Chen Hengfeng held an unusually eye-catching mark on his forehead, feeling inexplicably sad and angry. He finally felt a little more comfortable today, but his head was squeezed by the door again. It seemed that God didn't want him to feel comfortable.

It just so happens that today is another inexplicable holiday. Today's China is either one day or another. It's really difficult to find a day when it means nothing. Although it was not an important holiday, he still wanted to go home and have dinner with his parents and elders.

The mark on the head cannot be covered, so I can only put it another way. After all, having your head caught in the door sounds like something only a fool would do.

When Chen Hengfeng entered the house, he saw a room full of elders and relatives already sitting together and chatting. He first said hello to the elders, and then his brothers and sisters of the same generation greeted him. Chen Hengfeng changed his shoes and asked, "What's going on with your head?"

"Oh." Chen Hengfeng said without missing a beat: "I accidentally hit him when I turned around."

"It's so careless." Chen's mother scolded: "You are such a grown-up person, and people still call you Mr. Chen, but you are still careless in doing things, just like a child who has not grown up."

Chen Hengfeng's cousin said: "This man is different from a woman. A man has to get married to truly grow up."

Mother Chen said: "Why are you getting married? I haven't seen him bring back a serious girlfriend in so many years."

"Oh, Hengfeng has such good conditions, why are you afraid that he can't find a girlfriend?" My cousin said, "He just has a high vision and an ambitious heart. I happen to know a few very good girls, and I can introduce them to Hengfeng." Yes."

"Really? Really?" Mother Chen walked over happily and said, "Whose girl is she from? Do you have any photos?"

Chen Hengfeng went upstairs to wash his hands with an indifferent expression. He didn't understand why these older women were so keen on being matchmakers. Don't they have any other entertainment activities? If you really can't do it, you can still dance in the square.

He wiped his hands, and his seventeen-year-old cousin, who was in high school, went upstairs and said quietly: "Cousin, your mother has fallen in love with that girl from the Zou family. You should find a way quickly."

"What can I do?" Chen Hengfeng said in his heart that as long as I don't want to, it will be useless for them to do this.

"Of course I reject that woman." The cousin said with a subtle look on his face: "I know you like Ruan Zhi. I support you and I will help you."

"Oh." Chen Hengfeng pinched his cousin's face, which was still full of baby fat. "You are so young, what do you know? How do you know that I like Ruan Zhi?"

"Everyone who uses Weibo knows this, okay? Only outdated women like my mother and your mother don't know." The cousin said proudly: "If I help you, how will you reward me?"

"Do I still need your help?" Chen Hengfeng shook his head in a funny way, "Tell me what you want?"

The cousin who used to shamelessly ask Chen Hengfeng for things suddenly felt embarrassed. I saw him squirming for a long time, and then said shyly: "I want to see Ruan Zhi. I like her. I still have her poster on my bedside."

"..." The hand reaching out to my cousin stopped in mid-air.

Chen Hengfeng said solemnly: "We'll talk about the meeting later. You can tear up the poster immediately when you get back, or see how I deal with you."

"Cousin, you are actually jealous." The cousin said, "Don't worry, cousin, I have no other thoughts about Ruan Zhi. I have a very pure admiration for her, like a boy admiring a goddess."

"Pure?" Chen Hengfeng raised his foot and kicked him, "How can you still be pure with such a vulgar expression? Let me give you a few big, pure footprints."

"Cousin, don't kick me!" My cousin said while jumping up and down to avoid it: "Why does the mark on your head look like it was squeezed by the door?"

Chen Hengfeng was stunned for a moment, then became angry and said: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"It's really like that." My cousin said, "I've been squeezed by the door too, I have experience!"

After a day's work, Essie lay on the bed at night and felt that all the bones in her body were brittle. After lying down for less than ten minutes, he was already drowsy. No wonder working people in ancient times went to bed early. They were so tired every day, why didn’t they just fall asleep as soon as they fell into bed?

Even if you have a baby, you have to wait for the slack time to concentrate your efforts. Working is really tiring, even more tiring than a day of working out.

Essie covered herself with a quilt, showing a comfortable smile, and then she was gradually swallowed up by the vortex of sleep.

At this time, the cell phone she had just brought back had a harsh ringtone. Ai Xi woke up with a start. She looked at the cell phone that suddenly lit up with her heart beating fast. She felt that her heart might rupture if it happened a few more times. She picked up her phone and saw that the caller was Chen Hengfeng.

Just talk nonsense on the phone for a long time, but it's still so noisy at night that I can't sleep. What's the grudge? Who is this?

After Ai Xi connected, Chen Hengfeng's voice sounded, "Dear, from today on, let's give each other a good night kiss before going to bed every day, okay? Well, it's your turn."

"It's your turn!" Ai Qian's words merged into one sentence, "Don't call me again!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone neatly, and then added Chen Hengfeng to the blacklist. The whole action was done in one go, as if he had rehearsed it many times.

Chen Hengfeng was stunned by Ai Qian's yelling. He has never been treated like this before in his life? Is this woman crazy? Doesn't she know that she should treat King Jin as warmly as spring? Feeling angry, he called Essie and was told that the other party was not in the service area.

Oh...what an amazing reason...

Chen Hengfeng would continue to persist for any other reason, but he was still in the service area just now, why was he gone in the blink of an eye? Are the reasons given for being blacklisted these days so fresh and refined?

Chen Heng was so angry. He had never been so angry in his life.

He lay on the bed and smoked quietly for a while, then suddenly rushed out of the room, rushed to the corridor on the second floor and said to his cousin and mother Chen who were talking downstairs: "What... what you just said Woman, I saw you, when?"

My cousin was overjoyed, "Hengfeng wants to see Miss Zou? That's great. My aunt will contact you right away."

When Chen Hengfeng returned to the room, he thought to himself, who must return it to you? This CEO wants good looks, a good figure, and money. What kind of woman doesn’t have that? Do you really think I take you seriously?

Essie had no idea about this. She calmed down her little heart, fell asleep for the second time, and almost woke up with a smile from happiness.

After the first day, everyone basically knows what to do. Soon the one-week shooting was over, and the six of them parted at the airport. Everyone except Essie felt a sense of reluctance. Yang Shanshan said: "Let's add WeChat and we can make an appointment to go out for dinner when we have nothing to do."

Ai Xi was so good at it that she added WeChat and almost forgot about them as soon as she got on the plane. We can’t remember living together, we don’t work together, we can’t see each other a few times throughout the year, there’s nothing to remember.

Essie got off the plane and her agent came to pick her up. The agent's expression was strange and he asked, "Did you have a fight with Mr. Chen? I informed him that you were coming back, but he beat me up hard and then hung up the phone."

The phone call that night came to Elsie's mind. When she thought about it, she became very angry. She said casually: "Don't worry about him, he just likes to do it."

The agent stopped talking. She smelled the smoke, and her desire to survive stopped her from asking any more questions.

Chen Hengfeng sat absentmindedly, looking at his watch.

They say the plane will arrive at noon, but I don’t know if I’ve got off the plane now.

Miss Zou, who was opposite, was wearing a well-fitting little dress. She reached out and gently pressed her long hair behind her ears, and asked Chen Hengfeng, "What are Mr. Chen's usual hobbies?"

Chen Hengfeng took a sip of coffee and said, "Oh, golf and baseball, etc., and I also like delicious food."

"Really? I like these very much." Miss Zou said: "If you have time, why don't we go play golf together. My little sisters don't like this and can't find anyone to go with."

Chen Hengfeng nodded. He would usually agree to a woman's request that was not too excessive.

Miss Zou took a spoon and stirred it twice. After hesitating for a while, she finally said: "Mr. Chen got second place a while ago."

Chen Hengfeng didn't respond, "Huh? What did you say?"

"It's about you and that movie star Ruan Zhi." Miss Zou chuckled, "I was shocked when I suddenly learned that you were going to meet me two days ago."

"Oh, that thing." Thinking of Ai Xi, Chen Hengfeng got angry. He said with disdain, "You're a little star, just making fun of things. After all, I'm a businessman."

"You don't need to explain, I think that's the case." Miss Zou said: "My sister was led astray by these people. She is not a good young lady, so she has to join the entertainment industry. That place is so smoky, what about good girls? Can you go to a place like that?"

Chen Hengfeng stiffly twitched the corner of his mouth, what's going on with this woman? Don’t you know that men don’t like talking to women about another woman? I have a terrible low EQ. Is it because my parents spoiled me and my IQ was lost?

The cousin is also true. It’s not good to introduce anyone, but I would like to introduce a woman like this. He has no IQ or EQ, and his angry words are embarrassing to death. Chen Hengfeng resisted rolling his eyes, looked at his watch, and said, "Oh, I still have some business matters to do. That's it for today. I'll take you back."

"No need." Miss Zou felt that she was very considerate, "You go and do your work, I will go back by myself."

Chen Hengfeng left immediately without saying much.

Miss Zou snorted in annoyance. If you just say another word, she will let you give it away.

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