"What's the advantage?" Hermione asked impatiently.

"It is the shortest syllable among the dueling spells and can be used the fastest. Using this spell can often take the first mover advantage in magical duels."

Hearing such an explanation, both Zhang Qiu and Marietta nodded suddenly, and admired Ye Ting's wealth of knowledge.

However, Hermione was a little unconvinced. She questioned: "I have never seen such a conclusion in a book - the 'Disarming Curse' is the shortest spell - which book did you read it from? I did not In any spell book, I see someone mentioning the length of the pronunciation of the different spells."

"This is my own conclusion. I came to this conclusion after comparing stun spells, obstacle spells, full-body restraint spells, dance steps spells, and other common dueling spells." Ye Ting replied.

"However, since the books don't say it, how can you guarantee that this is the correct conclusion? You know, these books were written by the greatest wizards, and even they didn't say so, how can you think that Are you right?"

He is really a proud child. He is unwilling to admit defeat at any time, so let me teach you to be good.

Ye Ting thought so, and criticized Hermione in a serious tone.

"Miss Hermione Granger, you probably haven't studied Muggle science well since you were admitted to Hogwarts?"

"No... that's right, but what does this have to do with Muggle science?" Hermione asked, blushing.

"It's a big deal. Although Muggle science doesn't have the convenience and magic of magic, it's worth learning in terms of logic and methods of researching problems. Even when studying magic, it can still be used as a reference."

"For example, to study the length of time to recite a spell, I just need to maintain my magic power and energy, and under the same abundant conditions, use the same loud voice, the same speed of speech, clearly and completely cast different spells, and then separate them separately. Record the time, so that you can roughly compare the length of the spell - this is the control variable method in science." Ye Ting explained seriously.

"Finally—" he concluded: "The spirit of science tells us that practice can only lead to truth, and blindly believing in authority is an inadvisable behavior. Even a great man in the scientific world, Newton's theory, has been proven to be untruth in contemporary times. There are limitations in many aspects. So why do you think that the wizards who wrote these magic textbooks are completely correct? After all, magic is not as rigorous as science."

"If the words of the predecessors are completely correct, how did the new spells be created? After all, these spells were not mentioned in the books of the predecessors. According to your reasoning, the entire wizard The world will never progress again.”

This explanation left Marietta, who came from a wizarding family, confused - in fact, many wizards have poor logical ability - but Hermione Granger, who came from a Muggle family, and the long-term expectation of the Muggle world Zhang Qiu barely understood what Ye Ting was saying.

"This is the first time I've heard of such an idea." Zhang Qiu looked at her fellow clan with admiration: "Using scientific methods to study magic, you are truly a genius."

Hermione was a little teary at what he said.

She was smart and was not convinced by Ye Ting, but Ye Ting's theory was so reasonable that she couldn't refute it, which put her in an embarrassing situation: she wanted to refute but was speechless, wanted to apologize but couldn't help herself.

In the end, she chose to apologize.

"Yes... I'm sorry." She whispered: "I admit that I was wrong, please forgive me..."

But before she finished speaking, she ran out crying.

Chapter 0015 Ambiguity and Education

A dignified big man, the two worlds add up to be in his thirties, and as a result, a little loli and heroine cry, there is no one else.

A man in his thirties bullied an eleven-year-old girl into tears, and it would be shameful to say it out.

Although his physical age is only eleven years old, Ye Ting has not lived as a child consciously.

Perhaps, before the age of seven, Ye Ting would still pretend to be in front of others, but as he got older, he became more and more accustomed to handling things in his own way.

This, in the eyes of others, is beyond the maturity of his peers.

Seeing the little girl crying out of the compartment, he sighed helplessly and chased out.

"I always feel that he is a few years older than us." Looking at Ye Ting's back, Marietta said.

"I think so too." Zhang Qiu nodded in agreement: "Other boys of the same age will only get angry, and will never take the initiative to admit their mistakes and comfort girls."


In the corridor, Hermione looked at the scenery passing by the window, deliberately not looking back to let Ye Ting see her red eyes.

"Okay, don't be angry, it's okay to think I'm wrong?" Ye Ting stepped forward and patted Hermione's furry head habitually.

Of course, this was his usual habit to appease Feiju.

This time, as if stepping on the kitten's tail, Hermione turned her head angrily and said coquettishly, "Don't touch my hair, I'm not a child anymore."

She turned around suddenly and almost bumped into Ye Ting's face.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Ye Ting's half-smiling eyes, and the distance between their cheeks was no more than five centimeters.

Hermione swiped, her face flushed again, and quickly turned her head away again.

"You...follow me...what are you doing out." She whispered.

"It's not that I see a little girl crying when she disagrees. I'm afraid her tears will drown the train, so I have to chase after her to stop her."

It's more like coaxing a child.

"I wouldn't drown the train with tears." Hermione retorted like a reflex, and immediately realized that Ye Ting was just teasing her.

So, she angrily hit him twice with her small fist.

"Okay, don't make trouble. It's not good to cry at every turn." Ye Ting took the small hand she hammered.

This time, Hermione blushed even more, she had never been treated like this by a boy - touching her head and holding hands.

In particular, the one who treated her like this was such a good-looking boy, and besides, he had knowledge that she admired.

For a while, she was speechless, just struggling lightly, but the force was so small that even the ants couldn't move.

It was a pity that Ye Ting had neither experience in love, nor did he ever think about falling in love with an eleven-year-old girl. Under such circumstances, he would also do something to spoil the atmosphere.

Just listen to him and start like this, preaching to Hermione: "In fact, different opinions are a frequent situation in study and research. When faced with someone who holds a different point of view than you, we should not argue with each other. , but carefully consider whether the other party's point of view is reasonable and acceptable. If the other party's point of view is more reasonable, we need to actively study, absorb this point of view, and join our own knowledge system. On the contrary, we must think hard The loopholes in this point of view, and refute the other party. Therefore, crying will not solve the problem.”

In this case, the teacher is simply educating the students.

The ambiguous atmosphere was immediately destroyed, but Hermione was also a different elementary school bully after all, she nodded vaguely.

However, inexplicably, her heart was a little uncomfortable, and she also felt a little inexplicable dissatisfaction with Ye Ting.

She, who has never been in love, doesn't know what the discomfort is from.

If Zhang Qiu and Marietta were present, they would definitely say that they are two weirdos.

"Mr. Ye Ting." Hermione said formally after listening, "You are indeed a knowledgeable and good learner. After entering Hogwarts, can I ask you for advice?"

Facing Little Loli's serious request, Ye Ting answered happily, "Of course, I'm still happy to chat with a lovely girl like you."

Sometimes, he does forget his physical age and says things that are misleading.

Hearing this, Hermione's face just returned to normal, and her face turned red again, and she returned to the compartment as if fleeing.

In the cubicle, Zhang Qiu and Marietta were gossiping with their ears resting on the cubicle door, trying to eavesdrop on what Ye Ting and Hermione were talking about in the corridor. How would Ye Ting coax Hermione well? However, Hermione walked too far when they first went out, and the place where the two were chatting was far from the door of the compartment. As a result, Zhang Qiu and Marietta didn't hear anything.

Now Hermione ran back blushing, and the sound of approaching footsteps startled them both.

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