The two girls instantly retracted their positions, pretending that nothing happened, pretending to eat snacks and chatting, so that nothing was noticed by Hermione and Ye Ting who came back one after another.

Chapter 0016 Hogwarts Castle and Professor McGonagall

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was already dark, and the train was finally about to reach Hogwarts Castle.

Ye Ting happily chatted with the three little loli all afternoon, and became friends with them-although he had always been a mother-womb solo before crossing, he had no experience in love, nor had he made a few female friends. , but it's okay to handle a few little girls.

Just as they were packing their luggage and getting ready to get out of the car, there was noise and fighting outside the door.

Ye Ting listened carefully, and he could hear the voices of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. In addition, there is an arrogant voice that is very special. In Ye Ting's opinion, this must be Draco Malfoy.

In Ye Ting's impression, Draco Malfoy was not a real bad boy. He was born in a family of pure blood wizards of the sacred twenty-eight race. His parents and relatives were Death Eaters. character and arrogance towards Muggles.

However, since Ye Ting is a Muggle, he is naturally opposed to Malfoy, so even if he knows his essence, Ye Ting does not want to have anything to do with this pure-blood wizard - after all, training a bear child is also a a hassle.

Moreover, Ye Ting's energy is currently focused on two places - researching magic and cultivating loli.

He is going to verify the conjecture and research on the "plot" by influencing and changing the way "Female No. 1" Hermione. On the one hand, it is lack of energy. It is more convenient to focus on one person than three people. As a boy, he still prefers to deal with cute girls.

Therefore, at present, he does not intend to have too much contact with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

So, he just listened to the voices outside the door, Malfoy and his two sidekicks Crabbe and Goyle arguing with each other and the duo of Harry and Ron, and then fighting. The result is no different from the original: Malfoy is bitten by Scabbers, and the two gangs leave.



Finally, after a long journey, the train whistle sounded, and the speed gradually slowed down.

In the night, the tall shadow of Hogwarts was getting closer.

Finally, they arrived at their destination, the Magic Academy that Ye Ting had been looking forward to for a long time.

The students shoved and shoved off the train one by one.

With the advantage of strength, Ye Ting took three girls to fight a "blood road" in the crowd.

When I got off the bus, I saw a small platform, and a rough voice shouted: "First-year freshman! First-year freshman come here!"

The owner of the voice also specifically mentioned Harry Potter. Ye Ting knew that this was the voice of Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts.

He hastily said goodbye to the two second-year students, Zhang Qiu and Marietta, and then dragged Hermione to find the sound.

Hermione was still a little uncomfortable being held by the boys and walked like this, but she still pretended to be calm and followed step by step.

Hagrid deserves to have a giant bloodline. He is taller than any basketball player. Ye Ting can see him from a distance.

Under his leadership, all the new students stumbled and walked down a path.

In a blink of an eye, the road came to an end, and what came into sight was a large black lake.

On the other side of the lake, a towering castle stands on the high hillside, the castle is lined with spires, and the windows twinkle under the stars.

Hagrid asked the students to get on the boat. Each boat could seat four people. After Ye Ting and Hermione got on the boat, Harry and Ron also followed. Harry and Ron fought with them enthusiastically. call.

The fleet set off, and along the way, there was silence all around, and everyone quietly admired the stunning view of the huge castle on the cliff that was soaring into the sky, and there were sighs from time to time around.

After passing through a patch of ivy, the fleet followed a pitch-black tunnel, seemingly to the grounds of the castle, finally reaching a place resembling an underground pier, and then climbing onto a ground of gravel and small pebbles.

The freshmen disembarked and followed Hagrid to a huge oak door.

Finally, they really came to the door of Hogwarts.

Hagrid knocked three times on the oak door, and it opened immediately.

At the door was a tall, dark-haired witch in an emerald green robe. She had a serious expression and was very difficult to offend at first glance.

"First-year freshman, Professor McGonagall," said Hagrid.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Leave it to me to take over here." Professor McGonagall nodded and led the freshmen forward.

Through the huge hall, Professor McGonagall led them to a small empty room at the other end of the hall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she said. "The school banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the dining room, you must first confirm with all of you which house you are going to. This is a very important ceremony because the House is like your home at Hogwarts while you are here. You will have classes with the rest of the House, you will live in the House dorms together, and you will be in the House common room together. spend your spare time.”

Afterwards, she briefly introduced the four colleges and mentioned some precautions, and then asked the freshmen to wait for a while, and then she

Currently left.

Chapter 0017 Branch Guidance and Ghosts

As soon as Professor McGonagall left, the crowd suddenly became noisy, and the freshmen exchanged excitedly, guessing with each other the method of division and the college they wanted to enter.

"You said, can we be assigned to Ravenclaw?" Hermione touched Ye Ting and asked a little uneasily.

Although the little girl was proud, she was still a little uneasy in the face of the strange magical world.

"Of course." Ye Ting resolutely encouraged: "I heard that Hogwarts has a talking hat. After a freshman wears it, it can assign him to a suitable college according to his personality. ."

"What if, my character is not suitable for Ravenclaw?" Hearing this, Hermione was even more disturbed.

In fact, in the original book, the Sorting Hat rated Hermione as being suitable for Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, but chose to assign her to Gryffindor in the end.

In other words, Hermione is suitable for Ravenclaw.

But in order to prevent accidents, Ye Ting reminded her again how to decide on her own.

"Didn't I tell you before? I've heard of such a method: a strong desire will change the Sorting Hat's mind." Ye Ting suggested: "As long as you strongly express your desire to join a certain academy, the Sorting Hat will consider it. your opinion."

Hermione nodded suspiciously, reassured.

But on this side, Ron interjected.

"Why join Ravenclaw? Trust me, Gryffindor is the best house."

He said this in a loud voice, which immediately attracted the attention of the new students around him.

This time, as if he had poked a hornet's nest, he was instantly drowned out by all kinds of words.

Some freshmen retorted loudly, believing that Slytherin was the best academy, some raised their eyebrows for Ravenclaw, and some other little wizards who liked Gryffindor loudly supported Ron.

The scene is as noisy as a vegetable market.

Ye Ting took Hermione and left the center of the crowd, finally getting rid of the noisy freshmen.

"Don't talk to fools, you will be infected," he said.

Hermione was amused by his words and felt much less nervous.

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