The Earth Supplier of the Wizarding World

Chapter 126 Technology is inferior to humans

Yan Xing erased his initial impression that goblins didn't know how to do business.

He is a master!

The pattern is much bigger than myself.

Your enemies have all bought alchemy weapons from me. Do you want to buy them?

Such a natural fit for all three families!

Rang Yanxing exclaimed: Today I have seen the highest state of a businessman.

awesome! I admire you!

Look at Sibel again... As expected, his face is very bad, but he can't have an attack.

Behind these goblins is the more withdrawn Cloud Tower.

Moreover, the goblins have alchemical weapons that all parties need. Regarding their attitude of not wanting to be beaten, I still tolerate it as much as I can, and don't offend them if I can.

Sibel calmed down his mood and said to the goblin: "Mr. Gaga... I will tell my father your kind suggestion. I think my father and Marquis Anderson must both want to buy some weapons from the goblin alchemy factory. to strengthen our armaments.

Please allow me to introduce you to a guest.

This is Knight Yanxing, the eternal lord, my father's friend, and the beast tamer from Thunder Swamp.

He is also a businessman who deals in alchemical products in Thunder Swamp. I think you must have a lot in common in alchemy. "

"Thunder Swamp! Alchemy!" The goblin sitting on the alchemy chair made a very contemptuous tone: "Miss Sibel, this is the funniest joke I have heard today. Those inferior barbarians in the swamp who have been abandoned by civilization can only Using sticks and bones, they can't even smelt iron, how can they do alchemy?

Miss Siebel...have you been deceived?

No! No matter how stupid a liar is, he would not associate alchemy with the swamp, because even the most stupid person would not believe this lie.

Don't you think so, Miss Hibel? You must be kidding me. "

Goblin Gaga's expression was condescending, and his tone was even more sarcastic.

He showed no respect for Sibel's status in New Tower City and even stepped on her face to show his superiority.

Sibel finally couldn't help it. She took off the watch from her wrist and held it in front of Gaga's eyes.

"Mr. Gaga, look carefully! This is the watch given to me by Knight Yanxing. It can be worn on your wrist to tell the time. It comes from Thunder Swamp.

I'm not stupid, I just believe what I see.

On the contrary, you... can you goblins make such a beautiful and accurate watch? "

Facing the watch that Sibel came at, Goblin Gaga instinctively leaned back and dodged. Then his eyes widened instantly, and he snatched the watch away.

The goblin pressed a button on the armrest of the alchemist's chair, and a monocle popped into his hand.

He stuck the monocle over his left eye and looked at it carefully against his watch. After a while, I put it to my ear again and listened quietly to the sound of the watch.

Then he turned over and over again to find the place to open it, as anxious as a monkey.

Finally... he put the watch on the armrest, took out a small hammer from the mechanism of the alchemy chair, and wanted to smash the watch to see the structure inside.

The goblin's rattling movements scared Sibel and immediately snatched the watch away.

Gaga reached out and did not snatch the watch back, but immediately said to Hebiao: "Miss Xibel, as long as you give me the watch, you can choose any of the things I have here to take away."

Sibel had put the watch back on his wrist.

Seeing Gaga's look, she replied proudly: "I'm sorry, this is a gift from Knight Yanxing, I like it very much!

I don't know if your gold refining factory can make such a watch. From the way you looked just now, it seemed like you didn't even know how to open it, so you probably couldn't make it. "

Goblin Gaga kept staring at the watch on Sibel's wrist, his eyes unabashedly wanting to get it.

"Miss Sibel, I admit that this is a very exquisite little alchemical object. Where is the Knight Yanxing you mentioned? I want to see him..."

Sibel knew that what he just said to introduce Yan Xing was not heard by Gaga.

In the eyes of the goblin, the knight next to him may be a follower.

Sibel introduced Yan Xing again.

The watch made Goblin Gaga finally look at Yan Xing. He was no longer as arrogant as before, but he still spoke in a pretentious tone.

"Hello, Knight Yanxing, I am Gaga from the Dijing Alchemy Store in New Tower City. I like your watch very much. I wonder if you have a second watch like this? I want to buy one.

If such a watch is complicated to make, it will take a long time to make. I can order and wait as long as I want. "

Yan Xing did not answer Goblin Gaga's question first.

He just took a general glance at the alchemy shop. Fubuki told him: Among the items on display here, it seems that there is no magic energy generator that she saw in "Basic Alchemy Golem Practice".

"Hello, Mr. Gaga. I come from Thunder Swamp, and I am very interested in the magic energy generator and low-level alchemical golems invented by the alchemists in the Yunzhong College Entrance Examination.

I wonder if your alchemy factory in New Tower City can produce magic energy generators. If so, I'd like to buy a set. No, I want to customize a set.

The manufacture of such mature alchemy equipment should not be too difficult for you. "

Gaga said: "I want to talk about the watch deal first."

Yan Xing smiled and said: "The watch transaction and the magic energy generator transaction do not conflict, and they can even be carried out at the same time."

Gaga understood what Yan Xing meant.

"You want to use your watch in exchange for our magic energy generator? The manufacturing process of the magic energy generator is very complicated, requires a lot of alchemical materials, and requires multiple alchemists to work for a long time.

If you, Yanxing Knight, want to order a magic energy generator from us, how many watches do you plan to use to complete the transaction? UU reading www. ”

Yan Xing stretched out a finger: "One piece."

Hearing Yan Xing's quotation, the goblin's big ears couldn't help but twitch.

He shouted: "It's not fair. The volume of our magic energy generator is tens of thousands of times that of a watch, and the materials required to make it are unimaginable!"

Yanxing said: "Mr. Gaga, please do not use the volume of the product to define the value of the product.

Especially for alchemy items, this will only make you look unprofessional.

We all know that it is very easy to make an alchemical item bigger, but the difficulty is how to make it smaller!

If you can make the magic energy generator as small as my watch, I am willing to exchange it with you for 10,000 watches.

But you can't. "

Goblin Gaga still shouted: "I can't accept this price, it is an insult to the Goblin Alchemy Factory."

Yan Xing said in a light tone: "Exchange a watch for a set of magic energy generators, and add 200 low-level magics. This is my quotation, and it is also the lowest price.

I'm sure you know you got a pretty good deal on this deal.

If you are not satisfied with this offer, I will leave.

I can go to Storm City, I can go to other cities. I think there must be a savvy goblin businessman who can really see the value of this watch. "

In this world, apart from Yan Xing's hand, there is only this watch in Sibel's hand.

What is the meaning of rare things?

This is what makes things rare!

Regardless of how much money Yan Xing spent to buy this watch from the Internet, he just wanted the goblin to exchange it for a set of mana generators and matching low-level golems.

Yan Xing didn't believe... Goblin believed that he mastered the world's top alchemy skills and could resist the temptation of the "alchemy technology" contained in a watch.

No matter how high the cost of a set of magic energy generators is, it is still a mature technology and has value.

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