencies, little wizards can also use magic. Article 10 of the "Restrictions" There are nine regulations." In Lockhart's opinion, this matter was too pushy. Has anyone ever accomplished such a feat since the founding of Hogwarts?

If I could drive a car in front of all the teachers and students in the school, fall from the sky, and park in front of them, I would definitely become the center of attention!

So his focus immediately became to incite the two young wizards to prevent them from retreating. He casually mentioned a regulation, not caring that he had just used the "Confidentiality Act" as an excuse. But this sentence did have an effect. Lockhart successfully impressed Harry and prompted him to agree with Ron's idea.

They quickly shook off the crowd of onlookers and walked to Mr. Arthur's Ford. Ron opened the suitcase and put the suitcase in, but his next action shattered Lockhart's illusions.

Ron took the driving seat without hesitation.

"Actually, I also learned to drive." Lockhart cleared his throat: According to his plan, if he couldn't become a driver, it would be almost meaningless.

But Ron couldn't hand over his life-critical position to a stranger. Even if Lockhart boasted loudly, he still believed in himself more, so he simply ignored Lockhart.

This disappointed Lockhart.

As a result, when he and Ron were entangled, Harry also saw the right opportunity and sat next to Ron - as a friend, he felt that it was too cruel for Ron to sit with Lockhart. And from Harry's point of view, if you let others and the driver talk distractedly, is this considered dangerous driving?

So he and Ron took the two seats in the front row, and then threw Lockhart into the back seat to accompany Hedwig.

Ron was still reasonable. He didn't take off directly. Instead, he pressed a silver button on the dashboard. They and the vehicle became invisible, or became transparent.

"Oh, it's a very good illusion spell. I used to-"

"Take off!" Ron stepped on the accelerator, and the ground fell under their feet. But it was obvious that the invisibility button was not very useful, as several people appeared in the air from time to time.

This made Lockhart feel a little relieved: if he remained invisible throughout the whole process, he would have to write this plot in the next book. Lockhart had not considered the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy at all. In his opinion, being in the limelight was much more important than that - at worst, he would cooperate with employees of the Ministry of Magic to erase the memories of witnesses! He's very good at this.

Soon, Harry and the others went straight into the clouds. The transparent carriage allowed them to see the surrounding clouds without any obstruction, which gave them a sense of oppression coming from all directions. In the clouds, even Lockhart kept his mouth shut. Of course, he kept all this in mind, and he was determined to write about this experience in a vivid way in his new book.

He looked at Harry and Ron, his gaze becoming increasingly dangerous.

"The memories of these two people also need to be corrected... After all, the best driver is me, Gerald Lockhart!"

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