The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 472: Mediah’s Heroes Meeting

Yang Fei got out of the car and said with a smile, "Director Tan, I don't dare to be that!"

Ms. Tan said: "Boss Yang, I have something to talk to you, and I've been waiting for you to come!"

Yang Fei looked at the time: "This is about to start. Shall we talk inside?"

Ms. Tan said, "Just in your car."

Yang Fei took Wei Xinyuan, Su Tong, Jiang Wanxia and others with him. After the others got out of the car, Yang Fei got back into the car again.

Ms. Tan sat in and closed the car door. The excellent sound insulation effect separated the inside and the outside into two independent worlds.

"What's the matter, Director Tan?"

"To make a long story short. There are two opinions in Taiwan, that is, whether to use hidden bids or open bids when bidding. What do you think?"

"Which do you want to use?"

"I think it's better to use a hidden bid for the first tender. Because we can't see other people's cards. An advertisement, originally worth 5 million, starts at 4 million. What if no one raises the price? Then we have to lose money ?”

"Then hide the mark."

"It's that simple?"

"Isn't it best to follow your own heart?"

"Well——for Biao Wang, if you want to compete, how much would you invest?"

"If I want to compete, the price is my trump card and my business secret. Even if it is you, I will not tell you."

"Okay! You are really tight-lipped. Use the hidden mark for the first time! Maybe someone will surprise me! With this as a benchmark in the future, there will be a reference..."

"I think someone will surprise you. May I ask, what is your bottom line?"

"I can't tell. Since it is called the king of bids, the price should also be the king of advertisements."

"For example, a certain company paid a very high price and won the bid for the king of bids. As a result, his brand and products have been suffering huge losses during the next year's advertising time? Then what is the existence of the king of bids? Significance and value? Do you really think that an advertisement can make a product sell well?"

"How is that possible?—it is possible.

Ms. Tan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The question raised by Yang Fei is the real question.

If the bid king created by CCTV cannot create a sales myth, then who will bid for this bid in the future?

Yang Fei said: "There is only one solution, and that is to use all of your efforts in Taiwan to promote this famous product. In addition to this advertisement, you have to hype and support it from other resources. Only this first standard When the king becomes popular and sells well, there will be crazy bids for the next bid! Entrepreneurs have recognized your CCTV star-making ability, so they are naturally willing to pay."

"It makes sense!" Ms. Tan said, "Then it's settled! You really don't want to compete for the bid king?"

"It's a secret."

"Okay! We're ready to go in."

"Director Tan, under the watchful eyes of everyone, you openly got into my car and conspired with me. Are you not afraid that people outside will say that we are manipulating the shady scene?"

"Today is a hidden bid. If you have the ability, fill in the number a little higher. Naturally, you can instantly kill all the shady ones!"

Yang Fei chuckled, thinking that this is indeed a strange woman.

In fact, Ms. Tan still has hidden meanings that she did not say.

If she doesn't say anything, Yang Fei can understand, but he doesn't have to ask.

Ms. Tan is still a little worried that everyone's bid is too low, so she hopes that someone can offer a high price, even if it is okay to negotiate the price afterwards, at least to ensure that she looks good.

This is the key for Ms. Tan to chat with Yang Fei.

Yang Fei sees it, but doesn't say it.

Ms. Tan can't tell the truth, she can only play riddles, but Yang Fei just doesn't accept the trick.

The bosses who participated in the bidding entered the Media Center one after another.

The bidding will officially start.

This bidding meeting has become a two-horse battle for hegemony.

One is the liquor business.

One is the health products enterprise.

Liquor has high profits, and health care products have higher profits.

The bidding will adopt a combination of open bids and hidden bids.

Some advertisements are suitable for open labels, while others are more suitable for hidden labels.

The bid king really used a hidden bid.

Each person has only one chance to fill in the bid.

This infinitely magnifies everyone's speculation about this target.

If you want to get this mark, then you have to let go of your pen and write!

Under the premise of not knowing other people's prices, some people are likely to write a sky-high price as soon as their heads are hot.

Tan Xisong is a reporter, and he is a person who understands the national character very well.

For this bidding meeting, she changed the time three times in a row. At first it was set on the 2nd, then it was changed to the 8th, and finally it was set on November 18th. The reason is very simple, that is to invite more companies to bid.

She regards Biao Wang as the supreme glory, and spreads hero posts widely, inviting all ambitious entrepreneurs in the world to come and fight.

In the middle of the 1990s, Huaxia had just experienced a stormy market economy. Countless entrepreneurs rose up in the wild, and everyone was in urgent need of an opportunity. Retreat can prove themselves, and advance can dominate the industry!

Everyone wants to compete for the position of an industry leader.

As long as a person with such ambition enters the gate of the Media Business Hotel Center, he will fall into the trap carefully designed by Ms. Tan.

At the beginning of Mingbiao, unexpectedly, there was not much competition.

The transparent price makes people have an intuitive feeling. If it is too high, smart bosses who are used to it will pat their heads and think, it is not worth it, and they will not follow.

Ms. Tan is full of anticipation for the upcoming competition for the king of bids. Throughout the meeting, she kept exaggerating the advantages of the king of bids, calling it the pearl of the advertising industry.

It seems that as long as you get this standard, your company will become the leader in the industry and become the best-selling product of the year!

The bosses of the company heard it with enthusiasm.

They are invited to come here, they are successful people themselves, have huge funds, and have great expectations for the development of the company, so they want to use the magical hand of CCTV advertising to make themselves better!

The Battle of the Kings begins.

Yang Fei wrote down a number very calmly and asked Su Tong to hand it in.

Su Tong took a look and was slightly surprised, but said nothing.

On such a major matter, Yang Fei is the absolute authority, anyone can only carry out the role, and all doubts are irrational.

The bidding work was completed quickly.

Singing begins.

Yang Fei calmly went to the bathroom.

Tan Xisong was nervously waiting for the announcement of the result. When he saw Yang Fei come in after going to the bathroom, he walked over and asked him again: "Mr. Yang, did you bid? How much?"

Yang Fei smiled and said, "You'll find out later."

Tan Xisong said: "The bid has already been sung, so it's okay if you tell me! There are as many people who fill in the bid, and some people only offer more than 10 million yuan. They don't even think about it?"

At this time, the host's loud voice sounded: "Confucius Mansion Banquet in Donghai Province, 30.79 million!"

"Wow!" Tan Xisong let out a long sigh of relief, "Finally there is a record high price!"

Yang Fei said: "Director Tan, you are in a bad mood. I wish our entrepreneurs would pay more to buy your advertisements."

Tan Xisong's nervous heart has been relaxed, and his face is relaxed: "Now it is a market economy. Mr. Yang, is your bid higher or lower than the Confucian banquet wine?"

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Guess!"

Tan Xisong didn't bother to guess, and said, "I've heard more than half of it, and the highest one is the Confucian banquet wine. I guess they are the king of bids! I am very satisfied with this price."

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