The Great Ming Dynasty Dominate Overseas

Chapter 2755: The last tenacity of the French

The unbearable Spaniards retreated shamefully, with nothing but sail!

Their losses were much less than that of the French (the Chinese were not focusing on the Spaniards), but they were the first to escape, so there is a reason!

It was later learned that the battleship "Immaculate Conception" on which the Spanish Admiral Don Aznar Antonio was located drifted away at night, and the ship lost its power under the attack of the South China Army.

Due to the low night and the fierce bullets of the battleship Nanhua, Don Aznar Antonio did not dare to take the risk of changing ships, so he had to drift away from the battle line (could it be that he took the opportunity to escape at night?)

When the flagship could not be found, the Spaniards found an excuse and dispersed!

Yesterday, the battleships of China and Europe were densely piled up to fight each other, but today there are only many flags of the battleships of Nanhua on the sea, which means that the French are surrounded. Facing the sudden turn of events, Abraham Duquesne can only By gulping brandy to calm down his emotions, breaking through will be his only way out, and it is extremely dangerous!

The situation of the South China Army was very good. They turned the battle line into two and tried to encircle the French.

The sound of guns roared and the flames burst out. In the morning, Earl Ernie, who was in command of the French "King" first-class battleship, suffered another misfortune. He was already blind and was still directing the battle on the open deck. Called, he fell down and lost his right leg!

His guards gathered around, took out the Chinese Yunnan Baiyao that they had managed to get, and poured it on the wound without asking for money, but the powder was washed away by the surging blood, and it had no effect.

Earl Ernie wounded the aorta in his right leg and bled profusely to death.

What happened to him was the tragic fate of the French. Under the attack of the South China Army, the total number of hundreds of battleships in the French fleet, which had been arrogant before the war, had been reduced to 40. Some were sunk, and some lost power and drifted away. Some of them took the opportunity to escape!

Half of the remaining 40 battleships were out of combat due to serious injuries. French Admiral Abraham Duquesne tried to command them to fight and retreat, but the French found a terrible fact: they could not escape.

The Nanhua Navy had the upper hand in yesterday's battle. About four-fifths of the battleships maintained sufficient combat effectiveness. This number is 150 ships. It is easy to deal with only 20 combat-capable enemy ships.

At this time, it was no longer a line of battle. The Nanhua battleships were scattered, and two or three battleships entangled a French battleship to fight. The Chinese had experience, ability, and patience.

They took the upper and lower respectively, forcing the French to fight on two fronts.

When the wind was upwind, solid artillery shells were used to bombard the bulwarks of the French ship, which actually destroyed the French ship, causing the French to bleed.

Unfortunately, even if it is the same, the resistance of the French has not stopped, and many people still fight to the last breath of their lives!

On the first-class battleship of the French ship "King", the officers and soldiers on the ship were filled with righteous indignation due to the heroic death of Earl Ernie, who commanded them. Concentrate on the starboard side and bombard the third-tier battleship Nanhua "Southeast Asia 207" on the leeward side.

After several rounds of artillery, under the bombardment of the 42-pound heavy artillery of the "Monarch", I wanted to find a cheap "Southeast Asia 207" with a broken mast and withdrew from the battle in embarrassment. Drive over and join hands with another "Zhonghua" class battleship "Urumqi" to capture the "Monarch".

Under the onslaught of the Nanhua battleship, the "Monarch" fell silent. When the Nanhua marines jumped over to capture the large ship, there was only a loud noise, and then a tall smoke column rose, "The Monarch" Big bang!

This is because the remaining officers and soldiers on the ship could not bear the capture of this large ship. The French would never allow this hero ship to fall into the hands of infidels, so they simply detonated the gunpowder magazine on the ship, causing both sides to suffer.

After the explosion, the large ship sank quickly. Not only could the South China Army fail to capture it, it also cost the lives of more than fifty marines.

This made Colonel Lei Wanchun, the captain of the "Luoyang" who sent the marines, heartbroken. You must know that these are elite marines, and they are not easy to come by. If they want to kill them in a naval battle, the enemy will definitely pay. A heavy price!

In this battle, Vice Admiral de Jupe Bahatil of France commanded a first-class battleship "Nordic Thor" from Sweden. It is a battleship supported by the Swedish royal family with 98 guns. Very strong, but encountered the fierce pursuit of the super battleship "Zhenxing" commanded by Admiral Zhao Tianjing of the Nanhua Navy. Admiral Zhao is a ruthless man. Under his command, the "Zhenxing" is even more powerful. Vibration, firing cannons like the wind.

Soon the "Nordic Thor" was completely defeated and was dismantled into a pile of rotten wood. The crew suffered countless casualties and barely fought back.

In the words of one Swedish sailor: "We fired a few (weak) groans like mosquitoes!"

Just when the officers and soldiers of the "Nordic Thor" were in panic, the vicious "Zhenxing" actually sailed away from the "Nordic Thor" and turned to attack another French battleship that was still fighting.

The officers and soldiers of the "Nordic Thor" couldn't believe their luck, even Vice Admiral De Jupe Bahathir couldn't believe it. He asked the adjutant, "Why are the Chinese crazy?"

"Maybe we are not worthy of their attack!" The adjutant said the same thing, and General Zhao lost interest in them. He is the hereditary first-class marquis of the empire and the salary of the duke. The Duke, this is what he can't get, the hereditary Duke is in the pockets of Chen Zhongji, Hong Sheng, Mr. David, Storm and others.

It's better to give the credit to others. For example, this Nanhua "Southeast Asia 175" battleship, which is much thinner than the "Nordic Thor", rushed straight to the "Nordic Thor" to attack.

The French were furious, they were defeated by the enemy's super battleship attack, they could only admit it, they didn't expect that even such a small character would dare to bully The unbearable French fought in anger, vowed To fight to the end.

They concentrated the remaining artillery and confronted the "Southeast Asia 175" battleship. As a result, the "Southeast Asia 175" battleship tried its best to take down the "Nordic Thor" and had to shake people.

As a result, the three Nanhua battleships swarmed up and fought.

In the end, the "Nordic Thor" was completely disintegrated, all the masts were interrupted, the bulwarks were collapsed, and it was worthless to even capture the ship. I was too lazy to send marines to board the ship, and the three Nanhua battleships scattered in a hurry.

Vice Admiral de Jupe Bahathir survived, regretting that he would have surrendered to the super battleship "Zhenxing" if he had known about it.

Now, even surrender is impossible!

This unlucky vice admiral did not seize the time to surrender. As a result, he was captured by the Nanhua cruiser that cleaned the battlefield. The dignified vice admiral had to give a major (the rank of cruise ship captain) a saber, which can be described as embarrassing. !


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