The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 209 I don’t know how much money our family has

Xiao Jialiang's words were loud and clear.

He trailed off, and there was a deathly silence in the venue.

Only Xiao Jialiang's last words seemed to still echo in everyone's ears.

As long as it can make the lives of ordinary people better, let alone being called a traitor, I will admit it even if I am sent to the eighteenth level of hell.

One is afraid of notoriety, the other is daring to bear notoriety.

To take things a step further, one is afraid of being scolded and dare not do anything, while the other dares to go to hell for the sake of the common people.

If such words reach the ears of the people.

Who would not think that Xiao Jialiang is a good secretary for the people.

spread to the ears of provincial leaders.

Xiao Jialiang is a good comrade who is responsible and courageous.

The prime minister's southern tour was the first to pave the way, and foreign investment from other provinces was gradually involved. Take Zhuhai's 125 yuan per square meter of land as an example.

The battle is decided, and the outcome is decided.

The outsiders represented by Xiao Jialiang won a complete victory.

The victory is dignified and the victory is convincing.

Even some people who usually follow Zhang Jiajun's lead are asking themselves repeatedly.

Are they doing this right?

The director of public security, Ma Shangren, is a native of Ludao.

He has always been a staunch supporter of localism.

But this time, Ma Shangren was shaken.

Every statistic Xiao Jialiang said made Ma Shangren feel like he had been slapped.

Every case and every life tortures and whips Ma Shangren's soul.

As the top person in charge of public security.

How could Ma Shangren not know how many crime cases there were in the city every year, and how could he not know that illegal and criminal activities were on the rise every year.

For three dollars,

Someone will rob, someone will steal for a bag of sweet potatoes, someone will burglarize for a few pieces of clothing.

Even a tragedy happened to a distant relative of Ma Shangren.

When his relative found out that someone was stealing something, he yelled and was finally chopped to death on the spot by the panicked thief with a kitchen knife.

That's not a professional thief.

An honest man in his thirties.

After being caught.

The thief cried out that he did not want to kill anyone.

He was forced to do so.

Because both the man and his wife are unemployed.

With no income and an urban registered permanent residence, I don’t even have money to feed my children.

Only then did I have the desire to steal things.

The murderer did not want to kill, and after being caught, he cried bitterly and regretted it.

It is so unjust to be killed, and it is heartbreaking to have a family destroyed.

But what is supposed to happen is still happening, and the crime rate is rising every year.

Even years of severe crackdowns cannot deter the lawbreakers.


Who knows why better than a director of the Public Security Bureau.

It's not what Xiao Jialiang said.

People are starving to death, who can care so much.

Poverty leads to chaos.

If it were not too poor, why would there be so much chaos and why would crime cases increase every year?

Xiao Jialiang's words are still echoing in his ears.

Ma Shangren only felt that he was holding a breath in his chest. Otherwise, he would not let it out quickly, and otherwise he would be very excited.

There was silence in the venue.

Suddenly, Ma Shangren shouted.

"I agree."

Pairs of eyes looked towards Ma Shangren.

But under the gaze of countless upper eyes, Ma Shangren held his head high.

Xiao Jialiang, a foreigner, wants to do something for the people of Ludao. Why can't he, a local who is spreading his business here, do something?

Ma Shangren's sudden change of camp is surprising, but everything is reasonable.

Xiao Jialiang's impassioned words were still echoing in everyone's ears.

Many people were as excited as Ma Shangren, as if they were holding something back and couldn't express it.

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I agree."


Ma Shangren's agreement seemed to open a hole.

After he agreed, more than 90% of the people present finally agreed.

Agree to support Xiao Jialiang's decision.

Some agreed sincerely, while others were forced by the situation.

After Xiao Jialiang's words, the trend had overwhelmingly shifted to his side.

Finally, everyone who should have voted has voted.

Except for three people who chose to abstain, everyone else chose to agree.

Only the two most important people are left and have not yet chosen to vote.

Zhang Jiajun's face was ashen.

He knew that he lost miserably this time, so miserably that he didn't even have the strength to resist.

After Xiao Jialiang's words, he knew he was in trouble, but unfortunately he couldn't change anything at all.

This is the general trend.

Those people, whether they really agree or pretend to agree, have no choice but to choose to agree.

To vote against it is to oppose the national policy set by the chief minister after his southern tour. To oppose is to oppose seeking benefits for the people.

Who dares to object.

Zhang Jiajun didn't dare either.

But he was very unwilling to do so.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Jiajun slowly spoke.

"I choose to reserve my opinion."

In the battle for the general situation, Zhang Jiajun was completely defeated.

As second in command, he had no choice like everyone else.

If he chooses to agree, he will be completely defeated by Xiao Jialiang.

With the change of strength and weakness, it will be difficult for Zhang Jiajun to stand up.

His only option was to reserve his opinion and wait for the opportunity.

Waiting for problems to arise with Jushi Capital’s investments.

Only then could he avoid losing all face, and only then could he seize the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to Xiao Jialiang.

Zhang Jiajun saw it clearly.

When Xiao Jialiang won the general trend, he also paid a heavy price.

His words put his future political career on the line.

As long as there is any problem with Jushi Capital's investment, Xiao Jialiang's political career will inevitably be ruined.

At that time, Zhang Jiajun can seize the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

Zhang Jiajun looked at Xiao Jialiang with a gloomy expression.

He didn't believe that Boulder Capital could really spend so much money to build a building.

As long as he blocks the bank's loan, there are plenty of ways to kill those gringos.

When the time comes, let’s see how Xiao Jialiang turns around.

Inside the Ludao City Secretary’s Office.

Zhao Jiangchuan was there leisurely sipping tea with his legs crossed.

The carefree look was as if he were at home.

"Bang, bang twice..."

The door was pushed open and closed from the outside.

The person who came in was Xiao Jialiang.

Judging from the fact that Xiao Jialiang was not surprised that Zhao Jiangchuan would be in his office, Zhao Jiangchuan had obviously arrived long ago.

that's the truth.

This meeting will determine whether the investment can be truly finalized.

How could Zhao Jiangchuan not come?

Early in the morning, Zhao Jiangchuan rarely got up early.

He wanted to come over and discuss with Xiao Jialiang first how to ensure that this investment was foolproof.

They were the only two people in the room.

Zhao Jiangchuan didn't even bother to stand up, so he asked casually.

"How about it, you passed it."

Xiao Jialiang was furious.

Zhao Jiangchuan's tone was really abominable.

His calm look was like asking when the meal was going to be eaten.

This little bastard.

I'm going to have to deal with you for the rest of my life, so you're better off just like a normal person.

Xiao Jialiang was helpless. He had wanted to scare Zhao Jiangchuan before, so that this guy would not treat him as a secretary all the time.

Well now, such big investors don’t care at all.

On the contrary, he was forced to suppress everything.

Xiao Jialiang said angrily.

"Look at your arrogance. You figured it all out. Can you not pass it?"

"Then how did your little secretary break the situation?"

"You are still pretending to me. You can even guess what Zhang Jiajun is going to say. You don't know how I can break the situation."

Zhao Jiangchuan chuckled.

Just as Xiao Jialiang said, since he could predict how Zhang Jiajun would force the palace, how could he not guess how Xiao Jialiang would rebel against the general.

Zhang Jiajun had no choice, and neither did Xiao Jialiang.

In the face of funds that can shake the entire level of Ludao, no one can waver.

Whoever fails will die.

Therefore, Zhao Jiangchuan neither agrees nor objects.

It was an acquiescence for Xiao Jialiang.

But that smiling face was like admitting everything.

Xiao Jialiang was so angry that he was half-dead. If it weren't for Zhao Jiangchuan who had to rely on Zhao Jiangchuan for the follow-up, Xiao Jialiang would definitely punch that smiling face to pieces.

Xiao Jialiang finally understood that he had failed to use Zhao Dong to plot against Zhao Jiangchuan, and now he was cheated.

Now that the ship is done, he can't even get off the ship.

Xiao Jialiang no longer had the impassioned attitude in the conference room. He sighed like a defeated rooster.

"I have boarded your pirate ship. Now I have put everything on board. You should be honest with me now.

Are you sure about the plans you mentioned?

I won't hide it from you. You don't have to rely on the bank for money. I can't control that right now.

Zhang Jiajun will definitely be stuck with the loan. Unless you can build two-thirds of the building, you will definitely not be able to get a penny. "

"Don't worry, my little secretary, the preparations that need to be made have been prepared a long time ago. Just wait and see the good show tomorrow."


Zhang Jiajun's abacus was very good.

Any company cannot develop without banks. With an investment of more than one billion, no company can avoid seeking bank loans.

By then, he will have plenty of ways to make a comeback.

Even getting Jushi Capital to his side is not impossible.

But the next day, Zhang Jiajun was poured a bucket of cold water on reality.

After the Ludao leadership team approved Jushi Capital's final investment decision, the two parties sent representatives to each other to sign various terms.

The representative of Ludao is Zhao Donglai, deputy director of the Investment Promotion Bureau.

The representative of Boulder Capital is Robert Baden-Powell from the UK.

The scene is huge and the standards are very high.

All the local radio stations and newspapers in Ludao were present, and even the Southeast Provincial Newspaper made a note to come.

Therefore, many people are confused as to why Ludao only sent one deputy director.

Seems a bit rude.

But soon, this small problem was attracted by another thing that attracted everyone's attention.

When signing the agreement on site, Jushi Capital from the UK suddenly revealed an explosive news.

They decided to increase the initial investment amount to US$100 million and promised to work hard to help Ludao build the tallest building in China.

One hundred million U.S. dollars, even based on the onshore exchange rate, is more than eight hundred million U.S. dollars.

It was 300 million more than the previous initial investment.

This explosive news received a positive response from the Ludao government on the spot.

The deputy director of the China Merchants Bureau announced on the spot that all the US$100 million from Jushi Capital had been received the day before.

The scene immediately exploded.

Reporters asked questions on the spot.

"Mr. Robert, what is the reason that made your company make such a major decision and increase the initial investment amount by more than 300 million yuan at once?"

Robert Baden-Powell blinked innocently.

How the hell do I know.

That black-hearted capitalist likes it, how dare I object to it.

Surrounded by a lot of memories, Robert showed no stage fright and kept talking about the train tracks.

“The reason is simple. From Secretary Xiao Jialiang to Deputy Director Zhao Donglai, we have seen the highest sincerity of the Ludao government, and their actions express full trust in our Jushi Capital.

To use your Chinese language, you treat me as a countryman, and I will repay you as a countryman. With such trust, how can we, Jushi Capital, not reciprocate your kindness? "

"Pa bang bang..."

The interview continued amidst warm applause.

Even though everyone knew that this interview was actually a show that had been arranged long ago.

Zhang Jiajun naturally knew it too.

But in front of that 100 million US dollars, he sat on the sofa dejectedly, as if he had been chopped and lost all blood in his body.

He knew that his good days would not last long.

The ten-day busy investment meeting was finally over.

The arrival of US$100 million from Jushi Capital indicates that this large-scale investment will be made on Ludao.

Therefore, even if there is no holiday during the Spring Festival, those who have been busy have no complaints.

Investment of more than one billion.

This kind of investment amount can be counted even across the country.

These are all real achievements.

When the incident is over, everyone's name will be marked with a strong stroke.

"You don't know that I was in a cold sweat for Secretary Xiao at that time. Zhang Jiajun's words simply blocked Secretary Xiao's path.

Who knew that Secretary Xiao would immediately fight back.

From the time when the chief minister talked about the relationship between the economy and crime during his southern tour, he ended up shouting curses.

Ha ha….

That was a direct curse, and none of the guys who were scolding dared to raise their heads.

Finally, Secretary Xiao slapped the table and said.

As long as it can make the lives of ordinary people better, let alone being called a traitor, I will admit it even if I am sent to the eighteenth level of hell.

Just based on this last sentence, I should have another drink. "


After the investment meeting was settled, the Zhao family father and son returned home together for a rare occasion.

These days, everyone is busy, and the father and son are too busy to meet each other.

Zhao Donglai was in high spirits as he held the wine glass.

It was like he was the one who scolded those people at the venue that day and didn't dare to say a word.

Zhao Jiangchuan smiled and said nothing, quietly listening to his father squirting wildly.

Occasionally, he raised his hand to wipe the saliva sprayed on his face.

he knows.

This dad has been holding it in for many years.

Ludao is a small place. From the grassroots to the middle level to the second-in-command, almost all are local forces in Ludao.

These people are connected through various relationships and form a huge circle back to back.

As an outsider, I simply cannot afford to be in this kind of circle.

Zhao Donglai is an outsider, so it is naturally not easy to get along in a place like this.

The dirty work is all done by outsiders like Zhao Donglai.

Making money from good deeds has nothing to do with outsiders like them.

There is simply no hope of climbing up.

In the last life, if it weren't for the Huang family's intervention, Zhao Donglai would never have been able to climb to the position of director.

Every carrot and every pit, various positions were blocked by the local forces of Ludao.

After being marginalized and suppressed for so many years, I finally fought back.

How could Zhao Donglai, who was considered an outsider, not be excited?

Xiao Jialiang is the inner leader of the outsiders.

Zhao Donglai was in high spirits, spitting stars flying around.

He vividly imitated everything Xiao Jialiang said and did at the meeting that day.

Sometimes he laughed, sometimes he looked excited.

This left Zhao Jiangchuan speechless.

Yes, those who can get into the position of secretary really don’t have a fuel-efficient lamp.

The acting in this play made even my own father feel excited, and he was quite at the level of an international actor.

Life is like a drama, drama is like life.

Is it acting?

Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe Xiao Jialiang himself didn't know whether he was really singing or lip-synching.

Real singing or lip-synching, or both.

Zhao Jiangchuan thought silently in his heart.

Zhao Donglai finished drinking his wine.

Zhao Jiangchuan picked up the wine bottle and filled up his father's wine glass.

"Xiao...Xiaochuan, you...tell be honest, how much does our family have now?"

If you sort out a bunch today...and sort out a bunch tomorrow, I'll be worried every day.

I am your father. If you continue to mistreat your biological father like this, sooner or later he will be scared to death by you.

Tell me, how much money do you have now? "

Zhao Donglai was drunk.

As soon as the man got drunk, he started talking nonsense.

If you can control it rationally, you can't control it.

Zhao Jiangchuan could guess that Zhao Donglai had probably been holding these words in his heart for a long time. He did it again this time and he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"You old thing, that's my son's money. Don't worry about it. You defrauded me of so much money this time. You must have defrauded my son into poverty. Now you still want to think about it, but you fooled me into investing. What a waste." What to do if you lose money?"

Naturally, the only person who can say this is my mother.

However, Huang Yajuan was scolding the drunk Zhao Donglai, but her eyes were looking at Zhao Jiangchuan.

Obviously she also wants to know how much money her son has.

Both his parents wanted to know, so naturally a son couldn't really hide it.

So Zhao Jiangchuan seriously considered it.

How much money is there?

It doesn't seem like much.

There are still US$400 million in Hong Kong.

If the assets invested by Dianshi Investment are counted, it seems that there can be more than one or two hundred million. The market value of the insurance company should also be worth a few dollars. If we add the investment from Ma Yun...

Zhao Jiangchuan was also a little confused.

He discovered that he actually knew how much money he had.

If it is counted as an industry, it cannot be counted at all.

This account cannot be settled.

As a son of a man, it is wrong to deceive his parents. How could Zhao Jiangchuan, a good student, do something unbecoming of a son of a man?


After Zhao Jiangchuan thought for a few minutes, he said seriously.

"I don't know how much money our family has."


Zhao Donglai fell asleep without knowing when.

Huang Yajuan couldn't help but roll her eyes.

As for whether she was rolling her eyes at her son or her man, I'm afraid only she knew.

( = )

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