Yan Xing's words made the goblin merchant Gaga understand that this time he met someone who understood technology.

Seeing Sibel deliberately revealing the watch on his wrist, Gaga felt as if he had been scratched by a cat.

Clocks are a popular timekeeping tool among celebrities and aristocrats.

Some alchemists are also keen on miniaturizing clocks to demonstrate their superb alchemy skills.

After all, a clock is a very complex machine, and the accuracy of the entire mechanical operation is very high.

How to make every small device accurately, and then install them into a small space so that they can operate accurately is a test of an alchemist's comprehensive ability.

Goblin businessman Gaga has seen many small clocks made by alchemists, and he also has many clock works that he is proud of.

But even the smallest timepiece is many times larger than the watch on Sieber's wrist.

A watch is actually smaller than a coin!

How small should the components inside be? How are they laid out? How does it work?

Goblin Gaga couldn't imagine what was inside the watch. He didn't even know how to open such a small watch case.

Curiosity about unknown alchemy constantly stimulates Gaga to get a watch for research.

When he heard Yan Xing's quotation, he felt that he had paid too much.

Not to mention not making money, even making little money would make him feel uncomfortable.

Such a small watch naturally has a very high research value in alchemical technology.

But the cost of building a magic energy generator is also very, very high.

To change or not to change?

In fact, Goblin Gaga didn't have much choice.

He couldn't let the watch slip away from his eyes.

He knew that other goblin merchants would feel the same as him after seeing this watch.

There must be a greedy goblin businessman willing to exchange it.

"Okay." Gaga, the goblin merchant, did not hesitate for too long. He said to Yan Xing: "I am willing to trade you a magic energy generator for a watch. I have some components for building a magic energy generator here, but I am missing some non-alchemy components. Components, these need to be purchased from the blacksmith shop and carpentry workshop.

I estimate that the entire production period will take approximately one month.

Yan Xing was unwilling to wait for such a long time. He felt that some parts could be customized in the real world, so he said: "If you don't mind, you can give me the drawings of those non-alchemy parts. Our craftsmen in Thunder Swamp should be able to make more Complete the construction of these parts quickly.”

Thunder Swamp.

Goblin Gaga felt that his cognitive perspective was a bit subverted.

Was such an exquisite alchemy watch really made by those werewolves and lizards in Thunder Swamp?

"I still can't believe that there is such superb alchemy technology in Thunder Swamp, and of course I don't care who made this watch.

I just hope you don't lie to me!

If I don't see the second watch when I deliver it, you will definitely know the consequences of cheating the Dijing Alchemy Factory! "

Yan Xing stretched out his wrist with a smile, and the magic light reflected from a bright gold watch dazzled Goblin Gaga's eyes.

"When you deliver the magic energy generator, this watch will be yours. By the way, don't forget that there are also the matching 200 low-level magic dolls, which are also included in this transaction agreement as gifts."

There are also two hundred low-level demons...

Another considerable expense. For the stingy goblin businessman, the heart really hurts like cutting flesh.

But in order to get the watch, Gaga had no choice but to grit his teeth and said: "Yes, the matching 200 low-level magic dolls are gifts in this transaction.

The two of us signed an agreement to make this transaction happen in the spirit of the contract. "

Goblin Gaga took out two contract papers from his alchemy chair.

A writing board popped out of the chair, along with ink and a quill.

Gaga took the quill and quickly wrote the contents of the transaction on the contract paper and signed his name.

Yan Xing also signed his name on the transaction contract.

Make it in duplicate and keep it separately for two people.

The purchase of mana generators and low-level golems went much smoother than Yan Xing imagined.

Then Yan Xing asked Gaga about the demonization of his bloody horse.

Gaga, who finally caught the opportunity to make money, stretched out a finger and said: "The consultation fee is 10 gold per question. It's 100 gold for letting me go out to see your horse... Please pay first."

Goblin Gaga stretched out his hand, opened his palm and looked at Yan Xing, as if he wanted to kill him.

Yan Xing took off the watch on his wrist, waved it in front of Gaga and said with a smile: "You can help me watch the horses, UU reading www.uukanshu.net. There is no limit to the questions until I am satisfied. I can put this watch on Let you study it for a day...but don't damage it."

Gaga grabbed Yan Xing's watch and said, "It's a deal, don't go back on it."

Orff, standing at the door of the store, shouted: "Master Yanxing, you must keep your word."

The sound echoed very loudly in the store.

Yan Xingyou touched the tip of his nose awkwardly and said, "This is my family creed. If I say it, I will definitely do it."

Goblin Gaga carefully put the watch into the alchemy chair, opened a storage box, and then drove the alchemy chair toward the outside of the store.

"Let's go see your horse that has entered a demonized state. The process of looking at the horse and answering questions cannot be counted as the time I spend studying the watch."

Yan Xing said: "No problem."

Yan Xing and Sibel followed Goblin Gaga out of the Goblin Alchemy Shop, and a werewolf warrior brought Yan Xing's bloody BMW over.

The two-legged alchemical chair carried the goblin and walked smoothly around the sweaty horse.

Gaga drew some magic runes with his hands, and the sweaty BMW also shone with some luster in response to the detection magic released by Gaga.

Gaga looked at it very carefully and did not do anything perfunctory. His work showed the rigor of an alchemist.

While observing the sweaty horse, Goblin Gaga murmured: "This is a horse breed I have never heard of... It should be very good at running, have excellent endurance, and be a very good war horse.

Now there is a demonization in the direction of air magic. When it evolves into a heroic monster, it can run faster and be more agile.

This helps increase its final level of demonization.

Yan Xing said: "My trainer has told me all this, and I hope to hear more suggestions from you to help my horse achieve the best possible demonization.

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