Urban Demon Slayer

190 disappeared out of thin air

"[Marriage Dream]!"

Wang Qianchen also quickly launched a mental attack. The ice and snow instantly rolled up Blind Liu, and the polar bears pounced on Blind Liu.

Blind Liu narrowed his eyes, and the polar bears suddenly became confused. They looked this way and then that, not knowing who to attack.

In terms of spiritual power and spiritual power alone, Liu Xiazi is definitely much more powerful than Wang Qianchen, but firstly he only shows one eye, and secondly [Marrying Dream] is the magical power in [Seventy-two Changes] after all, so it is definitely better than Wang Qianchen. His own awakened ability was more advanced, so there was some tension between the two sides for a while, and the winner could not be determined for the time being.

At this moment, the brick flew out from behind Wang Qianchen's waist with a "whoosh" sound, rushed straight in front of Blind Liu's head, and smashed it with a "bang bang bang" sound.

If Blind Liu was free, he would have knocked the bricks away with one slap, but his hands and feet were tied, so he could only take a beating!

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Buzhuang slapped Liu blindly for more than ten times in a row, until he was beaten to a bloody head. In the end, he couldn't hold it back and fell to the ground with an "ouch", and withdrew his mental attack.

Because of what happened to Li Qianqiu and others, Wang Qianchen was already worried

He was so angry that blind man Liu came out to cause trouble in the middle. He was so angry that he rushed up to blind man Liu and punched and kicked him!

There is no place to vent my anger!

It wasn't until Blind Liu was beaten to death that Wang Qianchen stopped. Then he wrapped dozens of layers of black cloth around his eyes, and added dozens of layers of rope on his body. The ends were thick and the middle was thin. The whole person looked like a top. , now even if he wears it to eternity, he will never be able to break free.

It was at this moment that Jiang Zhixue finally called.

Compared with the Luzhou City Demon Slaying Team, the Gaoping City Demon Slaying Team progressed more smoothly. Firstly, Mo Xiao did not anticipate the enemy's opportunities like Huang Sanye did, and secondly, he did not break through the wall at the critical moment, so after some After fighting, he finally succeeded in killing Mo Xiao.

On the phone, Wang Qianchen talked about his situation.

"I know, I'll go back right away." Jiang Zhixue's voice was still calm, and no emotion could be heard.

Twenty minutes later, the Gaoping City Demon Slayer Team returned to Express Logistics.

Jiang Zhixue looked at Li Qianqiu and others one by one, and stayed in front of Long Kui for a little longer, but it only lasted for two or three seconds, and others could not notice it at all.


"Xiaowei, Xiaochen, you two guard the store while we go out to find Mr. Huang!" After understanding what happened to [Rat Nightmare], Jiang Zhixue left a few words and took Brother Jin and the others away from Express Logistics.

In the next few days, Jiang Zhixue and others almost turned Gaoping City upside down, and even various departments got involved. Unfortunately, there was still no whereabouts of Mr. Huang.

They even made a trip to Luzhou City, took You Wei out and beat him up, but they still couldn't find Mr. Huang.

It's like this guy disappeared out of thin air.

If a monster is determined to hide himself and just find a ravine, who else can find him?

Because everyone was very busy and really had no time to take care of Blind Liu, nor did they have time to deal with Tian Qi, so they handed him over to the relevant departments for processing. Monsters can be killed directly. After all, Blind Man Liu is a human being. When the life of the monster slayer is not threatened, he still has to go through the normal process. He should be sentenced or jailed.

During this period, Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua had been staying at Express Logistics, guarding Li Qianqiu and others who were still in a coma.

After being hit by [Rat Nightmare], Li Qianqiu and others fell into a state of "living dead", and their body functions were completely rigid.

There is no need to eat or drink, just lying there upright. Apart from being able to breathe, there is really no difference between living and dead.

Of course, the superiors of [Demon Slayers] also knew about this matter. Except for Wang Qianchen, a temporary member, the Luzhou Demon Slayer Team was completely wiped out. After a few days, the superiors issued a notice to prepare for the removal of Li Qianqiu. They were sent to a secret hospital in the provincial capital.

Before finding Mr. Huang, this was undoubtedly the best place to go.

The night before Li Qianqiu and others were sent away, Jiang Zhixue quietly came to Long Kui, held her hand and shed tears.

"Don't worry... I will definitely find Mr. Huang... I will definitely rescue you... Xiaoshu and I are still waiting for you..." Jiang Zhixue's voice was low and choked, and he rambled a lot. .

He thought others couldn't hear it, but Wang Qianchen heard it.

Wang Qianchen, who was lying in another room, also clenched his hands quietly. It was only now that he knew the relationship between Jiang Zhixue and Nightshade. He secretly swore in his heart that he would find Mr. Huang and cut him into pieces!

Time passed day by day, and there was still no trace of Mr. Huang. It was time for Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua to go to [The Demon-Slaying Man Chapter 1].

training camp].

Wang Qianchen needed to prepare some things, so he returned to Luzhou City in advance. Because Luzhou City has a direct high-speed rail to Shangjing City, Wei Zihua made an appointment with him to come over on a different day.

Some time ago, Wang Qianchen had been staying in Gaoping City. Now he feels a little close to home when he returns to Luzhou City, because there are too many familiar people and familiar stories. He and Li Qianqiu and others used to accompany each other day and night, touring various urban areas together. , killing various monsters together, but now things have changed and he is the only one left.

He first went to the hospital to visit his father.

Before he went to Gaoping City, he hired a caregiver to take care of his father. The caregiver was quite responsible and his father was quite satisfied with it, so he didn't change it.

Wang Qianchen came to the hospital

From then on, he fetched water and fed his father as usual, and then said that he needed to leave for a while.

"You should be busy when you need to be busy. I have nothing to do...but you should also pay attention to rest." Wang De felt that his son seemed to be much quieter when he came back this time, thinking it was due to hard work.

Wang Qianchen said "hmm", said a few words to Uncle Chen, and left the hospital with a lonely look.

At the nurse's station, a pair of eyes stared at him quietly, but in the end they didn't say a word.

(End of chapter)

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