Small businesses rely on means, while large businesses rely on negotiation.

After many trials, the two sides also tested each other's true bottom line.

Half of the one thousand acres of land requested by Jushi Capital was cut off.

Five hundred acres.

This is the maximum area that the Ludao government can give.

Land use cannot be free either.

You know, land is one of the most important financial revenues of local governments.

Five hundred acres of land, that’s three hundred and thirty-three million and thirty-three square meters.

It is impossible for the Ludao government to provide it for free.

In addition to the compensation paid to the farmers under the original conditions, each square meter of land was sold to Jushi Capital at a price of 200 yuan.

It’s half buy and half free.

Finally, after finalizing a series of details, the two parties reached a preliminary agreement.

Just one more opportunity is needed to facilitate the investment in this major project on Ludao.

This opportunity requires unanimous approval by the Ludao leadership team.

The land belongs to the people and the government.

It cannot be the final say of any one person or department.

Even Secretary Xiao Jialiang cannot treat the leadership team as a single person.

On such a major matter, the final decision must be made through voting.

"These foreign devils are just robbing. They are robbers. Two hundred yuan per acre is absolutely unacceptable."

"I heard that the land price in Hainan is 15,000 yuan per square meter. It's 200 yuan per square meter. It can't be justified."

"But if you don't agree, people won't invest. Without investment, how can we develop the economy? Just the initial investment of 500 million can solve many problems.

Now, it’s not a matter of price. We can’t be so short-sighted and have to take a long-term view. I agree. "

"that is,

You are not short of money at the customs, so you can stand without back pain.

Our education bureau is having such a hard time right now. The teachers were unable to earn their wages for several months at the beginning of the year, and they all went on strike. If this continues, schools will have to close.

If someone invests now, it can bring income to the finances, and then no one will have a much better life in the future. I agree"

"You are short-sighted. It costs two hundred yuan per square meter. What can you do with this little money? Hainan has 15,000 yuan per square meter. We need at least 10,000 yuan."

"Am I short-sighted? Then if you help me pay the teachers' salaries and help me pay for the maintenance costs of the school building, you see, I am still short-sighted. Who doesn't know that your customs has a lot of money?"

"What are you talking about? You are slandering, you are making this unfounded."

"You know what I say. You know whether it is slander or not."

"Why are you saying that your education bureau is clean because of me? The former principal of the third high school is not the person below you?"


At the highest-level meeting on Ludao, a group of people suddenly started arguing while talking.

No one could have imagined it.

These usually aloof leaders would make a lot of noise like shrews.

You say my family is short, I say your parents.

They slap each other in the face.

If it weren't for the cold weather, I might have to curl up my arms and do it.

Finally, Xiao Jialiang couldn't stand it anymore.

He coughed twice, interrupting the quarrel between the Director of Education and the Director of Customs.

If the top leader speaks out, no one should be given face.

The two people who were arguing glared at each other and sat down again.

Xiao Jialiang seemed not to have heard the words the two had exposed each other just now.

He turned to Mayor Zhang Jiajun and asked.

"Mayor Zhang, I don't know what you think about this matter."

Zhang Jiajun.

A person lives up to his name.

He is the leader of the traditional local forces in Ludao.

Born in Xiang'an, he is forty-eight years old, which is the golden age of a man's career.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Above the temple, it is impossible to be monolithic.

The outside faction headed by Secretary Xiao Jialiang and the local faction represented by Zhang Jiajun have always been in conflict.

All parties have always blamed each other for different interests.

However, the two forces are like Zhang Fei vs Wei Yan, neither one can do anything to the other.

Almost all cadres from the middle level to the grassroots are natives of Ludao.

In this situation, even if Xiao Jialiang is the leader, it is impossible to suppress them completely.

Both sides have won and lost in various disputes.

Sometimes they are on the same page, sometimes they give in to each other.

But this time, it's different.

The plan provided by Jushi Investment is too huge, huge enough to change the existing strength of Ludao at all levels.

The initial investment alone is as high as 500 million.

This amount of money is enough to achieve a quantitative change.

If Jushi Investment's plan is followed to build the tallest building in China, the total budget will reach a cumulative investment of up to 1.2 billion within five years.

Such a large investment is enough to trigger a bloody fight between all parties.

What’s even more terrifying is Jushi Investment’s unbelievable plan.

With the tallest building in China as the center, a modern CBD business center will be established.

If they really want to do it, the local forces on Ludao will never be able to turn around again.

Zhang Jiajun has found out the real mastermind behind Jushi Capital through secret channels.

Zhao Donglai is so close to Xiao Jialiang, so Xiao Jialiang can definitely intervene in the profit distribution of Jushi Capital's investment.

By that time, Xiao Jialiang's methods will definitely defeat the local forces on Ludao.

Money moves people's hearts.

Investments on this scale involve almost all walks of life.

Construction workers, sand and gravel, construction materials and so on.

Enough to create a complete industrial chain.

In this case, who wouldn’t want to get a piece of the pie.

Xiao Jialiang only needs to block some links to tear the local forces of Ludao into pieces.

Who doesn't have any relatives or friends?

Who doesn’t want to make a fortune from this.

By then, Zhang Jiajun, the second-in-command, would never be able to turn around again.

After Xiao Jialiang asked Zhang Jiajun, the entire venue fell silent instantly.

Everyone knows that the real showdown is coming.

The previous quarrel between the Director of Education and the Director of Customs was just an appetizer.

What can decide this battle depends on the actual battle between the two parties involved.

Who wins and who loses, and even the overall pattern of Ludao in the future, will be in the hands of the two people at the front.

Facing Xiao Jialiang's inquiry, Zhang Jiajun was neither arrogant nor impatient.

He cleared his throat.

“Such a huge investment is second to none in the entire southeast of our country. Not to mention future development, the initial investment promised by Jushi Capital alone is enough to drive forward economic development.

If we follow the planning and design given by Jushi Capital, this kind of investment will be ranked among the best in the country.

Everyone knows its benefits..."

"Such a large scale of investment can reduce employment pressure, increase GDP, and bring fiscal revenue."

Zhang Jiajun's words made many people stunned.

There seems to be something wrong with this statement.

Everyone knows that if this investment from Jushi Capital is allowed to materialize, then the local forces in Ludao will definitely be suppressed by outsiders.

As the leader of local forces, Zhang Jiajun has no reason to say this.

But no one spoke.

The people present are all cunning and cunning people, and everyone knows that the more you praise someone, the harder it will be punished.

When Zhang Jiajun said this, he must be foreshadowing what he said next.

Sure enough, Zhang Jiajun's tone suddenly changed.

he suddenly shouted.

“However, each square meter of land is only two hundred yuan, which is simply giving it to others for free.

I think the price of land can be compared to Hainan's price standard, which is 10,000 yuan per square meter, which is more reasonable.

Otherwise, this is just drinking poison to quench thirst.

Land is the basis for people's survival. How can ordinary people agree to such a low price?

If something unexpected happens, who can bear the consequences?

We are going to be scolded by the common people, scolded on our spines, scolded that we officials are short-sighted, and scolded that we are all traitors. "

Praise first and then kill.

After extolling the benefits of Jushi Capital's investment, Zhang Jiajun came up with a real killer move.

The price is 10,000 yuan.

Compared to the previous two hundred yuan per square meter, there is a fifty-fold difference.

This is fighting for the welfare of the people and standing in the name of righteousness.

The righteousness is awe-inspiring.

Zhang Jiajun extols the benefits of investment in the name of the people.

But there is one thing.

The price of 10,000 yuan per square meter for 500 acres is 3.33 billion.

According to Jushi Capital’s previous conditions, it would never agree to this investment.

Zhang Jiajun's words fell.

His expression was bland.

But with the outsiders siding with Secretary Xiao Jialiang, their expressions changed.

Zhang Jiajun's last words were undoubtedly scolding them as traitors.

But no one could refute it.

The price of two hundred yuan per square meter is indeed almost like giving it away for free.

Zhang Jiajun stood in the name of righteousness, and he was already in an invincible position.

Who dares to bear the name of traitor?

If there is even the slightest accident, the person who agreed to this investment will definitely be stigmatized as a traitor.

This kind of thing is a no-brainer.

Even if the people don't know, there are ways to let them know.

What's more, this investment was carried out with great fanfare and under the auspices of various media.

Inside the venue, you could hear a pin drop.

All eyes surrendered to Xiao Jialiang, who was sitting in the first place.

Once Xiao Jialiang's answer reveals even the slightest flaw, cracks will appear in the team he has worked so hard to build over the past few years.

No one will follow a leader who is suppressed wholeheartedly.

But no one present knew how to crack it.

If Xiao Jialiang admits Zhang Jiajun, it will be equivalent to directly admitting defeat. In that case, Xiao Jialiang's authority will inevitably plummet.

Being suppressed by a second-in-command, he, the secretary, no longer has to mess around.

But traitors have no solution.

As long as the reputation of a traitor spreads, Xiao Jialiang's political career will be over.

Everyone is waiting for Xiao Jialiang's response.

Everyone is watching how Xiao Jialiang will crack Zhang Jiajun's general.

This is almost a dead end, a dead end with two cars side by side.

Xiao Jialiang also complained secretly.

Zhang Jiajun's words were too sharp, pushing him to a point where there was no way he could retreat.

Taking a step back will not open up the world.

As long as he retreats this time, he can wait until he really retreats.

If the first-in-command is suppressed by the second-in-command, what balancing role does he have as a secretary?

This is absolutely unacceptable to Xiao Jialiang, who is still young and powerful.

But Xiao Jialiang is very human after all.

Being able to fight against the local forces on Ludao alone for so many years was not just based on his status as secretary.

Xiao Jialiang's thoughts were telegraphed.

Now, the only way out is to put it to death and survive.

Xiao Jialiang quickly organized some words.

He spoke.

“I agree with what Mayor Zhang said, but I still want to say a few words.

I think everyone knows the environment of our Ludao in recent years.

In terms of public security, it is getting worse and worse, and some idle people gather to cause trouble.

Theft, robbery and even murder and arson occurred from time to time.

How many violent robberies, burglaries and homicides occurred on the island alone last year?

Forty-eight onwards.

A total of forty-eight.

Do you remember how many innocent people were killed?

Thirty-six people.

Thirty-six people.

Inside, there were two pregnant women and three underage children.

These are all human lives.

As officials, why can't we even protect the public security of one place?

Why has the crime rate suddenly increased over the years?

Even in broad daylight, some people dared to come out with guns and rob.

Can any of you tell me why this is?

Who can tell me why criminals are so rampant now? Who can tell me why the crime rate is getting higher year by year? "

There was silence in the venue.

Some leaders of the departments responsible for public security lowered their heads involuntarily.

"No one answered!

So who can tell me why so many vicious incidents happen on the island alone.

As for the outside of the island, I won’t talk about it.

I have no shame to say it.

As the top leader of the city, I really don’t dare to say it, I can’t bear to say it, and I can’t say it.

I just want to ask everyone, are our people all born evil?

I think everyone knows it.

In one word, poor.

How many companies have gone bankrupt in recent years?

How many workers have lost their jobs in recent years?

How many units have been unable to pay wages in recent years?

Have you done any statistics?

Let me tell you how many.

In Ludao, 200 companies went bankrupt last year alone.

The number of laid-off workers and unemployed people is as high as 18,000.

This was only last year.

Can any of you tell me what these people do to survive after losing their jobs?

This is still the city.

Which of you has been to the countryside in the countryside?

Do you know what the people in rural areas do for a living?

Porridge and sweet potatoes for a meal.

One or two meters can feed a family of four for a day.

Can you eat enough?

Which of you eats one or two meters a day?


Poor people are going to starve to death. Who the hell knows about laws and ethics? People are going to starve to death. What do you want them to do?


Why poor?

Because there is no money.

Without investment, production, technology, and the economy cannot keep up.

Why not invest?

With your attitude towards investors, only fools come to invest.

Why does the chief want to tour the south?

What did the chief say after the southern tour?

A black cat or a white cat is a good cat if it catches mice.

Our Ludao is also in the south, so why didn’t the chief come?

Do you know how Zhuhai does it?

Giant Building.

The local government granted the company 400,000 square meters of land to build a building at a price of 125 yuan.

Thirty floors.

Are you stupid?

People still don’t want to develop the economy properly.

People know the importance of keeping people fed.

Do you know what Zhuhai is like now?

In the country, Zhuhai's GDP can be ranked among the top ten.

People can strongly support enterprises, why can’t we?

But what about us?

People come from far away to invest in building the first building in China.

Seventy-sixth floor.

The cumulative investment is as high as 1.2 billion.

Don't tell me you don't fucking know how many jobs and income this can bring.

But what are we doing?

We are fighting here for our own selfish desires.


Each of you dares to carry me, Xiao Jialiang, but none of you are willing to carry me, Xiao Jialiang.

As long as it can make people's lives better, let alone being called a traitor, I will accept it even if I am sent to the eighteenth level of hell. "

There is a clanging sound.

The whole hall was silent.

( = )

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