The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2754: Lieutenant General Zhang Jin, who also resisted orders

This move was very risky. According to the emperor's instructions, the battle line was to fight all the way. Zhang Jin and Gan Tang moved in against the order. If there was any problem, they would be fully responsible!

From now on, the control over the army is the same. Anyone who dares to disobey the order and cause bad consequences will not be lightly forgiven.

Zhang Jin is a person with a "conviction". When the Nanhua Navy and the Spaniards were at war in the Mediterranean, Zhang Jin also violated the military order and took the initiative to break away from the battle line. It established the victory of the South China Navy.

The victors will not be held accountable, and now Zhang Jin is about to repeat his old tricks.

This man has a lot of capital, he is from Fuzhou, Fujian Province (he is not from the same hometown as Shangchai today, this is the capital he dared to do this), and he is also a famous person. If there is no such thing as Yan Changwu, then he is one of Zheng Chenggong's attacking troops. , Because of his meritorious service, he was named Zhongkuang Bo, and then he guarded Tongshan, refused to surrender Shi Lang, and died in rebellion.

Now his fate has been changed, he has become a titan in the South China Army, leading the fleet out of the battle line, rushing to the rear of the European battle line, outflanking them.

"Salvo!" Zhang Jin gave the order when his battleship was parallel with the head ship of the European fleet, the French "Hermes".

His "White Tiger" first-class battleship blasted the already tattered enemy ship with a round of artillery, made the opponent even more tattered, then accelerated away, and then fired again a minute later.

The other Nanhua battleships did not dare to neglect, and rushed forward following Zhang Jin's battleship, firing cannons while charging.

The officers and soldiers found that Zhang Jin didn't want to stop and kill anyone, but rushed forward and fired continuously.

Generally, when battleships engage in battle, when the two sides set up their battle lines, they will fight each other one-on-one. They will not drive fast ships, and sometimes they will even drop anchor.

Yes, it was Zhang Jin's strategy. He saw that battleships are not easy to sink when they are engaged in battle, so he fast forwarded. He wanted to disturb the enemy's mentality, make them feel that they are surrounded by enemies, and then have a chance to cut them and divide them. , repeating his mastery of cutting the Spanish fleet into two.

Sure enough, a number of European battleships with assembled personnel and artillery fighting **** the port side were attacked by shells from the starboard side, and they were caught off guard. Killing and injuring many people made them even more confused!

There are enemies on the left and right, and it was impossible to parry, but now it is even more formidable!

"Fight back, fight back!" the officer on board shouted.

But it was not easy to fight back. Originally, the battleships had guns on the left and right sides. The port guns of the European battleships were damaged or the temperature was too high. The starboard guns were used to fill the port gun positions. Round after round of artillery attacks made the Europeans miserable.

"Hit me non-stop!" Zhang Jin said fiercely, letting the first-class battleship "White Tiger" push forward with its sails, bombarding the European battleships non-stop.

The loss to the Europeans was not too great, but it made the Europeans shaken and played harder and harder!

This made the officers and soldiers on the main battle line of Nanhua in the north of the Europeans feel that the European counterattack had weakened a lot, and even half of the firepower disappeared.

One after another, the officers and soldiers on the main battle line fought harder, making the Europeans really feel that they were in purgatory.

Battleships were destroyed and men were dying.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, when twilight was rising, Zhang Jin had already "fast-forwarded" once, from the head to the tail of the European battle line.

Then Zhang Jin fell back again, advanced quickly again, and ravaged the European battleship again.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the hostile two sides were still fighting, and the Nanhua Fleet fired flares into the sky, and there was a night battle with lights on.

The Europeans get rid of the disadvantages and can only suffer.

Zhang Jin's fleet rushed to the middle of the European battle line and stopped, this time it will not leave!

"Boss finally rested!" The officers and soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, found the enemy ship, and fought fiercely.

They mainly attacked the French fleet, and with two pincer attacks, the French fleet suffered greatly!

But seeing the shells fly by, the French ship's yard was shaved, the mast was broken, and the deck was covered with blood. increased.

When he saw that they were unable to fight back, Zhang Jin continued to move forward, trying to make trouble for the French ships.

Seeing that the enemy ships were so unsatisfactory, the officers and soldiers on the main battle line of the Nanhua Fleet worked harder and continued to bombard the enemy. They knew that victory was at hand.

During the chaotic battle, there were occasional mistakes. Due to the smog on the battlefield and the cover of night, the two Nanhua ships, one south and one north, were the battleship "Southeast Asia 168" and "Southeast Asia 231". There was no trace of the battleship, so they fired fiercely. Unexpectedly, the opponent's counterattack was also very powerful, so the two sides fought hard, and the fight was very enjoyable.

Fortunately, after two rounds of fighting, both sides were puzzled, how could the enemy fight so well?

The officers and soldiers on the "Southeast Asia 168" heard a difference in the sound of the guns, and first stopped firing, and then the battleship "Southeast Asia 231" also stopped firing. The French ship sandwiched between "Southeast Asia 168" and "Southeast Asia 231" has one mast out of the water, oh oh, we sunk the French ship, and then fired at our own people!

The battleship "Southeast Asia 231" did not cease fighting until later, and it fired a few extra shots. Captain Chen Jinsuo smiled wryly and said, "I will apologize to them after the battle is!"

Although the Nanhua navy has the upper hand in night battles, their nutrition is generally good, and all officers and soldiers do not have night blindness. The most important thing is that they have been fed and supported many times before, and they have conducted many night battle trainings, so the gun speed has not dropped much!

Relying on the weak artillery flashes and the gloomy light flares in the sky, the gunners of the Nanhua Navy took the time to beat the Europeans so hard that they were helpless, because the fighting power of the Europeans dropped sharply at night. The human toll was especially heavy.

The French Rear Admiral Turner, who was in charge of the "Paris", was killed on the spot, Earl Ernie was blinded in one eye, and the worst was the French Admiral Abraham Duquesne, who was discounted with an arm and a leg (But it didn't stop), he tried to organize a counterattack, but to no avail, he could only be shocked to witness the "slaughter" of his men, more and more French battleships were sunk, and the out-of-control French battleships drifted out to sea with the ocean currents After the ship sank, the survivors struggled at sea, screaming in despair, all night long.

The dawn of the next day sent French Admiral Abraham Duquesne's heart sinking into the Atlantic Ocean, and all he wanted was to get a bullet in the head.

Because, the Spanish fleet withdrew! 2084/10265839

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