Everyone looked at Ai Xi with mixed emotions.

Everyone present knew that Ai Qian and Chen Hengfeng were together, but they thought about many possibilities. Ai Qian might have wanted Chen Hengfeng for his power, or maybe she wanted to marry into a rich family and get close to Chen Hengfeng. But they never expected that the two of them would behave like this.

Essie smiled awkwardly and said to the director, "How about I just cut this part and I'll call someone else."

How could the director agree? This is the link where the financial backer behind him, Mr. Chen, personally nods, and it cannot be cut off under any circumstances.

The director smiled without saying a word and said with a smile: "You have to stay here for at least a week, so you should think about where your next meal will be."

Essie: "..."

Wang Hesong thought for a while and asked Ai Qian: "Are you going to collect mountain mushrooms this afternoon?"

Mo Yao and Yang Shanshan were obviously very interested in Ai Qian's love life. Not only the two of them, but also the three men were very interested. But the difference between people is that even if some people are very interested, they know how to restrain their interests.

Seeing Wang Hesong ask this, Ke De said: "Where did you find the mountain mushrooms this morning? Why did you pick so many?"

Feng Yan smiled and said, "Then I won't collect firewood this afternoon. I'll teach you how to collect mountain mushrooms."

This village has inconvenient transportation and has no characteristics, so there are not many outsiders here. Because the demand for firewood in rural areas has decreased in recent years, the mountains have returned to the lush vegetation they once were many years ago.

The leaves of pine trees and other trees fall to the ground, covering each other in layers. The ones at the bottom rot away and are covered with new ones on top. The trees are dense and some places do not get sunlight all year round. Walking on the ground, my feet made a crunching sound on the leaves.

It was neither cold nor hot in the woods, so it was quite comfortable to stay there, but there was no serious way to go. The six of them were okay, but the photographers carrying the cameras behind them had a hard time. Wang Hesong led everyone around. Ai Xi said: "I really don't know why the director wants us to stay here for a week? Does a show of several hours need to be filmed for so long?"

Feng Yan said: "Whatever, just treat it as a tourist."

Everyone turned their attention to him, and Feng Yan was startled, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Do you think we are here for a trip?" Essie asked.

Mo Yu pouted and said, "How can traveling be so painful?"

Ke De, who was particularly troubled by Mo Yu, couldn't help but nod. Feng Yan said: "..."

"Let's make peace with it now." Wang Hesong squatted down, pointed to a slightly bulging patch on the ground, and said, "Look carefully. Often when there is a bulge like this, there is mountain fungus growing underneath."

As he said this, Wang Hesong used a hatchet to pry up the piece, and there was a gallinopsis hidden underneath.

"Oh, that's it." Coder said while holding the fungus: "We only stepped on the ones that grew out of the ground in the morning. No wonder we only picked a few."

Yang Shanshan and Mo Yu also became interested. The six of them went all the way from one side of the mountain to the other. After three or four hours, they collected a lot of various kinds of bacteria.

Kede's eyes were filled with emotion when he looked at the fungi, and he reluctantly said, "Should we exchange these for food with the name of the village?"

"Otherwise?" Ai Xi asked: "The food exchanged today is enough for tonight and tomorrow morning at most, but we won't eat at noon tomorrow?"

Wang Hesong looked at Ke De with a smile and said, "What do you want?"

"I want to taste the taste of these mushrooms." Ke De looked at Ai Xi and said, "Is the mushroom soup delicious made by Sister Ruan?"

"I don't know." Essie shook her head honestly, "I don't like mushrooms."

Cord: "Oh..."

Ai Xi heard the sound of running water ahead, and she said, "There seems to be a river ahead. Let's go and have a look."

Sure enough, we didn't walk long before we saw a river. This river was quite wide, but not deep enough. When a person walks into the river, the water only reaches his calf. The water is very clear, and the rocks at the bottom of the river are covered with a thin layer of moss, with a particularly small shrimp swimming around in it.

"It would be nice if these shrimps were bigger." After a day of torture, when everyone sees something, the first thing they think about is whether they can eat it, "I really want to eat crayfish."

Obviously not hungry yet, but everyone swallowed a mouthful of water. It seems that everyone is deeply immersed in the fear of running out of food. Ai Qian looked at it and said: "This kind of rice and shrimp can actually be eaten."

"How do you eat this?" Yang Shanshan asked, "Isn't it difficult to peel the shell?"

"This kind of rice shrimp is delicious when made into sauce." Ai Qian looked at the shrimp in the water with longing in her eyes. "It tastes very good and very fresh."

The chef said so. It seems that the taste of these small shrimps is really good. The six people looked at the carefree rice shrimps in the water, and their eyes showed a fascinating light.

Cord gently put his hand into the water, and then quickly held it. Two shrimps entered the palm, but flowed out again with the current. Ke De said: "This is too difficult to catch. How long do you have to catch it if you want to make enough for a bowl?"

"This is not how you catch this kind of shrimp." Ai Xi said: "You have to use a dustpan to catch them. It's the one I saw in front of the villagers' houses today."

"Oh, then I'll borrow it." Coder volunteered.

Mo Yu said: "The director said we can't borrow villagers' things."

This terrible director has a lot on his plate. Feng Yan sighed: "I shouldn't have let him go so easily this morning."

"Why are you doing this?" Essie smiled and said: "The director said we can't borrow it, but he didn't say we couldn't take it ourselves. We take it and use it, and then put it back after use. It's neither stealing nor borrowing. The most important thing is that the director can't say where. wrong."

"Hey, I found that your mind is really flexible." Feng Yan waved to Ke De and said, "Let's go back and get the dustpan."

Ke De followed Feng Yan away in a hurry. Ai Xi sat on the shore and watched Yang Shanshan and Mo Yu playing in the water. Mo Yu seemed to be playing in the river for the first time. Just like the innocent heroine in the TV series, she and Yang Shanshan had a water fight while playing. This was not the end of the harm. She also said to Ai Qian : "Sister Ruan, do you want to come together?"

Ai Qian thought to herself that I was so busy that I wet my clothes so stupidly, she said, "No, just go ahead and play!"

Mo Yu called Wang Hesong again, "Brother Wang, do you want to come?"

Wang Hesong also said: "I won't come, you guys have fun."

The two of them sat on the bank in a daze. Because the location where Elsie was sitting was relatively high, she turned around and saw a villager upstream of the river herding cattle and drinking water. The cow stood in the river, drinking water and peeing and defecating at the same time. Essie turned her head and deliberately reminded the two beauties who were experiencing the feeling of being the heroine of an idol drama in the river.

At this moment, Yang Shanshan said in surprise: "It tastes so sweet to drink water."

"Of course." Mo Yu also took a sip, "This is a mountain spring."

"..." Ai Xi's words were instantly stuck in her throat, causing her to choke.

I’ve heard stories about eating apples before. It’s said that the scariest thing is eating an apple and eating a few worms? The scariest thing is to eat half a stick, because half of it has already been eaten into the stomach. At this time, it is better not to remind the person eating the apple, because if you tell him, he will feel sick. If you don't tell him, he will eat it all. Not only does he not want to vomit, but he also supplements the protein.

This is what Aisie was thinking at the moment. They both drank and it was too late to remind them. It's better not to say anything and everyone will be happy.

Wang Hesong lay on the grass beach on the bank and said with emotion: "To be honest, it's not bad to stay here for two days. If I have the chance, I will bring my wife and baby to stay for two days."

"Of course it's good that you don't have to work hard to find food." Essie looked up at the fruits on the tree above her head, "It's just that it's easy to get tired of it."

"What kind of fruit is that?" Wang Hesong looked at the beautiful fruits on the tree. The green skin is shiny, "Can it be eaten?"

Ai Qian said: "This is a tung tree fruit. It cannot be eaten. It is for use."

"For?" Wang Hesong murmured in his heart. Are there any fruits specially used for these days?

I have long heard that cucumbers, bananas and even eggplants are not only used for eating, but this irregular-shaped fruit is also used? how to use? easy to use?

He was lying under the tree, full of doubts in his heart. Essie didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely get angry and hurt someone. Half an hour later, Feng Yan and Ke De came back. Not only did they bring a dustpan, they also brought a small bucket to hold the shrimps.

Cord was so excited that he approached Essie and said, "How to catch shrimps?"

Essie looked from a distance and saw that the old cow drinking water had gone, so she spit out the foxtail grass in her mouth, stood up and said, "I'll show you."

This kind of millet shrimp likes to hide in the cracks of rocks and in aquatic plants. Ai Xi inserted the dustpan into the aquatic plants, and then stepped on the aquatic plants with her feet. Afterwards, I took out the dustpan and saw that it was densely packed with lively little shrimps, not only little shrimps, but also small fish.

Essie put the dustpan into Cord's hand and said, "Just do it. Don't worry, there will definitely be no nationally protected animals in this water."

They also met a hare on the way to collect mushrooms, but they heard that hare is now a protected animal, so they could only watch the rabbit go away with hungry eyes. No one thought the rabbit was cute, they only thought about it in their minds. It simulates the taste of rabbit meat.

Mo Yu and Yang Shanshan saw that Ke De was having so much fun, so they insisted on coming over to help. The five of them had a great time playing in the water. Essie felt like she was raising five children by herself, and she regretted participating in this show. It would have been great if she had agreed to act in the first place. Staying in a hotel and having an assistant waiting on you shouldn't be too pleasant, right?

How is it like here, not only do you eat and cook for yourself, but you also cook for others. Who exactly came up with this show? His head must have been caught in the door.

Chen Hengfeng has been in a good mood since the call ended. When it was time to get off work, he walked out quietly, walked to the door of the office and pushed the door halfway. The secretary said inside: "Oh, Mr. Chen, there is a file that needs you to deal with. .”

Chen Hengfeng subconsciously let go and turned around, "What document?"

At this time, the door that was pushed halfway closed automatically. Chen Hengfeng happened to be standing in the middle and heard a scream. The secretary rushed over, "Mr. Chen, what's wrong with you, Mr. Chen?"

"Mr. Chen, are you caught? Your head is a little swollen!"

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