Urban Demon Slayer

189 Someone is coming, someone is coming

After only a few minutes, Wang Qianchen's arm moved slightly.

"Master...Master..." Banzhuan shouted angrily.

"Yes... yes..." Wang Qianchen agreed in a daze, and then got up from the ground. He still felt a splitting headache, as if someone was cutting his brain with ten thousand knives.

After a long pause, Wang Qianchen gradually came to his senses, and then immediately ran towards Li Qianqiu and others.

"Brother Li!"

"Brother Zhou!"

"Sister Long!"

"Zhong Xin!"

Wang Qianchen called one by one, and he found that everyone was not dead, and there were no external injuries on their bodies, but they just couldn't wake up, no matter how they called!

"Stop...stop screaming...they can't wake up..." Ban Bian said weakly.

"What's going on?!" Wang Qianchen looked at the bricks in his hand. He only remembered that Mr. Huang broke through the wall. Just when everyone was about to take the Huisheng Pill and fight to the death, Mr. Huang seemed to whisper something softly, and everyone was stunned. Fall to the ground!

"It's [Rat Nightmare]..." Banzhuan seemed to be affected, and he said unclearly: "The folk will refer to 'Huhuangliubaihui'

It is not unreasonable to be designated as the Five Immortals... Once animals like weasels start to practice, they can learn many spells without a teacher. After they reach the wall realm, they can master a spiritual attack called [Rat Nightmare] , this kind of mental attack is very powerful and can directly put people into a coma, and never wake up again, that is, they are the living dead! Of course, this kind of technique is also very destructive to them, so they won't use it easily... Mr. Huang only stunned us, but didn't kill us. I guess that's the reason..."

"Never wake up?!" Wang Qianchen asked with a trembling voice: "Then... what should I do?"

"There are two ways, either let the person who cast the spell lift it, or kill the person who cast the spell!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go find Mr. Huang..."

Wang Qianchen stood up unsteadily as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"You... don't worry. Mr. Huang has been gone for a while. Where are you going to find him? And even if you find him, you will only die if you confront him!" Ban Zhuan knew that Wang Qianchen was about to lose his mind and quickly persuaded him. He: "What you have to do now is to ask for help.

The second is to protect Li Qianqiu and the others to prevent Mr. Huang from recovering and retaliate! "

Wang Qianchen immediately sniffed with his nose. There was still the smell of Huang Sanye in the house, but there was not much left outside the house, 99% of it had dissipated. It was obviously impossible to track it by smell.

"Yes, yes, ask for help, protect people..." Wang Qianchen was indeed a little panicked, and at Ban Bian's reminder, he immediately reached out to call out Mr. Honglou and others.

"Quickly, carry the person away!" Wang Qianchen called to several monsters.

Mr. Honglou and others had been staying in the Qiankun Bag and did not know what was happening outside. When they saw Li Qianqiu and others lying on the ground, they were all a little confused. Bizhuan had already started to curse: "Hurry up, hysterics." What? I might as well raise a piece of barbecued pork to raise you!"

Normally, several monsters would have quarreled with him, but now they saw that it was not the time to argue, so they quickly reached out and grabbed Li Qianqiu and others.

Wang Qianchen took out his cell phone and called Jiang Zhixue, but couldn't get through. He called Wei Zihua again, but still couldn't get through. He guessed that Zheng Dou Mo Xiao hoped nothing would happen to them.

"Go back to Express Logistics first!" Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and immediately led the demons downstairs. The MPV commercial vehicle was still parked on the side of the road without even extinguishing the ignition.

Wang Qianchen was in an impatient mood and drove everyone to Xinxin Logistics Park. On the way, he suddenly remembered something and asked Ban Zhuan: "We were also hit by [Rat Nightmare], how come we are okay?"

If they are fine, then Li Qianqiu and others should be fine too!

Faced with such a major accident, Ban Zhuan also put away his usual carefree nature and replied in a serious tone: "[Rat Nightmare] is a mental attack to put it bluntly. People with strong mental power will recover faster. You will [ The [Marriage Dream] in "Seventy-Two Changes" naturally has a strong mental power, so he can escape and not sleep forever like them. As for me, because I am not among the targets of Huang Sanye's spell, I am only affected by it. It’s not affected at all, so I wake up quickly.”

"Kill Mr. Huang and they will wake up, right?"


Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth, held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and even made two finger marks on the steering wheel. Before that, he only thought of chasing Huang Sanye as a

To do a task for a demon slayer, he could just follow what everyone else does, but now, he regards it as his own mission, a mission that he must complete even in his ultimate life!

When they arrived at Express Logistics, the demons carried Li Qianqiu and others up to the second floor. Wang Qianchen saw that everyone was still in a coma, and his heart couldn't help but feel sore and painful. Not long ago, several people were very active and gearing up. He wanted to kill Mr. Huang, but in the blink of an eye, he turned into a living dead!

"Someone is coming... Someone is coming..." At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the room next to him.

It's Blind Man Liu, what kind of monster is he?

Wang Qianchen stepped over and was about to ask him what he wanted to do. Blind Liu suddenly raised his head, one of his eyes emitting a faint light.

It turned out that after his unremitting efforts, the black cloth on one of his eyes was finally torn, revealing a piece of white, and he immediately used a mental attack on Wang Qianchen.

At this moment, the environment around Wang Qianchen changed. The small second floor, which was originally a brick structure, suddenly turned into a world of ice and snow where the cold wind was howling. Several birds

The huge polar bear roared towards him.

(End of chapter)

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